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Healing Testimonies

These Testimonies are divided into 2 parts: 
     Part 1 covers the years 1992 through 2004, and covers most of the healings that happened throught my normal Christian walk, operating by the power of the Holy Ghost, the Word, and the power of prayer in the powerful name of the Christ, Jesus.
     Part 2 covers the years from 2005 to date, and shows the huge increases that came in the anointing for healing, and the things that brought about this increase.   Only a small percentage of the miracles are listed here, in that there are way too many to list.   

                     Part 1

True Stories about how the Lord has been using me, Karl Stein, for healing.  I give all glory to God, who apart from Him, we can do nothing. ". . ,for without me ye can do nothing" (John 15:5)

This page was inspired by a jovial preacher, who asked me to make a list of people that I had prayed for that were healed. I wrote a letter to him, and made a few changes to it and came up with this page. That was in 2004, and I have been updating this page since then. Many of the last names of people are not given here, and there are a few that I don't know, but if you contact me personally, I can give you most of the last names and/or phone numbers if it is your desire to check on the validity of these miracles. Let your faith be stirred up as you read this letter, in the name of the Christ, Jesus.

The First Miracle God Did Through Me

I remember when I first starting serving the Lord in 1992. I started confessing Christ in 1982, but did not really start serving the Lord until 1992, when we started meeting in Jerry Bryant's living room. He was the disc jockey for Jesus Solid Rock in Carbondale, Illinois and was a Vineyard pastor, the Vineyard being known by the power of God and deep worship, being called charismatic by other denominations.

Jerry taught us to pray for one another for healing. One night he had us pray for one another. I remember that I got teamed up with a young man who was only 27 at the time, (this was in 1992), and he had arthritis. His name was Robert. I prayed for him and nothing happened. So then I talked with him about it for a couple of minutes or so. Jerry taught us to do that so we would know how to pray. Then I prayed for him again, but nothing happened this time either. I talked with him again for a few minutes as he explained how even as a young teenager he started having problems, and now, how every joint in his body had pain, and how that all his fingers and toes would snap and hurt when he bent them. I further found out that his parents both had arthritis, and his grandparents on both sides all had arthritis also. As I was praying the third time, I spoke out by the Holy Spirit that all generational curses would be broken in the name of Jesus. After praying, he said to me, "Praise God, Karl, right when you said 'I break all generational curses in the name of Jesus' I felt a warmth go through every joint in my body, and I feel a lot better now. The pain is almost completely gone, and my joints don't snap and pop," he said gleefully, as he was bending his fingers on both hands. I then spoke to him by the Holy Spirit according to my faith, "By this time next week, the pain will be completely gone." I then saw him again at the next weekly meeting and he came up to me exclaiming, "Praise God, Karl, the pain is completely gone! I haven't felt this good since I was about 11 years old!" This young fellow named Robert eventually moved out to Kansas City, where I would see him yearly at the Vineyard conferences, and he kept his healing and never had another problem with arthritis.

Some of my First Glory Transformations:

My call to evangelism: A few weeks after I had prayed for Robert, I had received my call to evangelism. I was in Jerry's living room, and we had all been worshipping the Lord. Everybody was obviously feeling the Lord's presence in a big way, except for me. I felt nothing, and wondered why, as I looked around at everyone else. One young couple was having a conversation with the Lord, as the Lord spoke through Jerry. I felt nothing, but then the Lord spoke through Jerry as he said, "There is one person here, maybe two, that the Lord is calling to the ministry, and I believe it is evangelism and preaching, and you will feel the Holy Spirit resting on you in confirmation." Just as he spoke that I felt the Spirit rest on me in the biggest way I'd ever felt Him before, as I immediately starting weeping with a love I'd never felt before. I had a compassion when I prayed for people that I never had before, plus an increase in faith that I cannot explain.

