Northrop Choral Association


From the President / Directors
Competition Schedule
Contact Us

NCA fund raising activities are designed to raise money to support the needs of the Northrop High School Choral Department.  You are encouraged to participate in the planning and execution of any of these events. 

Please contact your Coordinator of Volunteers Becki Weingartner at 485-6715 or email at

This is what is planned for this year:


Magazine Sale : Complete

Coupon Book Sale : September

Cost: TBD per book

Profit: TBD  per book

These coupon books will contain restaurant coupons for local restaurants. They are great little books that we think will be more useful than the Entertainment Books. The kids will have to pay for their "demo" book upfront and use it as a selling tool. They will then take orders, collect payment at the time of ordering, turn in the order & money to receive the books.


Gold Canyon Candle Sale : October

Cost of candles: varies by size

Profit: 40%

Sample Sets: $7.65 per set

Please see attached for more information!

Poinsettia Sale
This year we have 6 ½ inch potted plants with beautiful blooms for just $12.00 a plant.  Order them for everyone you have on your gift list!  The order form is attached and can be placed in the mailbox in the choir room or given directly to Tom Maupin.  Proceeds from this fundraiser will now be applied towards individual accounts!

All plants will be available to pick up after the “Holidays with Charisma” program on December 2nd.
Sale Ends November 26th.

Please come and enjoy a great show!

Northrop Charisma * Fort Wayne, Indiana *
US * 46825