


Snow art


 He don't look too happy, then again, he just got a cannon ball shot through him...






 Well well well, guess Calvin's a sucker for irony.  I wonder if the snowman was   squawking...





That is one angry, ugly snowman with no feet.... No feet!? How can he walk?!?! Oh well...







The world (And his Dad) from Calvin's point of view.  Poor Calvin...I Think...                              




Calvin's own version of "Nude Descending a Staircase".  Not as twisted as the original, but still some good snow art.






 I guess he thought there was water there. But then again, Who builds a diving  board next to anything but water?!



Here's a nice looking snow family. you may of guessed, it wasn't made by Calvin. Dud.




Add a corn cob pipe and you have the generic snowman! Eww.






Ah, back to normal.  Well, normal for Calvin.





Hmm, that's pretty twisted, even for Calvin....Not!








Ha ha, a hot head. He's a goner but...






Ah, here's a nice snow man eating some ice cream.  How nice. I wonder where he got the ice cream...





Saucer Snowmen.gif (11931 bytes)

Here is a thumbnail. So that's what snow aliens look like. ZAP!




Well, on the bright side, that dog is actually kinda cool looking.




Obviously, Calvin can relate to this snow man.


snowartwithhobbes.gif (8085 bytes)Here is a thumbnail of a snow tiger and his victim's heads!  So Hobbes likes making snowmen too, eh?



                                                                                                                                                                                                                            And here's the first Snow art of them all! "ATTACK OF THE DERANGED MUTANT KILLER MONSTER SNOW GOONS"!   


Below are a few full sized, mini, snow art comics.  Click them to see them get bigger!

snowmen0.gif (53984 bytes)

snowmen1.gif (16904 bytes)

snowmen-6.gif (30580 bytes)

snowmen7.gif (30419 bytes)

snowmen9.gif (40605 bytes)

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This site was last updated 09/27/03