A touch from God: A little later in the year (which was 1992), I went out to Kansas City for my first experience at a large Vineyard conference. (This large Vineyard church eventually became IHOP). The conferences were usually titled something like, 'Healing the Nations', or "Passion for Christ". I remember hearing Mahesh Chavda speak for the first time and watching as he called out many diseases that people had with the Lord speaking through him with words of knowledge. It was obvious that these things were not rigged or pre-contrived, except by the Holy Ghost and through prayer. After about 80 or 90 people were called out and asked to stand, then the whole congregation prayed and these people were almost all, if not all healed. Mahesh had them come up to testify. This was all new to me back in 1992. Then he formed a line of about 100 people and laid hands on them one by one, taking his hand off of their forehead before they fell over backward. Then he asked for more to come up and receive a touch from the Lord. I was hungry for a touch, but at the same time, I did not want to fake anything, and I said to my wife, "Let's go up there hon, but I'm gonna try to stand." We were about 10 to 15 people from the end of the line where Mahesh was starting to lay hands on people. When he came to us he asked us if we were married, and we said yes, because we had just got married and came here for our honeymoon. Then he said to me, "Don't fight it, just receive." I saw him take his hand away from my forehead, and then blacked out and went down. When I came to he had gone down the whole line of about 100. The young man next to me was flopping around. Some were jerking a little, but most were just out. My wife said the last thing she remembered was her knees buckling out from under her. I was relaxed, but my mind was racing, aware of all things, and I had a tremendous feeling that I cannot explain. I felt a tremendous love for everybody. I had been zapped by the Holy Spirit, and all I could say was things like, 'Hallelujah, Praise God, Thank You Jesus, and I love you, man!' I received a lasting anointing. There was a warm spot on my forehead where I had been touched, and it was there for at least a good week before it started to fade out. I was a preaching machine after this happened. Space limits me telling all things that happened, but I want to center on healing.

During the conference when I got zapped with that touch from the Lord, I would occasionally pray for someone else, and sometimes they would go down, or be healed, or both. I would make sure not to push them at all, remembering how the Lord's servant Mahesh had laid hands on me.

Girl at conference:

The next summer in 1993 there was a young oriental girl at a Vineyard conference in Kansas city, and she was weeping. I remember this one good enough to tell. It was during some sort of lunch break in between speakers, and I was able to try to talk to her, although she was weeping too much to talk to me. I found out from her friends that she had no job, no money, and her parents lived in China and could not afford to send her any money. Also, she was a dancer, and she loved to dance, but she had something wrong with her leg, I can't remember what, and had been limping with this condition for much longer than just a couple of weeks, from what I remember. I was able to pray with her. I felt the anointing of the Holy Spirit as I spoke the Word over her. I quoted healing and prosperity scriptures, and prophesied that her leg would be completely healed and that she would be dancing before the Lord before the conference ended. What else I prayed I can't remember. I do know that I felt led to give her a hundred dollar bill from my wallet as a start to God's blessings. That caused an immediate change in her attitude. Two days later during praise and worship at the conference, I worshipped in the front, and watched her as she danced before the Lord with great, great joy on her face. She was a very accomplished dancer, and many others, including myself, were dancing and praising the Almighty God. I later talked again to her friends, as they said she was completely healed with no pain at all.

Prophetic Word: I had a prophetic word that had been spoken over me several times back in the early 90's, and it was that people would be healed while I was playing my guitar and singing, and that deaf ears and blinded eyes would be opened. I honestly somewhat resented this word, in that I wanted to be the one preaching and doing the laying on of hands. I had played music all my life, had played professionally, ran and operated my own recording studio for over 20 years, had charted records, and now all I wanted to do was preach and teach, with music of almost no interest to me now.

More Experiences with Healing and Miracles:


Anyway, I was anointed, (still am), and believed what the bible said, (still do), and had received the Holy Ghost and power with the boldness to preach to whoever and to lay on hands believing for healing. In 1993 I started playing for a country gospel group, and I remember calling Bombi the bass player, and praying for his wife Loretta over the phone. She had some sort of stomach illness, and the Lord healed her instantly. This was in late summer of 1992. Also, in 2004, Loretta came to the Community Chapel in Marion where Donnie Colson pastors. Loretta had a severe hearing problem that she had suffered with for many years. She came to the alter to receive a healing. I was playing and singing in the worship group as Donnie Colson prayed for her. Her ears opened immediately, and she proclaimed with joy that she was able to hear me singing clearly for the first time. The Lord uses Donnie Colson for healing and miracles and salvations in a mighty way. The prophetic word spoken over me many years ago were being fullfilled.

