Dancin' Feats

Mini Lesson: Step Pivot

The Step Pivot, sometimes also called the Military Turn, is a two count turn that is used in many line dances.

Other mini-lessons: Jazz Box

The Step Pivot is usually done in two beats of music.  The Step Pivot can be done turning right or turning left.  To turn right, you start by moving your left foot.  To turn left, you start by moving your right foot.  The illustration shows a Step Pivot turning left a half turn.

Start with feet together
Step forward on right foot
Pivot left on toes, shifting weight
Count 0
Count 1
Count 2

Step Pivot Turning Left (illustrated above)
On the first beat, step your right foot forward.
On the second beat, pivot on the balls of both feet, turning left.  To pivot, lift your heels slightly up off the dance floor.  Turn towards your left shoulder.  After the turn, but on the same beat of music (the second beat), shift your weight to your left foot. 
Step Pivots can be done as a quarter turn to the left or as a half turn to the left. 

Step Pivot Turning Right
On the first beat, step your left foot forward.
On the second beat, pivot on the balls of both feet, turning right.  To pivot, lift your heels slightly up off the dance floor.  Turn towards your right shoulder.  After the turn, but on the same beat of music (the second beat), shift your weight to your right foot. 
Step Pivots can be done as a quarter turn to the right or as a half turn to the right. 
There are other variations, including three-quarter turns and not shifting weight after the turn is complete, but these are the exception.  And, as with most moves, the count can be syncopated.


Styling Tip:  To make your Step Pivot look sharp, keep your toes pointed forward as you step on the first beat.  Then make your turn on the second beat.  Keep the two parts of the Step Pivot distinct: step forward, then turn.  This will give the move a crisp look.

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