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Quick index:
Binary Zone Interactive -
Centsible Software -
Click Here Software -
Computer Bargain Store -
Creative Micro Designs -
8 Bit Design -
Harvey and Associates -
IHC Amiga Computers & Squeaky Sam's -
Kasara Microsystems -
Parsec -
Performance Peripherals Europe -
Protovision -
Binary Zone Interactive34 Portland Rd. Droitwich, Worcestershire, England, WR9 7QW E-mail: Web page:
Public Domain software, music CDs and tapes, and the "Commodore Zone" magazine.
Centsible SoftwareP.O. Box 445 Edwardsburg, MI 49112 (574) 315-2794 E-mail: -- for Order questions Web page:
Over 5,000 titles of C64/C128 and Amiga software and hardware, including hard-to-find titles. New distributor for the "Maverick" v5.25 copier system and the "1541/1571 Drive Alignment" program. Visa and Mastercard accepted.
Click Here Software/Maurice Randall426 Sumpter St. P.O. Box 606 Charlotte, MI 48813 1-866-CMDRKEY (1-866-263-7539) BBS: The Speed Zone (517) 322-2386 E-mail: Web page:
New owner of Creative Micro Designs' product line.
Turbo232 modem interface for C64 and C128 computers. Allows you to connect a standard external modem to your Commodore, with support for up to 230,400 bps. $39.95 plus S&H.
"geoFAX" v2.1, fax software for GEOS 2.0 (C64 or C128). Sends and receives faxes, can scan in pages when used with a fax machine and can also print faxes and GeoPaint files. Requires SwiftLink cartridge and a Group III Class 2 fax modem. $39.95 + $4.00 S & H.
Upgrade to v2.1 is available upon request
"Wheels". An update to the GEOS 2.0 64 and GEOS 2.0 128 operating systems, giving more flexibility with disk drives, hard drives, and ram drives, as well as other features.
"geoShell" v2.2. A command line interface/replacement for the GEOS DeskTop, for when typing in commands is quicker than using the icons.
"geoMorph". Alters geoPaint images in neat and interesting ways.
See also their entry in the Hardware section and the Software section.
Computer Bargain Store3366 South 2300 East Salt Lake City, UT 84109 Orders: 1-888-466-8084 Information: (801) 466-8084 Fax: (801) 486-9128 Order hours: 9:30-5:00, MST Store hours: 1:00-5:00 weekdays, 12:00-3:00 Saturday, MST E-mail: Web page:
Huge selection of new and used Commodore, VIC-20, Amiga, Apple II, IBM, Macintosh, and game system (Atari VCS, CDTV/CD32, Sega, etc.) software, hardware, manuals and accessories at excellent prices. We have been in business for 15 years and have many satisfied customers.
8-Bit DesignsMichael Hunter P.O. Box 876879 Wasilla, AK 99687 (907) 373-7778 E-mail: Web page:
A new company started by Michael Hunter, who has worked with 8-bit computers since the 1980s. 8-Bit Designs offers a wide range of hardware, including power supplies, printer interfaces, cables, gamepads, XE1541 cables, etc. Also performs repairs and upgrades.
Harvey and Associates, Inc. 255 N. 3rd St. Laramie, WY 82072 (307) 745-7077 E-mail:
Sets of disks with GEOS pictures, C64 art, Stereo SIDplayer music, and printer ribbons. Also performs repairs on Commodore equipment.
Send $2.00 for prices and more information (the $2.00 will be applied to your first order).
International House of Computers-Charles GriforE-mail: Web page: Jeffrey Court, #104 New Hudson, MI 48165 (248) 486-9368
Hardware, software and books for Commodore, Amiga, and IBM.
Parsec P.O. Box 111 Salem, MA 01970-0111 (617) 586-9159 BBS--Line 1: (617) 593-0305 Line 2: (617) 593-9867
Sells sets of Shareware and Public Domain disks: Maximum Photos for GEOS, Susan Lamb clip art, games, GEOS, utilities and C128.
Publisher of Twin Cities 128/64 (see their entry in Magazines and Other Information Sources).
Performance Peripherals Europe Silcherstraße 16 53332 Bornheim Germany Orders: +0180 3 234 235 Fax: + 02227 3221
Hardware and software for the C64/C128, Nintendo and Playstation.
ProtovisionOliver Foerster Koenigsberger Strasse 12 35576 Wetzlar Germany E-mail: Web page:
Distributor and developer of many Commodore products. A small sampling of their products include: the 4 Player Interface (adds two more joystick ports to your C64/C128), Retro Replay freezer cartridge, magazines, Virtual Assembler 16, the WiNGS operating system (combining JOS and CLiPS), Team Patrol, Metal Dust, and Newcomer (a game covering 14 disk sides).
See their website for their full product listing.
SintechGastäckerstr. 23 70794 Filderstadt Germany Phone/Fax: ++49/(0)711-775033 E-mail: Web page:
Hardware and software for the C64/C128, Amiga, Amstrad, Atari, IBM, and Sinclair computers, and various game systems.
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