Northrop Choral Association


Welcome to NCA's web site!

Northrop Choral Association (NCA) supports the Choral Department of Northrop High School.  We're especially proud of our Show Choirs, Charisma mixed choir and Villes de Filles Lady's choir.

From the President / Directors
Competition Schedule
Contact Us

A Penny for your thoughts...
Give us some feedback on Charisma, Villes De Filles or even this web site.  Select What's on your mind? to share your thoughts or Other's thoughts to see what others are thinking.

What's on your mind?  Other's thoughts :-))

Congratulations Charisma!
Churubusco Invitational
First Runner-up
The team really stepped it up tonight.  In a very tight competition, Charisma landed 1st Runner Up to the Franklin Central F C Singers.  It was especially sweet that, after numerous times coming "oh so close" to our friendly adversary to the north, Charisma finally placed higher.  That was almost as sweet as GC.
Congratulations also to Mr Ashton and the Band for winning Best Band Honors for the Day.
Gooooooo♫ Charisma♫♫!!!

Charisma at the Classique

Congratulations Charisma!
Bellmont Winter Spectacular
Grand Champion
Oh what a night!  Late February in '08.  It was everything we'd thought so late....   OK, sorry for that lousy lyrics.  But... WOW!!  Best Vocals.  Best Choreography.  Best Band.  Grand Champion.  Congratulations to Mr Maupin, Chris, Mr Ashton and the entire ensemble.  You were fantastic..
Kudos also to Rico for best male solo and Crystal for best female solo in show.
Next Up, Carroll!!
Gooooooo♫ Charisma♫♫!!!

Finishing the Competition Season with Style
It's been a great season for the Show Choirs.  The Ladies of Villes de Filles had a great performance at the Carroll Invitational.  Many said it was their best performance of the season.
Charisma finished strong against some very tough competition, placing 3rd Runner-up in the evening show.  This marked a couple of very special events;
The Orchestra won best in show EVERY time this season (Congrats to Mr Ashton and the Group) and Charisma made every evening competition.  Way to go Mr Maupin, Chris and Goooo   Charisma!!!

Northrop Charisma * Fort Wayne, Indiana *
US * 46825