My son healed 3 times

My son was 16 years old back in 1992, and he thought I had lost it, praying over every glass of water I drank and praying in the middle of the night. However, when he was sick with the flu, I laid my hands on him and prayed, and through the name of Jesus the flu immediately left him. There was another occasion when my son was out partying with some friends, and he was not feeling well. He had his friends bring him home so I could pray for him, he was immediately healed, and he just went right back out to party.

I let my son do pretty much what he wanted, and was not worried about his salvation, for the Lord had given me the scripture, "As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord." I would wait till he started to ask me questions, and then I would tell him of the things of the Lord. As I started to speak the Word to him, and felt the anointing of the Holy Ghost rise up in me, I would speak the Word by the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus and I would prophesy over him, applying the blood over my son and my prayers, thanking God in advance for the results, and it eventually all came to pass. (There is power in the Word, power by the Holy Spirit, power in the name of Jesus, power in prayer, power in the blood and the word of our testimony, power in praise, etc. I prophetically prayed the Word by the Sprit in His name, etc., knowing it would all come to pass). Anyway, there was a third time my son was sick, and he was still not yet saved. It was about 6:30 on a Friday night and he wanted to go out and party with his friends, and he asked me to pray for him. I laid hands on him and prayed, rebuking the spirit of infirmity in the name of Jesus, and when I got done praying he was having a hard time catching his breath. Sweat was breaking out on his forehead, and he said his stomach was in a knot and he felt worse and was having a hard time catching his breath. Come to find out, the Lord had given him a vision of Hell while I was praying for him, and it almost scared the Hell out of him. (That's another story, and it is a very anointed story when you hear my son tell it.) Anyway, the vision scared my son, and he told me the vision and I interpreted it for him, and he did get healed, although it was more gradual, not completed until later in the evening when it was too late to go out with his friends and party. My son Joshua eventually did get saved, but it was not just the vision of Hell that did it, it was the love of God, but again, that is another story better heard from him. The things I prophesied over him came to pass, that he would be filled with the Holy Ghost and power, that his body would shake with the power of God and he would speak in tongues, that he would be a light to his generation and a mighty soldier in the army of God, and that the Lord would give him visions and dreams and he would hear the audible voice of the Lord, and the Lord would use him for healings and miracles. All of these things have come to pass. My son had the most awesome infilling of the Holy Ghost that has ever been witnessed in this area. He holy-rolled for days and it wasn't until the third day that he was able to speak in english, and even then he had a strange accent. Great joy filled our whole house, and that is another long story.

Other prophetic words:

JOHN: Speaking of prophesying, Jerry Bryant had moved to Nashville, TN, and we had started going to a church in Carbondale, where a man named John, (I don't want to give his full name), had been the pastor, and we came in right when he had left due to liver problems. A fellow named Hal had started preaching there most of the time. It did not look like John was going to live. The church was very sad about it. I remember praying about it one evening at home, and I felt in the Spirit that the Lord said that John would walk into the church and we would shake his hand and hug his neck. At church the next Sunday, they were talking about how he did not have long to live, and they could not find a replacement liver in time to save him. I boldly stood up and prophesied that John would walk into this church and that we would shake his hand and hug his neck. This took guts on my part, and faith. What if it didn't happen? Not only that, but this church was sort of reserved, and about half of them did not believe in healing, prophesy, tongues, and etc. We prayed for healing for people sometimes, but most of them did not get healed, and their doctrine on healing was not that sound. Anyway, I don't know exactly how long it was, but John came to a service a few weeks later, and we shook his hand and hugged his neck, fulfilling the word of the Lord through me. Unfortunately, about a couple months after that, John was back in the hospital again, in that his body had rejected the new liver. He ended up dying. It is sad that some people do not walk in or keep their healing. I do not know all the answers, but I think some of them may be found on the 'HEALING TEACHING' link (at the top of this page), which deals with much of the doctrine that is taught wrong by many preachers today, said doctrine tearing down faith rather than building it up.  However, the more I grew in the anointing, the more miracles I witnessed, and the more people kept their miracles.  I was still very young in the Lord at this time. 

