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Julie's Blog

Julie's thoughts and ramblings.....from the heart.

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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Gabby is going to be a big sister!
Two weeks ago, Brian and I were at the marriage retreat that our church had.  I had wanted to go last year.  This year, my mom blessed us with the gift to go, giving it to us as our Christmas present.  I just knew God had good things in store for us with this marriage retreat.  I just didn't know how great, though.  I just found out this morning that I am pregnant.  And I know for a fact that this baby was conceived at the marriage retreat.  The most awesome thing about that is that the time frame certainly does not seem right for conception....so I know what a gift from God this is.  It is so hard to describe my emotions right now.  When I took the test, I was home alone (well, the poodles were with me.)  I just couldn't get myself out of bed....I didn't feel well and just felt whipped.  I ended up sleeping until 1 pm, so I guess I really was tired.  After I took the test, my hands were shaking...I just kept looking at it remembering when I had taken the one that told me I was pregnant with Gabby.  I looked at it wondering if it could really be true.  I am so excited that Gabby is going to have a sibling.  I have always wanted Gabby to have the sister that I never had, but always wanted, but I would be just as tickled with a son.  If we do have a boy, maybe we will just have to try again for a 3rd. 
My heart is just overwhelmed with love for this new little person growing within my belly.  I am excited to be able to see my two children together next summer.  I am very excited to see what my child will look like.  I remember wondering the same thing when I was pregnant with Gabby.  The day of her birth, I could not put her down.  I wasn't sleeping well anyway towards the end of my pregnancy, then went into labor with her about 8:30 pm at night.  I was up all night in labor and had her at 8:32 am the next morning.  I stayed up all that first day and then it was around 2 am the next morning when the nurse came in and told me that I had better put that baby down and get some sleep.  The day I had Gabby was one of the very best days in my life.  I just could not stop looking at her.  I finally had to tell myself that she would still be there they next day, so I put her down and as soon as I layed on my tummy (WOW did that feel good) I was out. 
As best I can figure, this new addition is due the first or second week of July 2006.  I will most likely have to have a C-section this time, so it will probably be sometime around the end of June.
I told my mom by telling her that I didn't think I'd be able to go to her family reunion this year.  The picnic is on July 2nd.  Mom always told me that I didn't pick good timing to have Gabby, because they are always gone to Texas for Gabby's birthday.  I guess I didn't have good timing with this one either, at least for this year because Mom and Uncle Archie are in charge of the reunion this year, and that is going to be right around my due date.  Mom said that maybe I would be up to going, but remembering last time, I doubt it.  Especially since this time I will most likely be having a C-section.
I just am sitting here thinking how the Lord is so good.  I feel so very blessed.
Sun, November 13, 2005 | link

Friday, November 11, 2005

Been a few days since I posted
My Gabby girl is growing up right before my very eyes.  Her latest thing is her Veggie Tales.  She wakes up and wants Veggie Tales and wants them when she gets up from her nap and at bedtime.  She likes to watch the same one over and over and over!  We really started watching them more at the end of October.  Some of her favorite shows on the Noggin channel had scary stuff in them, so I didn't want her watching.  She is also attached to her "sleepers."  It has been hard to get them off of her. 
Fri, November 11, 2005 | link

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

What a looooooooong couple of weeks!
Whew!  What a long couple of weeks!  I am used to being home most of the time and just leaving about 2 times a week.  For the last 2.5-3 weeks, I've had somewhere to be every day.  I am pooped!  Today is the first day I didn't have to be anywhere!  I don't have to be anywhere until Friday morning!  Yea!
Brian and I went on a marriage retreat put on by our church over the weekend.  Boy was it great!  It was our belated 10th anniversary get away and our Christmas present from my parents.  It is something that we would like to do every year.  It was a wonderful time away and really good for us.  We like to do stuff as a family with the 3 of us (and the poodles-when we can take them) but we also need time away with just the two of us.  That is hard to do most of the time.
Psalm 8 - "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!  You have set your glory above the heavens.  From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.  When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?  You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.  You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet: all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas.  O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!"
Lord help me to praise you in all of the things in my life....the hard and bad times especially.  Lord I pray that your Light shine in my life.  Your name IS so majestic!  Lord, thank you for all I am and all I have....I would be nothing without You!  Amen!
Wed, November 2, 2005 | link

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