Serving on council for 2011
President, John Dyer
second term expires 2013
Vice President, Andrea Hall-Scott first term expires 2014
Secretary, Jamie Childers
Westlund first term expires 2012
Earline Rode second term expires 2012
Stephen Jenks first term expires 2012
Randy Scott first term expires 2013
Jeff Rode first
term expires 2013
Larry Krohn first
term expires 2014
Wayne Rode first term expires 2014
Ruth Dyer, Financial Secretary & Treasurer
Council News.
Next Meeting is Tuesday, August 9th, 2011 at 6:00 pm
The Agenda and Committee Reports should be emailed to the church by Noon, Thursday, 4th.
The reports will be sent to each council member so that they have ample time to read, study, and pray about
the issues and activities prior to the council meeting.