Phil's son:

However, the church was a little reserved, and Hal had asked me not to prophesy but to tell him, and he would decide whether to release it or not. There was a preacher named Phil (I don't want to give his last name), that Hal knew. Phil had a son that was in the hospital, and the doctors could not find what the matter was, and it looked as if he would die. Pastor Hal had asked the church to kneel down and weep and cry out to the Lord that Phil's son would be healed. I felt in the Spirit that the Lord was saying that the boy would surely live and not die, but rather to weep and cry for the lost. I gave the word to pastor Hal, but he did not repeat it. Phil's son showed noticeable improvement in a couple of days and was released from the hospital on Friday or Saturday (can't remember) five or six days after that Sunday service, and is still living today.  This was in either 1993 or 1994, in the spring. 

Lady at church healed:

I went to this church in Carbondale under Hal from the summer on 1992 through the spring of 1994. One time in church, the pastor gave us an opportunity to exchange prayers with another person. There was a lady there that was a nurse, and she had asked for prayer a couple weeks before about her job. She was worried about losing her job as a nurse, because every time she put on surgical gloves, her hands would break out in a rash and she would have to take the gloves off. I immediately teamed up with her. She was still having the problem. I suspected that her problem was caused by nerves, and as I interviewed her as Jerry had taught me, I found out that her husband had left her, confirming my suspicions. I ministered to her a little with some scripture, one of them being about 'if the unbelieving depart,' and ministered peace to her as I told her that the problem was nerve related. I then discreetly rubbed some spit on her hands from my tongue, praying, and she never had this problem again.  I was just trying to be led by God with the spit. 

John O. healed:

John O. (who lives on highway 127 south of Murphysboro closer to Alto Pass) used to go to Jerry's living room meetings. I ran into him at the grocery store during the summer of 1993 or 1994, as he was frantically getting some medication, because he had just been stung by a bee, and he said that he was highly allergic to bee stings, and was probably going to the hospital. I immediately starting quoting scripture to him contrary to his bad confession, and he saw the light and said, "That's right, I don't have to accept this." We prayed, and then he said, "Thank you Jesus, I feel fine now. That's right, I don't have to accept this." John was fine after that. I saw him again a few weeks later and he confirmed it again, giving God praise.

Where I attended church:

Jerry Bryant had moved to Nashville, TN in the summer of 1992, so we attended a consevative church in Carbondale under Hal.  Hal's church would meet on Sunday afternoons, and in my hunger for the things of the Lord, I was also going to Community Chapel in Marion on Sunday mornings and Sunday and Wednesday nights also, where Donnie Colson still pastors, who walks in a healing anointing on a continual basis. I was also going to brother Reed's on Thursday night, as well as taking bible studies from Gary Roman on Tuesday night. I was anointed and I knew it, or thought I did. The first time I went to Donnie's at the Community Chapel, Pastor Donnie was speaking from the pulpit, "There's a healer in the house, there's a healer in the house!" Of course, Donnie was talking about Jesus, but in my freshly anointed zeal I honestly thought he was talking about me at first. (Ha!) I walked to the front, raising my hand, getting ready to say, "It's me, it's me, I'm the healer." I never said it as Donnie kept preaching with his eyes shut, not seeing me, as he spoke, "And His name is Jesus." When he said this, I felt a slight disappointment in that he was not talking about me, however, I also had a big sense of relief that I had not blurted out, and nobody had noticed my ignorance.  Ha!

My short prison ministry:

In addition to going to 5 church services a week and 1 bible study, I was also doing ministry at a certain penitentiary, helping out with the worship music. There were some hungry inmates there, and I wanted to preach, but the chaplain would not let me, and he did all the preaching, although he did let the other guitar player preach once or twice. However, after a service once in a while I would get to minister one on one to an inmate or two. There was an instantaneous healing one night. After that the inmates would ask the chaplain to let me preach, and he finally reluctantly agreed, giving me three minutes only. I was just getting warmed up good when my three minutes were up and the chaplain shut me down, not giving me an extra second. After hearing me preach that little bit, the inmates wanted me all the more. However, the next week the chaplain asked me to resign on a minor technicality.

I had also started to preach a little at the Rend Lake prison. I had been going to the prison with a gospel band, and after a while they let me conduct my own service. The anointing was there, people would fall sometimes, and I was careful to take my hand off of their forehead before they started to fall. Many inmates were receiving healing or salvation, or both. The chaplain at this prison had more faith. However, due to strict regulations at the Rend Lake prison, someone checked my prior criminal record, and the chaplain had to reluctantly ask me to leave.

