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As a Board Member, I promise:
To do my best to keep NRA fiscally strong and financially responsible in the conduct of its business affairs.
To promote legalization of the concealed carry of handguns for personal protection nationwide.
To work hard to take back gun rights that have been stripped from us.
To fight against bans on gun shows, to fight efforts to eliminate the private transfers of firearms, and to oppose efforts to interfere in lawful commerce in firearms and ammunition.
To vehemently and actively oppose any direct or indirect attempts to create any sort of national registry of guns and gun owners.
I also beleive that:
The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America guarantees our individual right to keep and bear the personal arms of our choice.
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are plainly written, and they mean what they say.  They are not "living documents" to be rewritten by liberal judges to obtain (by court order) what certain "politically correct" causes have been unable to achieve legislatively.  The Bill of Rights and Constitution are not to be tampered with. LEAVE THEM ALONE!
There are already too many gun laws on the books.  No more are needed.  We must start rolling them back and removing them from the law.  This particularly applies to restrictions on where concealed carry permit holders may carry their sidearms.
A "Gun Owners' Bill of Rights" needs to be enacted.
We must actively and agressively fight the activities of international gun grabbers who seek to circumvent the Second Amendment by pursuing anti-gun international treaties through the United Nations.
Shooting Range Protection laws need to be strengthened and expanded to include protections for shooting preserves and game ranches.

    "The right of citizens to bear arms is just one more guarantee against arbitrary government, one more safeguard against the tyranny which now appears remote in America, but which historically has proven to be always possible."
Hubert H. Humphrey 
Vice President of the United States and United States Senator

The individual right to keep and bear arms guarantees the right to be free!