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Classroom Management Plan

Really, there is only one rule that I need to have in place and that is respect – respect yourself, respect others, and respect property.  However, this rule is broad so I will expand on it for you.  If you show me respect, the respect will be mutual.  Consequences for violating the rules can and will vary depending on the severity of the violation and the number of times a violation has occurred. 


  1.  All regular school rules apply – See Student Handbook for rules and consequences

  2. Be in your seat and ready to begin class when the bell rings. Those who do not follow this rule will be issued a tardy.

  3.  Bring all materials to class.  This includes pen, pencil, paper, textbook, planner, library book, and research materials

  4.  No food or drink in class unless I give you permission (This includes gum)

  5.  All formal papers must be completed in blue or black ink or may be typed.

  6.  Do not write on the desks or in the textbooks

  7.  Cheating will not be tolerated.  Cheating will result in a failing grade and an office referral.

  8.  No talking or passing notes unless given permission

  9.  No talking at all during a test.  Talking at any point will result in a failing grade

10.  All assignments must contain the following in either the left or right hand corner of your paper:

                   First and last name

                   Class and hour

Title of the assignment and/or page number

                   Date due

Failure to include this information will result in a zero for the assignment.

11.  If you have an excused absence, you are responsible for getting your make-up work and completing it in a timely matter.



Classroom Procedures

§  Be in your seat when the bell rings  (excessive tardiness will result in detentions)

o   see student handbook for further description

§  Have all materials out and ready to go (do not forget things in your locker)

§  Listen and follow directions carefully

§  Keep working until directed otherwise

§  Stay in your seat unless given permission to be up

o   students will not be allowed out of the room except the first and last five minutes and with proper planner.