Our Saviour Lutheran Church


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Bill Krietemeyer, Sue Krietemeyer, Charles Wallace, John Waldroup, Karen Ahrens, Joan Brason, Bill Broadhurst, Shane Collins, Alissa Davis, David Davis, David Fust, Jay Fowler, Larry and Sherie Goodloe, Family & Friends of Cindy Graff, Pauletta Hall, Father Brant Hazlett, Chuck Henson, Sue Hannuksela, Ken and Sarah Jesse, Steve Kellor, Natalie Kellen, AJ & Celeste Lenarz, Matt Lutz, John McCleary, Melissa McNeill, Blair Mielke, Bonnie McGowan, Jerry Patterson, Rita Pederson, Wilma Pleuss, Cheryl Pleuss,  Jennifer Rily, Pastor Gene Siverly, Ethel Thomas, Eli Weisheit, Joshua White, John & Sandy Dyer, Family & Friends of Tristan Stelling, Julie Winesburgh.

Please contact the church office to add or have someone removed from the prayer list.

Our Saviour Lutheran Church-US41 & SR64, Princeton, Indiana 47670