The woman at Bald Knob Cross:

One Easter Sunday, 1994 I think, I was worshipping the Lord with a couple of Christian musician friends at the Bald Knob Cross, which is the highest hill in Southern Illinois where there is a large cross built, and many go there on Easter Sunday. There was a lady that worked in the little concession store there, where we were inside worshipping. In the afternoon when the people had thinned out, we prayed for the lady, that she would be healed of arthritis. The problem was in her knees. The three of us were praying. I felt led to put my hands on her knees as I prayed. She was immediately healed, and her testimony was that my hands felt like fire when I placed them on her knees. She also said that when I put my hands on her knees she felt the arthritis just 'poof out' of her knees. Of course, it was the power of God that healed her, and had nothing to do with me, in that I did not feel any above average warmth in my hands at all. Unfortunately, this lady lost her healing. When I talked with her at a later date, the arthritis had come back. This is the fault of the devil when this happens. At that time I did not know how to pray, telling Arthur, (Arthritus) not to come back. It is important to tell the spirit of infirmity to not come back.  It is not God's fault if the pain returns.   The God I serve does not take it back. As far as I know, the other people listed herein all kept their healing, unless otherwise noted.

Ken G.'s back healed:

In 1993 I started going with the NGL Ministries to witness to the lost. NGL would go to Mardi-Gras, Kentucky Derby, and the Indy 500. It was around 1995 or 1996 that Ken G. was telling me about all the pain he was having in his back, and he was having a real hard time. He was concerned that he was in too much pain to ride the NGL bus back to Illinois. I prayed with him, speaking the word of God in the name of Jesus by the Holy Spirit, and he was healed instantly. I asked him recently (2005) about this and he definately remembered this incident, remaing pain free to this day.

Carolyn M.'s back healed:

There was a fellow nicknamed Coach that was having a gathering at a certain mountain in Georgia around 1995 or 1996. Coach had been going to the NGL events, and some others from NGL were also going to the mountain, including Howard M., a Holy Ghost filled, Spirit-led witness that was known for converting many people to the faith. My wife and I were also there. It was here that I met Howard's wife, Carolyn for the first time. Carolyn very slowly got up out of the chair with her cane, to stand up as she met me. She was obviously in a lot of pain. I could not help but laugh as I knew that the Lord was going to heal her. She had been in a bad car wreck about two weeks prior, and the problem was in her back. As she was telling me about how bad she was hurting, I could not help but laugh. I was not laughing because she was in pain, but I was laughing because this was a great opportunity for the Lord to show himself strong, and I was very confident this healing was going to happen now, and my spiritual faith was bubbling, making me laugh. I had heard Benny Hinn on TV preach on healing just a few days prior to this, and his faith teaching had burned into me by the Holy Spirit, and I had remembered every word and every scripture, and my faith was at a strong point. My mind had been dwelling on these healing scriptures for 2 or 3 days.  I prayed a normal prayer that lasted no more than 15 seconds, and she was completely healed instantly, with no more pain, not because of who I am, but because of who He is. I went to Carolyn about 2 or 3 years later to apologize for laughing, and to explain why I was laughing at her calamity, but she did not remember the part about me laughing, but she remembered the healing, not having any more problems.  There have been other times through the years that I have prayed for them for healing, and they have received it every time.  This precious couple and I have a strong friendship and respect for one another.   

Jerry J.'s severe headache:

There may have been other people from NGL that I prayed for over the years, but I can't remember them, neither had I been keeping a record. One more that I do remember is Jerry J. I remember this one because he came to thank me for prayer at the exact same time another person had just made a snide comment to me, doubting my authority in the healing gift, and I said, "There's one, right there, who just got healed this morning!" Anyway, we were at the men's retreat for NGL in 2004, when Jerry Johnson came to me asking for some Tylenol, complaining of a severe headache. I kinda chuckled a little bit as I told him the Lord would take care of that right now. I took him behind the Common Ground Ministries tent, away from the people, and as we walked through the tent I saw Dane and Mike from Common Ground who I knew had faith for healing, and I summoned them to come with us. We prayed commanding the root cause of the headaches to be removed and his headache was completely gone. I asked him about this recently when I saw him at the NGL Kentucky Derby 2005 event, and he remembered, saying, "That was not a normal headache, it was very severe, it was killing me. But it was completely healed, and I told my wife I didn't need the Tylenol any more." I saw Jerry again in 2007 at the MardiGras event, and he said that before the healing, he had been having those severe migrain headaches often, but since then had not experienced any more severe migrain headaches.

