Dancin' Feats

Mini-Lesson: Jazz Box

A Jazz Box is a four count movement that can be executed starting with either foot.

Other mini-lessons: Step Pivot

Start with feet together
Count 0
Cross right foot over left
Count 1
Step left foot back
Count 2
Step right foot to the side
Count 3
Step left foot next to right
Count 4

RIGHT JAZZ BOX starts by moving the right foot.

A Jazz Box is normally executed in four steps.  Each step is usually done on one beat of music. 
Right Jazz Box
  1. Cross the right foot over the left leg and place weight on the right foot.
  2. Step the left foot back and place weight on it.
  3. Step the right foot to the right side and place weight on it.
  4. Step the left foot next to the right foot and place weight on it.

A Left Jazz Box has the same footwork, started on the opposite foot.

  1. Cross the left foot over the right leg and place weight on the left foot.
  2. Step the right foot back and place weight on it.
  3. Step the left foot to the left side and place weight on it.
  4. Step the right foot next to the left foot and place weight on it.

A Jazz Box is usually done with normal timing and takes four counts.  There are variations, of course, as with any step.  Sometimes, hold counts are placed in between the steps.

Styling can be added to a Jazz Box by bending at the knees more during execution, giving the move a dip and adding a jazzy look.

Turning Jazz Box.
Often, turns are added to the basic Jazz Box step.  Usually, a right Jazz Box will turn to the right and a left Jazz Box will turn to the left.  A quarter turn can be added on count 3, the step to the side.  To add a half turn, add a quarter turn on count 2, the step back, and another quarter turn on count 3, the step to the side.

Vol 1 Issue 4.0
Your web site hosts are Pam & Eagle.  Email us at Dancin.Feats@frontier.com