David & Polly (Sivert) Lutes
How we are related to this family:
David & Mary "Polly" SIVERT Lutes' son, Cyrus Lutes, married Louisa Roberts HUNTER. Their son, Charles Walker Lutes, married Bessie Ina DUCKWORTH. They had five children.
Alternate spellings of Lutes include Lutz, Loots, Luts, and Lots.
LUTES, Sr. was born on 10 Apr 1790 in Washington County, Pennsylvania.
He died on 10 May 1878 on Taylor's Ridge in Marshall County, West Virginia.
He is buried in Zion Chapel Methodist Church Cemetery on Taylor's Ridge in
Marshall County, WV.
He was probably born in the part of Washington County, PA that is now Greene County. He was a farmer on Taylor's Ridge in Marshall County, WV, south of Wheeling, and east of Moundsville, WV. On 19 June 1835 David was appointed by the County Court as a supervisor of Marshall County.
David enlisted during the War of 1812, serving as a private under Captain Lewis Bonnett's Company (or Louis Bonnet or David Bonnett), which may have been part of the Virginia 1st Regiment in what was then the state of Virginia's militia (West Virginia was part of Virginia until the early years of the Civil War).
David served in the militia from 14 Sept 1812 to 20 Apr 1813, or 217 days, according to his pension application. He received a bounty land warrant of 80 acres for his service, which he sold by 1855. David's middle initial on his bounty land warrant application looks like an "L". He and his wife received a pension as a result the War of 1812 Act of 14 Feb 1871.
Nothing is known about David between his birth in 1790 and his enlistment in the Virginia Militia during the War of 1812. He spent his years after the War of 1812 as a farmer on Taylor's Ridge in what is now Marshall County, WV. He owned his farm and left it to his family. Most of the farm was left to his son, Cyrus Lutes.
married Mary
"Polly" SIVERT (daughter of John
Frederick SIVERT and Martha CURTIS) on 7 May 1818 in Marshall County, WV.
David and Polly had the following children.
John Frederick LUTES Click on his name for more information.
Nancy Ann LUTES Click on her name for more information.
George W. LUTES Click on his name for more information.
Mary Ann LUTES Click on her name for more information.
David LUTES, Jr. Click on his name for more information.
William I. LUTES Click on his name for more information.
Jacob LUTES Click on his name for more information.
Isaac M. LUTES Click on his name for more information.
Cyrus LUTES Click on his name for more information.
Sarah Jane LUTES Click on her name for more information.
Frances Amanda LUTES was born on 30 Jan 1837 in Marshall County, WV. She died on 22 May 1844 in Marshall County, WV. Nothing more is known about her.
We have spent an exhaustive number of hours in search for the names of David Lutes' parents. We have always assumed that he was of German descent, but the names of his parents have never been definitively determined.
Many families of his generation named their children after each of their parents (both sides of family). Polly Sivert's father was John Frederick Sivert. David and Polly Lutes' first male child was named John Frederick Lutes. It is possible that their second male child, named George, was named after David Lutes' father.
We found a man named George Lutes in the 1790 U.S. Census (the year David was born) who was living in Washington County, PA where David was born. We also found a George Lutes who paid taxes in western Virginia (now West Virginia) in the mid-1790's where we know that David spent his adult life. George Lutes does not appear in the 1800 Census in either Pennsylvania or what is now West Virginia.
This circumstantial evidence indicates to many researchers that George Lutes was probably the father of David and that he most likely died around 1800. Since only the name of the head of household is recorded in the early Census records, and if David's father died before 1800, then it is likely that David's mother and siblings lived with some other family during the 1800 and 1810 Census counts since her name is not known from Census records.
We also found documentation that a man named George Lutes served in the 1st Battalion of the York County, PA militia under Captain Peter Imsweller during the Revolutionary War. He enlisted on 31 Aug 1781. There is also a man named Christian Lutz (possible alternative spelling for Lutes) that served in the same militia unit as George and enlisted on the same day. Both of these names can be found in the 1790 Census for Washington County, PA. Christian can be found in the same County in the 1800 Census, but not George. Even though their last names were spelled differently in some of the documentation cited above, they may be related.