Our Saviour Lutheran Church

Be Moved by the Holy Spirit

Lutheran World Relief Challenge

It has been a good while since Our Saviour has sent anything to Lutheran World Relief.  With that in mind, I wish to issue a challenge to our congregation.  Martha has 30 plus school kit bags sewn and looking for contents.  Is Our Saviour capable of filling these?  Can we do 50?  Are you up to the challenge?


Here is what we need for each bag:


Notebooks of wide- or college-ruled paper approximately 8” X 10 ½” totaling 150-200 sheets (if using 70-sheet notebooks, please include three); no loose-leaf paper.


One blunt scissors (safety scissors with embedded steel blades work well)


One 30-centimeter ruler, or a ruler with centimeters on one side and inches on the other


One pencil sharpener


Six new, unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers; secure together with a rubber band


One eraser approximately 2 ½” long


12 sheets of construction paper in assorted colors (if necessary, fold in half to fit into the school bag


One box of 16 or 24 crayons


To sweeten the deal this is what I will do.  If we go over 35 bags I will learn to use a sewing machine and help sew bags.  Come on!!!  We can do this!!!!


Larry Krohn


                Received via email from Jim Moore

                                      Thanks for the laughs!

Our Saviour Lutheran Church-US41 & SR64, Princeton, Indiana 47670