Mill Creek Family Practice
Our Services
Colonoscopy and Vasectomy
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How to Find Us

Northbound I-5


      Take Exit #183, “164th

      Turn right onto 164th and go to the bottom of the hill.

      Turn left onto Bothell-Everett Hwy.

      Turn right on 153rd, just past the fire station

      Turn immediately left into the parking lot of Lawrence C. Schmidt Building.

      We are in Suite 200 on the 2nd floor.


Southbound I-5


      Take Exit #183, “164th

      Turn left onto l64th and go to the bottom of the hill.

      Turn left onto Bothell-Everett Hwy.

      Turn right on 153rd,  just past the fire station.

      Turn immediately left into the parking lot of Lawrence C. Schmidt Building.

      We are in Suite 200 on the 2nd floor.


Now Accepting New Patients
Mill Creek Family Practice
1025 153rd St SE #200
Mill Creek, WA 98012
(425) 745-4750