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This page will have our latest organization newsletter and will update this page when we are ready. The website is underconstructed.



Summer months are almost gone and all the public schools begin open for an other year. All out door activities are not much to do and the day light is shorter each day. Day save time is going to be shorter and most of us going to work in dawn and come home in dark. Each and every one of us will keep put thing away because the fall season is going to be here soon. Many parents will work very hard for catching up the things have not done in summer months and helping their children assignments  from school to complete for returning it on time. Fall is one of the most beautiful in four seasons. Walking outdoor and looking at the hillside, many trees have changed their colors very soon winter months will be here because the morning air is cool and it almost feels like winter season. Pretty soon we call another year ending. Most of  the tree have changed their leaves to yellow and red and then fallen to the ground by walking down the trial in the wood smell death leaves and soon the winter months eill be here. All of them will come back baby leaves will grow fresh in the next spring months when weather is starting warm in the next season.

Cold Weather is coming soon all of us will turn on the heat and one of the condition that I would like to say to every one to be causion about the heat. It doesn't matter what source of heats you may have, you need to be check you furnace for good condition for fire hazard. One more thing you need to check on smoke detactor making sure it is working and stay on all the time to save your love one in the house. Most peoples' houses get burn out due to all these things I have just mention.
                           "Hmoob Lus"
Nqua hu txog peb tsoom Hmoob txhua leej hais txog ib lub sijhawm ntuj no los yuav txog; peb txhua leej yuav tau tso cua sov rau hauv lub tsev rau poj niam menyuam txhua leej thiaj muaj kev noj qab nyob zoo tsis muaj mob. Ua ntej tshaj plaws, yuav tau saib kom zoo txog lub twj tso cua sov ntawd kom meej thiab kom ua hawj lwm zoo. Tsis hais yam twj tso cua sov twg li thiaj yuav pab tau koj tus koj hlub tshaj thiab thiaj muaj kev kaj siab lug ib lub sijhawm rau ib lub sijhawm. Thiab lub TSWB quaj qhia txog hluav taws kub hnyiab hauv lub vaj lub tsev kom muaj roj thiab nws yuav tsum ua hauj lwm thiaj yuav pab tau koj tsev neeg. Lub caij ntuj no tuaj lawm, muaj vaj tse kub hnyiab heev vim yog muaj tej yam li kuv tau hais cov koom los no tsis ua hauj lwm zoo. Yog yuav pab tau koj thiab koj tsev neeg, yuav tau ua li kuv hais los no.
                               Hais rau peb tsev Hmoob nyob Xeev Oregon.
Ib lub caij nyug los dhau lawm lub ntiaj teb tig rov qab los txog thaj chaw qub lawm tej me nroj tsuag pib hloov thiab paj hmab paj ntoos yuav dhau mus lawm, peb sawvdaws muaj mob ntau yam (allergy) rau lub caij ntuj no yuav muaj khaub thuas raug tej menyuam thiab cov laus li tau hais los no vim yog hloov dua ib lub sijhawm koj lub nrog cev yuav hloov nrog lub sijhawm thiab. Yuav muaj mob rau koj tug kheej, cov tshuaj yuav pab tau yus yog nyob rau ntawm Doctor thiaj yuav pab tau koj lub nrog cev hloov nrog lub sijhawm thiaj ua rau koj tsis muaj mob khaub thuas.
Pollen dhau mus lawm nws yog ib yam uas nyob rau sab Oregon no muaj ntau heev, lub sijhawm no peb txhua leej yuav raug tug mob Allergy rau paj hmab thaum tawg. Yog koj muaj yam mob li hais no, yog koj mus txhaj tshuaj thiaj nyob taus los yog noj tshuaj, cov tshuaj no yuav ua rau koj muaj yees yog tsis tau cov tshuaj no los noj koj tug mob yuav tsis kaj. Yog li no koj yuav tau xyaum koj tug kheej txhob noj cov tshuaj thiab txhaj ces koj thiaj li tsis muaj yees rau tug tshuaj no koj yuav tau xyaum txo koj tus yees tshuaj no kom yau thiab cia koj lub cev los tiv thaiv kom koj lub cev muaj zog lawm ces koj yuav tsis raug cov Pollen Allergy no. Tshuaj yog ib yam zoo kawg nkaus thiab pab tau koj zoo heev, tab sis yog koj muaj yees lawm, yuav muaj teeb meem rau koj thiab.
Nyob rau hauv koj lub tsev yog ib thaj chaw uas muaj plua plav, pa av, thiab pwm tej pa ncho los ntawm tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws, tshuaj txhua khaub ncaws, thiab yog koj muaj miv, aub, tej yam zoo li no yuav ua rau koj muaj mob Allergy dua lwm tug neeg. Yuav tau tu lub vaj lub tsev kom du lug thiaj li tsis muaj mob. Khoom noj khoom haus yog ib yam khoom noj los yug koj txoj sia, tab sis yog koj paub muaj mob ntau yam koj yuav tau caiv txhob noj cov khoom tuaj txawv tebchaws rau tom khw xws li yuav zaub mov noj. Koj yuav tau mloog kev noj nyob hauv lub zej zog uas koj nyob txog tej kab mob tshiab nrog rau tej khoom noj haus yam twg yog yam ua rau niam txiv pej xeem noj raug es muaj mob, yuav tau caiv txhob yuav yam zaub ntawd los noj. Zoo siab los ntsib nej sawvdaws li no xwb, nyob zoo txhua leej txhua tug.
Ua tsaug ntau!
                                                    Tsev kwvtij neejtsa Hmoob
Ntawm nov yog ib qhov xov xwm txog suav neeg nyob lub ze zog ntawm yus nyob (Oregon) Census 2010. Thaj tsam ntawm kaum lub xyoo twg mas tej nom tswv, lawv yuav tau kom niam txiv laj mej pej xeem qhia txog ib yim neeg twg muaj pes tsawg leej neeg. Kev pab cuam, nyiaj txiag, kev noj nyob mus los sib cuag, thiab txoj kev pab cuam rau niam txiv laj mej pej xeem thiaj paub pab npaum li cas nyob rau thaj tsam ntawd tiag.
Yog li no xav thov pev tsev Hmoob nyob rau lub County twg los pab sau daim (Census) es xa mus rau tej nom tej tswv thiaj paub pab niam txiv laj mej pej xeem nawd.
Zoo siab ua tsaug rau nej tau nyem thiab muab kev koom tes nrog tej nom tej tswv.
mam rov ntsib nej dua lwm tsav xov xwm: 03/16/2010, 9:51P.M.

We may make past editions of the newsletter available for download.