The Church Partners sign up to be the "doorkeepers" in the Father's House.  They open the church and prepare it for worship, as well as locking up after services.  If you are interested in serving as a Church Partner, please contact Linda Donovan or the Church office. 

Aug. 7                     Gary and Nancy Spangenberg
Aug. 14                   Allen and Colleen Belcher
August 21                Wayne and Patty White
Aug. 28                   Brian and Amy Gillespie
Sept. 4                    Joe ad Jeanne Cors
Sept. 11                  Darrell and Nancy Wynn
Sept. 18                   Gary and Linda Donovan
Sept. 25                   Terry and Sharon Maggart
Oct. 2                     Stephen and Cammie Symons
Oct. 9                     Gary and Nancy Spangenberg
Oct. 16                   Allen and Colleen Belcher
Oct. 23                   Wayne and Patty White