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We want to use this page to keep updated on any activity and on the latest happenings within the organization and fellow members.

We are appreciated to all members joined this organization and family members as well. We may list significant events, such as graduation, sport, New Year local event that effect to all of us in this section. This is a great way to keep up to date on how fellow members are doing, we could also have posted active members.
Especially, thank you for all of Hmong community members in the past years supported and attendance the Hmong New Year in Hillsboro Complex Fair Ground as well as in Ridgefield Washinton State. We would also like to say thank you and appreciated to all of the coordinators who spent most of your value times to monitor this fantastic Hmong New Year and without any incindence your helps were evry appreciated on this event without you it would not happen.
Another successful Hmong New Year Celebration in November 14th & 15th, 2009 at Ridgefield Event Center, we thank you for each everyone and the Community Members also the Staffs to put your effort to make this New Year Event was successful  . special thank you for all the Committee members, Performers, Attendee, Advisor Boards, and Elderly, not only the local, but also members came from Seattle to support the Hmong New Year in 2009-2010 as well as the Party Night especially, thank you for all of them.
we are looking forward to continue support each other for many years to come.
Thank you so much.


We would like to say thank you to everyone for the pass support in Hmong Association of Oregon, Inc.
If anyone would like to become a member in HAO,inc., please email us at hmongassociation@verizon.net 
we are more than happy to hear from all of you.
thank you.
                                    Hais Hmoob Lo Lus
    Peb Tsev Hmoob txhua leej txhua tug, leej hlob rau leej yau, metub rau mentxhais, tij laug rau niam tij, kwv rau ntxawm, txiv rau niam, yawg rau pog, Yawm txiv rau niam tais, yawg laus rau phauj, dab laug rau niam dab laug, nraug nus rau nkauj muam, thiab cov muaj lub meej mom rau hmov tshua txhua leej. 
    Peb tau tuaj nyob rau lub tebchaw American no tau 32 xyoos rau 2008 no; txij li thaum peb tau ncaim lub tebchaw Lostsuas tuaj lawm twb tau 33; Peb Tsev Hmoob txhua yim ntawm peb, peb xav tau yam twg peb yeej muaj peev xwm ua kom tau thiab pom txoj kev vam meej nyob rau ntawm lwm hais neeg xws li (American) peb xav tias yuav kom yog yus kiag los twb yeej yog thiab muaj tseeb li xav lawm.
    Yog li ntawm no, peb txhua leej tig rov los xav txog Peb Tsev Hmoob Teej Tug saib peb yuav ua li cas thiaj yuav khaws tau peb li teej tug ntawm Peb Tsev Hmoob muaj, uas yog peb poj koob yawm txwv yeej ib txwm paub thiab cob qhia peb ib tiam rhau ib tiam los txog rau hnub peb tau tuaj txog tebchaw American no los tseem nij hnub hais thiab cob peb, peb yeej tsis xav khaw peb teej tug li cob laus hais tseg. Peb teej tug tsis muaj nuj nqis puas yog? Peb thiaj li mus khaw luag li los ua yus tug, peb tej menyuam thiaj hais tsis tau hmoob lus lawm thiab tsis tseem ceeb rau peb lawm puas yog? Tau 32 xyoo dhau los lawm, peb txhua yim neeg yuav poob peb li txuj ci thiab peb kab li kev cai uas peb yeej muaj los lawm. Peb yuav tau tis rov los THOOJ SIAB KOOM NTSWS txhim kho peb lub neej nyob tsam Peb Tsev Hmoob tej menyuam yuav tsis paub tias peb tuaj qhov twg tuaj tom qab peb phaum no dhau mus tag lawm. Xa lo lus zoo kom thoob rau Peb Tsev Hmoob nyob American.
  • Kawm ua paj ntaub cov ntxhais Hmoob (Hmoob Teej Tug)
  • Kawm Qeej, Zaj Tshoob Txiv Xaiv Cov Tub (Hmoob li Zaj Zuag)
  • Kawm Hmoob tej kev ib leeg hlub ib leeg ib leeg hwm ib leeg (Hmoob li Koob Tsheej) 
  • Kawm Hmoob tus cag noob neej haiv Hmoob  
  • Kawm Khawv Koob (Tes Txuj)
  • Kawm Hmoob Cov Lus, yog Txooj Cag Ntawm Hmoob haiv neeg

Yog peb yeej tsis ras los saib xyuas tej yam no muaj nuj nqis rau peb li ib pliag xwb ces peb yeej yuav poob mus kom tag; peb yuav tau rov mus kawm peb teej peb tug ntawm lwm haiv neeg nij hnub nim no lawv tau muab zwm ua ib phau ntawv tseg tag lawm. Peb xav li cas lawm tiag Peb Tsev Hmoob?

