The Kids
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This picture was taken in June 2007 while the family was on vacation at Greenhorn Creek Guest Ranch in Quincy, California. 



Clay is 17 and a senior in high school.  He excels at art and plays sax in the jazz band and marching band.  He's hoping to study computer animation when he goes to college.  This picture was also taken when we were at Greenhorn Creek Guest Ranch last summer.





Here's our daughter Lauren all dressed up for her Aunt Andrea's (Chrissy's sister) wedding at Lake Tahoe in June 2007.  Lauren is 14 and in eighth grade.  She enjoys riding horses, tennis, and hanging out with her friends.





Here's our six-year-old, Andrew getting ready to ride a horse solo for the first time when we were at Greenhorn.  Andrew loves to sing and dance and make people laugh.  He also loves to build things (and take things apart) He'll probably end up being a performer/engineer like his dad.

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