Crawford County Solid Waste District

Open Burning in Crawford County
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Want to Burn in Crawford County?

Get the Facts!


What is legal to burn?

It is legal for residents to burn clean wood products only. Businesses may not burn anything at any time. This is only legal if appropriate guidelines and conditions are met. See the guidelines and conditions below.


Guidelines for legal burning:

Ø      Only clean wood products may be burned. (NOT wood products coated with stain, paint, glue, etc.)

Ø      The fire, no matter how small, must be attended until extinguished.

Ø      Burning must be done during daylight hours.

Ø      Firefighting equipment adequate for the size of the fire must be nearby.

Ø      Fires must be extinguished if they create a fire hazard, nuisance, pollution problem or threat to public health.

Ø      The pile must be no larger than 1000 cubic feet. In Crawford County, the guideline used is 10W x 10D x 10H ft.


Appropriate conditions must exist in order to legally burn:

Ø      Winds no greater than 11 miles per hour

Ø      Humidity no less than 35%

Ø      No pollution alert or ozone alert days


Report your intent to burn:

If the brush pile is large enough to attract attention while burning (this is considered a controlled burn), you should report your intent to burn to the county dispatch or to the local fire department. When you call in your intent to burn, you are not receiving permission to burn, you are merely reporting it. It is your responsibility to know that your intent is a legal one.


Burning inside town limits?

If you live inside town limits, the town law may be stricter. Check with the town council before burning.


What is illegal open burning?

Burning anything other than clean wood is illegal. This includes painted or stained lumber, plywood, paneling, old homes and outbuildings, soiled household paper products, bottles, cans, cardboard, food waste, construction debris, etc.


Are there any other options for legal open burning?

You may apply for a variance from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Please call: 1-800-451-6027 and ask for extension 35672


Report suspected illegal burning and get more information on legal options:

(And for more information on open burning and other disposal options)

Crawford County Solid Waste District: 812-338-2728,


For more information on open burning in Indiana go to:

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