John Frederick & Martha (Curtis) Sivert
How we are related to this family:
John Frederick & Martha Curtis Sivert's daughter, Mary "Polly" Sivert, married David LUTES. Their son, Cyrus Lutes, married Louisa Roberts HUNTER. Their son, Charles Walker LUTES, married Bessie Ina DUCKWORTH. They had five children.
Other spellings for Sivert include Seybert and Sibert.
Frederick SIVERT was born about 1759 in the Hesse Cassel area of
Germany. He died about 1825 in Marshall County, West Virginia. He was buried on his farm in Cameron, WV.
John Frederick Sivert came to this country in the early part of the American Revolution, about 1776, as a Hessian soldier fighting for Great Britain (Bates, page v). He was captured by the American Continental Army on 26 Dec 1776 at Trenton, New Jersey. Most German prisoners were given the opportunity to switch sides (join the American side) or be imprisoned. Possibly, this is how he joined the American side as a soldier until the end of the War. Records show that he was a private in Captain Conrad Shirman's Company, 6th Battalion of Berks County, PA. The DAR lists him in the 2nd Battalion of the same Company (History of Marshall County, WV, page 13). More information about Hessian Soldiers is below.
His DAR record can be viewed using this link
John Frederick married Martha CURTIS in 1780 in Marshall County, WV. Martha was born about 1760 in Marshall County, WV. She died about 1823 in Marshall County, WV. She is buried in Sand Hill Methodist Church Cemetery in Marshall County, WV.
Note: There are differences in the name of this person. Anna Elizabeth may have been her given name and Martha her nickname. There is no proof of her maiden name. DAR records list her name as "Martha Curtis." There are some pedigree charts that indicate that "Ann Eliza 'Nancy' Coffinberry" is the spouse of John Frederick Sivert, not Martha Curtis. Catherine Sivert named her second son George Coffenbery Earlywine.
John Frederick & Martha had the following children.
Susanna SIVERT was born on 3 Nov 1801 in Marshall County, WV. Susanna married (first name unknown) BURGES. Nothing more is known about them.
Last Name List | First & Last Name List
A Landgrave is a man in medieval Germany who had jurisdiction over a particular territory. It is used as the title for such a nobleman.
The Landgrave, Frederick II (1720–1785), ruled the Hesse area of Germany from 1760-1785. He funded the depleted treasury of his poor region by renting out 19,000 men as soldiers in complete military formations to Great Britain to fight in North America during the American Revolutionary War, 1776-1783. These soldiers, commonly known as Hessians, fought under the British flag. For additional revenue, the soldiers were rented out elsewhere, as well. Most were conscripted, with their pay going to The Landgrave. (Wikipedia)
The cultural region of Hesse includes both the State of Hesse and the area known as Rhine-Hesse in the neighboring Rhineland-Palatinate state. The oldest city of the cultural region of Hesse, Mainz, is in Rhine-Hesse. (Wikipedia)
The following is from
Proof & Sources:
The Will of John Frederick Sivert, submitted by Edith J. Dorow.
Ohio County VA, Circuit Court Will Book 2 (Pgs 18/19)
In the name of God amen, I, John Sivert of Ohio County and
Commonwealth of Virginia being of a weak state of body but of sound
mind and memory and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to,
and the uncertainty of the time thereof, do therefore make and ordain
this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is
to say I commit my Soul to God and my body to the earth to be
decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named
and after my debts are paid I bequeath to Elizabeth my beloved wife
the proceeds of the one third of all my personal estate together with
the dwelling house and kitchen with the furniture thereto belonging,
the remainder of my personal estate to be equally divided among my
four daughters Catharine, Mary, Sarah & Elizabeth in equal shares and
after my decease and the decease of my wife, my will is that my two
sons George & Jacob do have and possess all my landed estate to them
and their heirs forever to be divided equally between them and my
will is that if they cannot make a division satisfactorily to both
that they choose two honest neighbors giving them power to choose a
third if they can't agree to divide and settle any disputes that
might arise about the division of the land, and I likewise constitute
and appoint the sole Executors of this my last will and testament my
two sons George and Jacob and I do hereby revoke and disannul all
former wills and bequests by me made ratifying this as my last will
and testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand
and seal this thirteenth day of February 1828.
Signed, Sealed and declared as his last will and testament in
the presence of us, who in the presence of each other have hereunto
subscribed our names.
James Ewing Senior. His Mark
James Ewing John X Sivert
William Ewing
Virginia Sct. At a Circuit Superior Court of Law & Chancery held for Ohio County on the 24th day of May 1834. A writing purporting to be the last will and testament of John Sivert deceased was this day produced in Court by George Sivert & Jacob Sivert the Executors therein named, in order to be proved, whereupon on hearing James Ewing Senior. one of the subscribing witnesses to said will, who testified, "The signature James Ewing Senior. is my signature, I wrote the will, I saw John Sivert make his mark, my sons James & William attested it as witnesses, in testators presence, Testator saw me sign my name to the will as a witness, I think Testator was of sound mind and competent to make a will, he dictated to me the terms of the will, When he made his mark, he said, that was his will and desired me and my sons James and William to put our names to it as witnesses, the will was read to him before he made his mark. Cross examined. When I wrote the will he said the old woman wanted him to alter a will theretofore made by him, and which former will he then had in his possession, he said the old woman would not be satisfied, or would not let him rest till he altered said former will." It is ordered that the said Will be continued until Friday next for further proof.
And on Friday the 30th day of May 1834, the last will and testament of John Sivert deceased. was this day again produced in Court, in order to be proved, and thereupon James Ewing Junior. & William Ewing, two of the Subscribing witnesses to the said will, being sworn, depose and say, in relation to the execution of the said will, to the following effect, to wit: That they were called into their Fathers (James Ewing Senior.) house to witness John Sivert's will, that the names James Ewing & William subscribed to the will now produced in Court bearing date on the 13th February 1828 and purporting to be the last will & testament of John Sivert, are in their proper hand writing, that they severally subscribed their names to said paper in the presence of the said John Sivert, that said Sivert made his X between John & Sivert in their presence, and in the presence of each other, and in the presence of James Ewing Senior. that at the time they subscribed their names to said Will as witnesses, the said John Sivert acknowledged the same to be his last will & testament, that James Ewing Senior. also subscribed his name to said Will, in presence of said Sivert and of these deponents, that these deponents have known said Sivert from their boyhood up to the time of his death, and that they have no doubt that said Sivert was, at the time of the acknowledging and attesting of said Will of sound mind & memory, that deponent James Ewing Junior. is now about thirty years of age and that deponent William Ewing is about ___ years of age.
Whereupon the Court is of opinion that the said Will is fully proven, and it is ordered that the same be recorded. And on motion of George Sivert and Jacob Sivert, the Executors therein named, who made oath thereto, and together with George Dulty and Hamilton Pollock their securities, entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of five hundred dollars, conditioned as the law directs, certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate of the said will in due form.
Virginia, Ohio County Sct. - I, William Chapline, Clerk of
the Circuit Superior Court of Law & Chancery for the said County of Ohio
do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the last will
& testament of John Sivert deceased and of the testimony taken in
open court on the probate of the said will, and that the same was
ordered to be recorded on the 30th day of May 1834.
Test. Wm Chapline,