English III Course Syllabus
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English III

Mrs. Marks – Room 10


General Information

Welcome to English III.  During this course we will cover both literature and grammar./ writing  We will be reading from a variety of genres throughout the year including plays, novels, short stories, and poetry.  The focus of this course will be American Literature. I will also be working with you on vocabulary and grammar in preparation for the PSAE and ACT.  Finally, one of the requirements during the second semester will be a research paper. 



A lot of time goes into preparation for any course, with English being no exception.  Many hours will be spent by the teacher not only in teaching the lessons, but when writing each lesson and grading all of the assignments.  I will be putting forth a lot of effort, and I will expect the same from each of you.  I will expect you to come to class on time every day.  I will also expect you to bring all of your materials.  This includes books, paper and pen/pencil.  I also expect you to turn in all assignments when they are due.  If you have a problem completing an assignment you need to talk with me.  Finally, if you have a question, please ask it.  If questions are not asked, then I will assume that you know the material and I will move on to another lesson.  There is no such thing as a dumb question!!!  I want for you to be successful in this class, but your successfulness will depend on the effort you put in to the class.


Classroom Procedures

  • Be in your seat when the bell rings  (excessive tardiness will result in detentions)
    • see student handbook for further description
  • Have all materials out and ready to go (do not forget things in your locker)
  • Listen and follow directions carefully
  • Keep working until directed otherwise
  • Stay in your seat unless given permission to be up
    • students will not be allowed out of the room



Homework (35%) – Completing your homework and giving your best effort is one easy way to be successful in my classes.  If I am going to take the time to grade the homework, then I expect you to do the homework.  Failing to complete your homework can easily cause your overall grade to drop.  Not all assignment will be graded based on the number of correct answers.  Some assignments will be graded on whether or not you completed the assignment. 


Reader Response Journals (15%) – For every story/article we read, you will be asked to respond in your journal.  You must write for the entire time period.  Typically, you will be given 5-10 minutes to write in your journals.  Since I will be providing you with the journals, they are not to leave the room.  Also, you are not to tear pages out of them or draw in them unless directed to do so


Book Reports (100 Test Points) – You will be required to do a total of four book reports this year - one for each quarter.  Your book choice will need to be approved by the teacher before you begin.  The book that you choose should be grade appropriate.  One book report will be in the form of an oral presentation.


Tests/Quizzes (50%) – Each test will vary in format.  We will have a review for each test, and at that time I will tell you the format of the test.   I will use different types of questions on the tests.  If the test contains an essay question, you must answer the essay question in order to get credit for the rest of the test.  This means that if you do not answer the essay question, you will get a zero on the test.


Extra Credit

During each quarter, there will be different opportunities for you to earn extra credit.  In order for you to get the credit, the directions must be followed exactly; otherwise no extra credit will be given. 



We will do a variety of assignments that will be considered homework.  Some of the assignments will be done in class and some will be assigned to be completed at home.  If you do not complete the assignments, there will be consequences.  Turning in a late assignment will result in a loss of points.  If the assignment is not turned in when it is asked for it is considered late.  If you are absent for any reason, it is your responsibility to get with me about the work you have missed.  I will not track you down to give you the assignments!!!  Work from an unexcused absence must be completed and will be worth 50%.



10.  All assignments must contain the following in either the left or right hand corner of your paper:

                        First and last name

                        Class and hour

Title of the assignment and/or page number

                        Date due

Failure to include this information will result in a zero for the assignment.