My Personal Witness and Other Information

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My Personal Witness and Other Information
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My personal witness and prayer:
The Lord Jesus is my Savior.  He is an indispensible part of my life.  Though His body, which He gave for me, and His blood, which He shed for me, my sins are washed away, and I am saved.  With Him, all things are possible.  Without Him, I am nothing.  Thank you, Lord Jesus, for always being with me and my loved ones.
   For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. - John 3:16

Religious Afililiation:
I am Lutheran, as is Emily, my wife of 32 years.  Our children, William and Robert, have been baptized and raised in the church.  William is confirmed, and Robert will start Catechism in a year or so.  We attend Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church (ELCA) in Adrian, Michigan

College Fraternity:  I am proud to be a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

Masonic Fraternity:  I am proud to be a Mason.  I am an active member of the Zenobia Shrine Highlanders.

Magazine Column


Beginning in 1999, I have written (and continue to write) a monthly column for Trap and Field magazine, the official journal of the Amateur Trapshooting Association.  The column is entitled “Legislatively Speaking”.


Elected Offices Held


On August 6, 1996, I was first elected a precinct delegate to the Lenawee County Republican Convention.  At this convention, I was successful in getting a resolution supporting "shall-issue" concealed pistols legislation passed by the Lenawee County Convention.  The resolution passed unanimously.


I have continued to be reelected as a precinct delegate, and I have been a delegate to the Michigan State Republican Convention, on several occasions.  I served on a committee of the Michigan Education Association Republican Caucus, to screen candidates for the Boards of Regents and Governors of certain state universities, the Michigan Board of Education, and the Michigan State Supreme Court.

Military Service


I was an ROTC Cadet at the New Mexico Military Institute (NMMI), for the 1969-70 academic year. NMMI is an honors military academy.  I turned 17 years old while I was in attendance there.


On my 18th birthday, I properly and lawfully registered with my local selective service board in Detroit, Michigan.  I was classified as 1-H (holding for the draft selection lottery).  In the spring of 1972, my birthday was drawn as number 22, and I was notified, in September of that year, to report for my physical.  After the physical, I was received a 1-A classification.  In October of 1972, then President Richard Nixon ended the draft, and I was never called up.  Sometime subsequent to this event, my classification was returned to 1-H.


I think service in the United States Armed Forces is an honorable pursuit, and I hold those who served (and are serving) in very high esteem. I also salute the position of the Commander in Chief, and our Current President. I absolutely do not approve of seconding the personnel of the United States Armed Forces to United Nations command and control.  Neither does the United States of America need a permission slip from the United Nations to respond to attacks on us or to otherwise defend ourselves.




Things Masonic and things Scottish.  Military science, particularly small arms and tactics.  Sports of the great outdoors, particularly the shooting sports.  Especially enjoy trapshooting, sporting clay target shooting, and bird hunting. 


Benefactor Member of NRA.  Member of the NRA Whittington Center’s Founders Club.  Member of NRA’s Heritage Society. Life member of the Amateur Trapshooting Association. Member, Member of the German Gun Collectors Association. Member of Ohio Gun Collectors Association.  Member of the Great Lakes Sport Shooting Association.  Member of the Shooters Alliance for Firearms Rights.  Locally, I belong to the Lenawee County Conservation League, which is affiliated with Michigan United Conservation Clubs and the National Rifle Association.  I also belong to the Okoboji Indians, a trapshooting organization that celebrates its 109th anniversary in 2007. 

The individual right to keep and bear arms guarantees the right to be free!