Mexico and Honduras:

Over the years I made 5 or 6 trips to Mexico, and about 9 to Honduras. It is unknown how many people were healed on these trips. I know there were more people healed in Honduras, because I went to Honduras with Common Ground Ministries, and they expected miracles to happen everyday in their normal Christian walk. The group I went to Mexico with believed in miracles, but did not have the expectation, nor did they preach a lot on healing, so thus, after preaching on salvation, there were people that came up to get healed, and some would get healed, and there were miracles, but not like in Honduras with the group known as Common Ground. I learned to just do my job on these trips, and my job was to only preach when called on to preach, and to lead or help worship, often singing in Spanish as I played my guitar. After the worship and preaching, my Holy Ghost job was to play guitar and sing the alter call songs by myself in Spanish. My favorite song is "There's a Miracle in the Making." It would be hard to calculate how many people received miracles while I would be singing under the anointing in agreement with those doing the laying on of hands. Thus, the prophecies from 1992-1994 spoken over me were and still are being fulfilled, that many miracles would happen while I was singing and playing my guitar in worship. In one night alone in November of 2004 there was 5 miracles in one night: One was a deaf & dumb girl about 11 years old that the Lord opened her ears, and at the end of the service she was saying, "Jesus is my Saviour" in English. Another lady had a syst disappear from her eye the same night, and 3 others had miracles in either their eye(s) or ear(s).

Some miracles inside the church:

Brenda E.:

Over the years I would pray for different people, both inside and outside of the churches. One of the more memorable ones inside the church includes Brenda E.  Brenda and her husband Mike are friends of my wife and me. I had prayed for Mike before when he had received healing on some minor stuff. In 2000, when Mike had lost his job, and Brenda's car had broke down, and Brenda did not think that the Lord loved her anymore, and Brenda's teeth started hurting real bad, and they could not afford the dentist, I was able to minister to Brenda. She had been going to a somewhat legalistic church, and the Lord had me there also for exactly 3 ½ years, but had recently moved me back again to brother Donnie Colson's, with 5 confirmations. Mike and Brenda had recently followed us over to Donnie Colson's also. I gave Brenda a ride to church, and on the way I was able to minister God's love to her through the scriptures. I was also able to build her faith up through the Word. I also reminded her of a sister whom the Lord had given a gold filling to at the other church. I also told her about a person that had received a gold filling down in Anna, IL. Then I told her that it would be that much easier for her to receive at Donnie's, in that there was a stronger healing anointing there, and to expect her tooth to be healed and filled tonight. When we started worship that night, she came up for prayer, and Donnie seemed just a little surprised, as he told the congregation, "Hey, she came up here asking for a gold filling, she's asking, and I'm asking you to believe with us, hey, nothing is impossible with God." I immediately put down my guitar and prayed for her with my pastor. Donnie and I were the only ones that laid hands on her, in that Donnie had taught the congregation in times past not to come up and lay hands on people if you don't believe that it is going to happen. Brenda said the pain was gone after prayer. On the way home, Brenda confirmed that the pain was completely gone. Speaking by the Holy Ghost, I told her that she would have her filling by morning. The next morning she said that she had a white filling, and as she looked in the mirror at her filling, she heard the Lord speak one word, 'holiness'. Exactly why the filling was not gold, I don't know. I wonder if it had something to do with the word the Lord spoke to her.


