Shawnee High School English Classes

Book Report Requirements
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Book Report Requirements
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Research Requirements
Book Report Requirements - Non-fiction

English III and English IV                                                                 Name:_______________

Book Report Requirements


Due Date: __________________




Name:  Put your name here

Class: Put your class period here

Date: The date that you are handing the paper in


Publication information:  (MLA Citation  Format) 

Last name, First Name (of author).  Title of book (italics / underlined).  City of Publication:  Publisher, Year of Publication.  Medium of Publication.


Setting:  Here is where you tell me about the setting of the story.  Remember that the setting is more than where the story takes place.  You should also include when the story takes place.  Also include the social expectations of the time period that the book takes place.  This information should be 4-7 sentences.


Characters:  List the major characters in the story and give a 2-3 sentence description of each character.  Be sure to mention who the protagonist(s) and antagonist(s) are.


Conflict:  What is the central conflict of the story?  In other words, what does the protagonist need to overcome?


Theme:  What is the theme of the book or the unifying idea?


Tone:  What is the author’s tone in the book or the author’s writing style.


Summary:  The summary needs to be set up in three paragraphs – what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the book.  Each paragraph should be 7-10 sentences in length.  Do not copy the summary from the back of the book or copy one off the internet.


Opinion:  This is the part of the report where you tell me what you think of the book.  Tell me what you like and dislike about the story.  What was the best / worst part of the book?  Did the story start slow and get better?  Also tell me whom you would recommend the book to.  This section should be 3-5 sentences.


Special Rules

-          Put your report in the correct format or points will be lost.

-          Report needs to be written in final draft form (blue/black ink or typed).

-          Use nice, easy to read handwriting.

-          Make sure to follow grammar rules.

-          If typing, use the following guidelines:  black ink only, 12 or 14 point font, use a font style that is similar to typewriter print (no fancy fonts), double space with one inch margins

-          Books must be approved by me.  You must sign a sheet telling me what you are reading.

-          Books need to be grade level appropriate.