A place in the attic (or perhaps the basement) of your mind.

Welcome to "ECLECTICA" the home page of Steven R. Jaynes & family

This Site is like a government project.

It will be under construction forever!

We'll add comments and links about the things we hope you'll like sharing.

®1999. All rights reserved for ALL pages, content, and images, used on this Web Site. Reuse or reproduction of any portion of the content is NOT permitted without the express written permission of the author.

Contact Steve Jaynes using the email link found on this site for additional information.

Some of the stuff we are interested in, and like best are:

Steve started in the computer industry in 1968, and has been involved with Commercial Parallel Processing since 1985.

Sequent Computer Systems (where Steve works) has just merged with IBM.
(The active link is to the public Home Page for the company formally known as Sequent Computer Systems, NOW known as IBM, NUMA-Q Server Division.)

Steve is defiNETely a "Techno-Junkie"

Oregon is our home and our love, so expect a little "Oregonizing" too.

That's all for now, but we'll add more soon.

Come again soon!

Site History:
