Christopher & Mary (Waddington) Alston
How we are related to this family:
Christopher & Mary (Waddington) Alston's son, Andrew, married Mary Van Brunt. Their daughter, Emma Marie Alston, married William James DUCKWORTH. Their daughter, Bessie Ina Duckworth, married Charles Walker LUTES. They had five children.
Not much is known about this family. These pages contain all of the relatives we could document.
ALSTON was born on 27 Aug 1788 in Ribchester, Lancashire, England.
He died on 14 Apr 1838 in England.
Christopher married Mary WADDINGTON before 1820 in England. Mary was born 5 May 1793 in Ribchester, Lancashire, England and died 28 Sep 1860 in England.
Christopher & Mary had the following children.
Andrew ALSTON Click on his name for more information.
Mary ALSTON was born on 21 Apr 1822 in Ribchester, Lancashire, England. She died in Sep 1881 in England. She married William SHARPLES on 3 Nov 1840. Nothing more is known about her.
Reuben ALSTON was born 1 Aug 1824 in Ribchester, Lancashire, England. He died on 19 Dec 1889 in England. He married Mary Ellen WALTON on 31 Dec 1844. Nothing more is known about him.
Henry ALSTON Click on his name for more information.
Jane ALSTON was born on 18 Dec 1829 in England. Nothing more is known about her.
Ellen ALSTON was born on 11 Dec 1830 in Ribchester, Lancashire, England. Nothing more is known about her.
James ALSTON was born on 25 Jul 1833 in Ribchester, Lancashire, England. He married Mary SLATER on 24 Jun 1857 in England. Nothing more is known about him.
John ALSTON was born on 19 Aug 1836. Nothing more is known about him.