Cigar Box Guitars

Blue Haze Guitars

I call them "Blue Haze" because of the cigar smoke!

Cigar Box Guitars and how I make them

I like making the guitars because of my love of music and my regular guitars.

My guitars are for FUN!!

***** Please use extreme care around power tools!! *****
***** Fingerless friends and luthiers are not much fun or help!! *****

Just a few pics of Blue Haze #001

Blue Haze Cigar Box Guitar Number 1
Arturo Fuente Box--Mahogany Neck--Brass Frets--1/8" Brass Position Markers

Walnut Bridge--1/4" Brass Bolt--Martin Strings

Sound Hole has been trimmed with Mahogany Trim Ring since photo was taken.

Chrome Covered Tuners
Brass Box Corners Have Also Been Added
As Well As a Strap

Let's Jam!! I have also made a 'shorty' brass slide.
Piezo Element under center of lid for pickup to amp!!
Sound Real Good through an amp.

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