There was a pleasant fellow named Galen that went to Donnie's also. I remember it was about 2003, give or take a year, that Galen started having a heart attack in the church service. I put down my guitar, and Tim, the assistant preacher and worship leader put down his guitar, and we went with Pastor Donnie to pray for Galen. The 3 of us prayed for him as the congregation stretched out their hands, and the ones sitting on either side of Galen laid their hands on his shoulders. I had faith for his healing, and I told Galen, "Don't worry Galen, you're gonna be fine, this thing is gonna go, your healing is on the way." I prayed for about 30 seconds, but quit praying as Donnie and Tim kept praying. I noticed that he had not been healed yet, and was wondering what to do, and how to pray. I felt like I should lay my hands on his feet, but people were sitting all around him, and with Tim & Donnie praying, I could not get to his feet. After deliberating for about 15 seconds, I went to the pew in front of him and got down in between the legs of the people sitting there, and crawled under the pew to reach Galen's feet, and laid my hand's on his feet and prayed again. Galen was immediately healed. Galen in the past had had 5 heart attacks and 2 bypass operations, but he never had another heart problem after this. His testimony was that the moment I laid my hands on his feet, he felt the thing go out the top of his head.

Ron W.:

Recently, in April of 2005, Ron W. started having a heart attack in the church after service. Ron W. is a faithful man of God, responsible for opening and closing the church doors. Anyway, the service was over. I'm usually one of the last to leave. There was a lady there at the church that I'd never seen before. Ron spoke to her as she was walking out of the sanctuary. I was packing up my guitar when Pastor Donnie said, "Come on, Karl, Ronnie's having a heart attack!" As I walked down the isle, I laughed, as faith was bubbling, knowing that Ronnie would be healed. Ronnie heard me laugh and opened his eyes just enough to glance up at me as I walked toward him. His face was white and had pain written all over it, his right hand over his heart. As I started to kneel down, Ron attempted to speak, "It hit me when I started talking to that woman." I said to Ron, "Don't worry, Ron, within a minute or two this thing will be completely gone." Then through the authority and the power in the name of Jesus I spoke to the spirit of infirmity to leave, and then said to Ron, "There it is." He was healed completely and was all smiles again.  I heard several months later that he was in the hospital, but I can't remember why.  He may have been one that lost his healing, but I'm not sure. 

Miracles on the job site and other places:

I'm a paint contractor and I paint mainly gas stations, with the help of usually one other person that I hire to work with me. I've seen miracles on the job and in the stores where I buy the paint. This letter is getting long, so I will try to be more brief as I tell of some of the miracles I've witnessed outside of the four walls.

Some headaches:

Bill at Sherwin-Williams in Carbondale:

Bill has worked at Sherwin-Williams for a long time. It was a long time ago when I was buying paint one time and he was complaining of a headache. I remember that I kinda had to talk him into letting me pray, and after a short prayer, smiling, he said, "That's funny, it's gone!" I asked him recently about this, but he had no recollection of this.

Store manager at Herrin Huck's:

Gary Roman was working for me in about 1997 when we painted the inside of the Herrin Huck's store. Gary prophetically discerned through the word of knowledge that the store manager, Brenda had a headache. She had been having serious migrains for a long time. We prayed, & God healed.  I had heard a couple of years later that her headaches had returned.

Young man in the Lowe's paint department:

I prayed for several headaches: One was a young man at Lowe's in Carbondale in the paint department. I talked him into letting me pray by telling him of another young man that the Lord had healed just a day or two before, (which I can't remember the details of now), and I quoted some scriptures and I prayed and he said, "I feel better now." I then said, "That's not good enough, let me pray again." When I prayed again, his headache was completely gone.

Store manager at another Huck's:

In the spring of 2004 there was a woman that was the store manager at a Huck's store, which I don't want to give the location publicly. She had been having migrain headaches, and I prayed for her, and she was healed. Unfortunately, when I went to work the next day, her headache had come back again. I perceived that she was living in sin. She had a boyfriend, but was not married, with kids, & I think there were other things in her life not of God that I don't want to mention. Unfortunately, she was not repentive, even though she said she was familiar with the things of God. I don't know why people don't receive or keep their healings all the time, but I do know that the percentage of people that kept their healings greatly increased when I started telling the spirit of infirmity not to return.  Unfortunately, I did not learn this untill 2006.

