Rex D. Kibler, Jr. is our senior pastor. Rex and his wife Marcia are natives of the Danville, Illinois area. They have three grown sons, Jared, Jacob and Nathan and a dog, Snoop. Rex is a graduate of Johnson Bible College and the Divinity School at Vanderbilt University. Marcia and Rex have served churches in South Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama and Michigan. They have been serving Central Christian Church of Jacksonville since December 2008. They are happy to be making their home in Jacksonville. On behalf of the congregation and staff of Central Christian Church you are invited to join us for worship and service. Bernall Ackerman has been our church administrative assistant since 1996. A native of Virginia, Illinois, Bernall
is active in TwelveStone Church. Bernall is a wealth of information. If you have any questions concerning
use of the building, announcements, policies or any other concern please give Bernall a call.
Rhona Crouse has served as organist since December 2000. In fact, she began her ministry on her birthday! A
talented muscian, Rhonda plays for the choir and other groups, as well as playing handbells with the Disciple Ringers.