Peb tsev Hmoob tau tuaj mus nyob rau lub teb chaw vaj meej tshaj plaw hauv lub qab ntuj no rau lub sijhawm no, peb yeej tsis pom txoj kev khaw peb tej qub txeeg qub teg, peb yuav plam tag peb yuav khaws tsis tau ib qho puav pheej uas yog peb Hmoob li cia. Peb muab peb li teej tug saib tsis muaj nqis, peb pheej ho mus kawm lwm haiv neeg, lawv tes txuj los ua yus tug, peb Hmoob yuav yuam kev deb ib hnub twg ntawm peb tsev Hmoob mam paub qhov tseeb ces lig tag lawm. Kev peb nrhiav noj nrhiav haus nyob lub tebchaws no yeej tsis yooj yim tab sis yuav tau tig rov los saib peb teej tug kom peb txhob poob mus kom tag, peb muaj kev kawm ntawv los pab peb khaws sau tseg lawm, yuav tau los kho kom tiav. Khaws peb tej qub txeej qub teg yuav yog ib qho yooj yim khaws peb tes txuj peb Hmoob muaj. Txhob muab saib tsis muaj nuj nqis, muaj ib hnub peb yuav khuv xim peb Hmoob tes txuj heev.

Peb yuav poob Noob Hmoob tsis muaj ntxiv mus yog peb cov Hmoob tau mus nyob rau lwm tebchaw zoo li no es muab peb lub xeem pauv mus ua lwm haiv neeg lub xeem thiab tsis yuav xeem Hmoob lawm, tej metub menyuam yuav rov sib yuav ua loj cov kem tsuab tsis muaj leej twg hais tau. Peb tsev Hmoob saib puas tshuav cov nyob hauv teb chaw Los Tsuas ua Noob lawm xwb, yog peb tsis xav yuav peb lub xeem Hmoob lawm. Yog koj no, koj yuav kho li cas thiab vim li cas koj ho xav pauv koj lub xeem tsis ua Hmoob, ho yuav lwm haiv neeg lub xeem? Zoo qhov twg tuaj?

Ua tsaug rau koj tau los nyem cov lus hais kom khaws Hmoob Teej Tug cia ua Hmoob Li mus tag ib tiam dhau ib tiam.

Recent Events Posted.

Nyob zoo ib tsoom niam txiv, kwvtij, neej tsa Hmoob cov muaj meej mom hmov tshua. Lub zej zog muaj mob ntau yam, yuav tau ua twb zoo tu tejmenyuam thiab coj mus kuaj mob rau hauv tsev kho mob thiaj yuav pab tau koj tsev neeg txhua leej kom muaj kev kaj siab lug.
Tsis muaj dejnuj ua li yav tag los lawm, kev lag luam pauv noj pauv haus nyuaj heev rau peb ib tsoom niam txiv uas tsis muaj tes txuj siab nrhiav noj nrhiav haus li tug neeg nyob txum tim hauv lub zej zog no.
Txog lub caij ntuj sov tuaj lawm, sawvdaws yuav tau txuag hluav taws xob thiab dej rau lub sij hawm 3:30P.M. mus txog rau 8:00P.M. yog lub sijhawm kim heev, yog zam tau lub sijhawm no txhob siv ces koj cov nuj nqis hluav Taws Xob yuav pheej yig mentsis. Dej thiab Hluav Taws Xob, ob yam no yog ob yam uas peb tau siv, peb them txhua lub hlis tsis nco hais tias ntau npaum li cas ib lub yij ceeb rhau los lawm. Peb tau them nyiaj ntau ntau. Peb thiaj li yuav muaj nyiaj coj los pab tau peb mentsis.
Tej khoom zaub mov noj nrog rau roj tsheb hlau los kim zuj zus lawm hais qhia rau peb sawvdaws tias kev noj haus yeej tsis tau zoo li qub lawm vim lag luam hauv ntiaj teb no yeej pauv lawm yog li no peb yuav nyob nyuaj heev nawd tsev kwvtij Hmoob. Peb muaj noj muaj haus yeeb vim yog peb muab peb lub sijhawm mus pauv cov nyiaj coj los yug lub cuab lub yig xwb. Thaum peb poob haujlwm lawm, peb tsis muaj txuj siab, peb yuav txom nyem noj nyob yuav tsis zoo li cov neeg American nawd, ib tsoom Hmoob.
Txoj kev koom tes, tsis hais yog yam twg li, yeej muaj nuj nqis tag nrho rau peb txhua leej thiab peb thiaj muaj zog li lwm pawg neeg. Peb yuav tau hlub peb tsev neeg Hmoob kom sawvdaws muaj txoj kev tiv thaiv npaj rau yus tug kheej kom muaj txoj kev kaj siab li lwm pawg neeg uas lawv yeej ib txwm nyob lub tebchaw no tau ntau tiam neeg los lawm.
thaum kawg nov, thov kom peb tsev Hmoob kom muaj kev koom tes sibhlub sibpab lub sijhawm peb tseem muaj txoj sia ua neeg nyob, es txhob tos txog thaum ncaim lub ntiaj teb mam pab.
Vam thiab sia siab tias sawvdaws yuav muaj kev sibpab sibhlub xwb.

Let us know if there are any events or updates you would like to share with fellow members.