Mill Creek Family Practice
Fees, Payments and Insurance
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Colonoscopy and Vasectomy
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Fees, Payments and Insurance
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It is our policy to collect payment at the time of service, unless you have made special arrangements with the billing staff. If your insurance plan has a co-pay, we are required to collect that at the time of service.


Charges for laboratory tests done in our office, immunizations, injections and other procedures we perform are added to your bill. Services not performed at MCFP, such as special lab work and other hospital services, are billed to you separately by the organizations providing the service.


We bill most of the large insurance carriers as a courtesy for our patients. Please call and verify that your insurance is one we bill. If you have questions about our fees or insurance companies we contract with, please contact our billing staff at 425-745-4750,option 2.

Below you will find a list of the major insurance carriers that we accept.  If you do not find you insurance on this list or if you have any questions please contact the billing office.

(For Specific Plan Details Please Contact Your Insurance Carrier)
Blue Cross
First Choice
One Health
Great West
First Health
And many more.......


Most insurance plans require a referral from your primary care provider to see a specialist.  To avoid having to pay out-of-pocket costs, please read your benefit information carefully to detrmine your company's policy on referrals and specialty care.  Referrals for specialists generally must be received before an appointment can be scheduled.  Except in emergencies, referrals usually require 3-7 business days to coordinate with the specialist and your insurance company.

Now Accepting New Patients
Mill Creek Family Practice
1025 153rd St SE #200
Mill Creek, WA 98012
(425) 745-4750