These three pictures are 9 by 12 inches. The details are cut from 1/8 inch plywood, sanded
and painted. Then the details are stacked to make a 3 dimentional picture. Mounted on a 1/4 inch plywood backing, then framed.
This is the biggest scrolling project I have done so far. 22 inches wide, 10 deep and 51 inches
tall. As you can see, it is a clock. It took seven months of planning and construction. The woods used were pine, poplar,
birch ply, mahogany ply, and fir ply.
It is wired with neon lights. The picture on the right was taken at night in a dark room
without flash. I will never do a projet like this again or even one close to it. There is a major commitment
of time and labor involved.
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