2004 Festival
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Our second Co-community Spring Festival on May 22, 2004 was even better than the first one!!  The weather was better (no rain, but pretty hot), there were more people, the food was better (thanks to Boys-to-Men) and the entertainment was provided by The Band of Brothers in their debut performance.  Just like the first Festival we had an Arts and Craft show/sale, a Silent Auction to benefit the communities, hay-rides, dancing, games, and much more.

Below are some photos from the afternoon's festivities.

Frank Paolotto and Joe O'Connor engage in conversation while others examine the beautiful craftwork of Robin Raindrop (left) and items on the Silent Auction table.  Proceeds from the Silent Auction went to benefit the scholarship funds of MKP-GW and ECSC.


Yours truly makes another one of my many announcments while my beautiful wife Chrissy (in hat)does her best to ignore me while talking to my sister, Julie Kerby, and dance instructor, Freddie Ciampi.  Freddie's Tango lessons and Contra Dance calling were a highlight of the afternoon. 


Freddie leads the group in one of the many dances he taught.   If you're interested in taking lessons from Freddie, check out his website: Social Graces


John Corame tries to decide whether to bid on a Silent Auction item, while one of the other artists who was displaying works, John McManus (facing the camera) chats with Peter Frampton (no, not the famous guitar player) and his wife and child.  


A group of dancers, including Kelly Cresap (left) get down to the sounds of The Band of Brothers. 


And here are The Band of Brothers:  Tom Hillegass (bass - just out of frame on the left), Dave McFarren (vocals & sax), Bob Mechlin (drums), Erick Hoopes (drums), Kris Herbst (vocals & percussion), Gordon Adams (vocals & percussion), Jim Hurley (guitar), and David Rose (keyboards).  We also had Gordon's son filling in on some more percussion.


Kevin Doyle watches over the delicious food that was prepared and sold as a fundraiser for Boys-To-Men.  Everyone raved about how good the food was (especially Jon Thomas' beef brisquet) and Boys-To-Men managed to raise a significant amount of money.  Gene McMahon and Kirk Balcom are in the background.


It seems our communities can't help but form circles. 


Here are some of the magnificant pieces created by Robin Raindrop.  You can see more of Robin's stuff at his website:  http://www.robinraindrop.com/


Another gifted craftsman who was selling his wares was Lance Ramroop.

Dave Shepardson watches over the Silent Auction table while others admire the artwork of Chrissy McFarren and Mark Silverman. 027_24a.cm2


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