We provide therapy to children birth through 13 years of age to improve their speech, language, and feeding skills. We evaluate, diagnose, make recommendations/referrals, and provide therapy to address a variety of disorders including:
- expressive and receptive language disorders
- speech issues (such as functional articulation disorders, speech apraxia, or phonological process disorders)
- written language disorders (reading, writing, and spelling)
- cognitive, memory and attention skills
- autism spectrum disorder/PDD/Asperger’s
- sensory/motor feeding disorders (including feeding-tube issues)
- neurologically-based motor speech disorders
- auditory processing disorders
A Note About Birth-to-Three Services
Federal law states that children ages birth to three must have access to therapy service as needed. These services include an FRC (family resource coordinator), provided at no charge, in order to ensure that the child receives all of the appropriate services. In our state, children age birth to 3 years most often receive services through a birth-to-three center. For children who qualify, birth-to-three centers offer thearpy services at little or no cost to the family, relying on funding through private insurance, public school funds, United Way, DSHS, and donations. Because research indicates that the best place for your child to work on communication skills is in your own home, most birth-to-three centers offer homecare. In our area, Little Red Schoolhouse (in Lynnwood), Sherwood Excel (in Snohomish County), Wonderland (in Shoreline), and Kindering Center (in Bellevue) can provide OT, PT, SLP, and education services. It is for these reasons that we recommend that families consider contacting their local birth-to-three center if they are concerned about their child’s speech/language skills.
However, if you find that your local birth-to-three center does not meet your child/family’s needs, or if you would like additional SLP services, CTK would be happy to work with you. We will also help you to access FRC services. In addition, CTK is also able to provide feeding/swallowing therapy to children of all ages.