Some more notable miracles on the job:

Brian J.'s knee:

This happened at the Huck's store in Sandoval, IL, where I was painting in 2003. The air conditioning and heating man was there. I had first met this man a year earlier in 2002 while painting in Eldorado, where I took the time to lead him back to the Lord. Now, a year later, he was a regular bonafide, sanctified, church going Christian. He was heavy set, and he was limping with great pain. I learned that he had been having a problem in his knee for several weeks now. I prayed, and God healed. I saw him a year later in 2004 at a job site in Mt Vernon, and he was still healed, and thanked me again several times for his healing, telling me how bad the pain was and that it had left completely and never came back. I made sure that God got the glory. I had forgotten his name, but when I saw him again at another Huck's store on April 18, 2005, I got his name for verification purposed for those interested in validation.

Boy with asthma healed:

One of the memorable miracles happened in Kennet, MO where I was painting a Huck's store with my good Mexican friend that could not speak a word of English. We were pushing hard to get the job done, in that we were so far from home. It was late evening in the summer of 2004, and we were painting the front of the building. There was about 15 teenagers gathered in a circle, talking in the parking lot. I thought, how can I miss an opportunity like this to preach? I jumped in the middle of them and started preaching that Jesus is the only way, the only one that opened the eyes of the blind, raised the dead, fed the multitudes in the desert, died for your sin, rose again, sitting at the right hand of the Father making intercession for you, no other name under heaven, etc. I preached for about only 45 seconds or so as they all actually listened, watching the Holy Ghost fire burn. Then I boldy spoke through the unction of the Spirit that the Lord would confirm his word now with a healing, and if anyone there needed a healing, step forward now and the Lord will heal you. No one stepped forward, so I repeated myself, and then a young man stepped forward and said that he had asthma. I prayed for about 15 seconds and nothing happened, so I prayed for another 20 seconds, rebuking the spirit of infirmity and cast it out and he said the pain was completely gone. I did not know that there was pain associated with asthma, I thought it was just a difficulty in breathing. Anyway, I turned to the crowd, and said, "This is the Lord confirming the word that I spoke to you, that Jesus is the only way, and it's time to repent. Let's join hands and pray." We then joined hands, but they wanted their other friends to get in on it, and the 15 turned into about 25, which would have been good, except the other ten did not see the miracle and were skeptics during the prayer, but we all joined hands and prayed right there in the parking lot. The news of the miracle spread, and there were others that came in the course of the evening and next day that asked for prayer. The construction manager for Huck's, Jerome N, was there and heard about it. The girls working there behind the cash register heard about the miracle. Word got back to Chris, another construction worker for Huck's, who called me about a job, and that reminds me of another good miracle.

Chris's son:

Backing up to the spring of 2003, I was working at the new Huck's being built in Carbondale. Chris was the general contractor on this job. Chris knew a lot about construction, but he was only about 27 years old. I had met Chris before on other jobs. Chris is handsome, energetic and intelligent with a good sense of humor and is very hard worker. I liked Chris a lot, and had witnessed to him a lot. As general contractor on this job, he found out how much I was making, and he thought I was making way too much money and threatened me with the corporation finding another painter. He did have some weight, being nephew of the CEO, but I trusted God. I had plenty of reason to get upset, but I had decided to stay in the Holy Ghost, and during one of those conversations where he threatened my working for the corporation, I felt the faith bubbling up in me as I told him God gave me the job and man and the devil could not take it away, quoting many prosperity scriptures as I spoke, and saying that if I lost this account, God would be moving me on to bigger and better things, and there was nothing he could do to hurt my income. The next thing that happened, I had 4 or 5 Plaza Tire stores to paint for really good money, and I did not have much time to help Chris, but I tried to find the time to help him out, not budging on my regular prices. He had gotten some company painters to do a little work, but a big splotch of yellow paint got spilled on the new asphalt right in the front, and some good size drools were also on the side parking spaces, many of which are still there to this day. Also, one day we were talking, and Chris was sad. He told me that his son was really sick, and his mom had to take him to St. Louis to the hospital to find out what was wrong with him. Chris knew I was a man of faith and asked me to pray. I prayed, speaking by the Holy Ghost, thanking God that when the boy arrived at the hospital, they would not be able to find anything wrong with him, that he was healed. The next time I saw Chris, he told me that his son was fine, and that they could not find anything wrong with him at the hospital, and he had gotten him and brought him home. I asked Chris, "Isn't that exactly what I prayed?" Chris said yes, but he also mentioned that his mom and others had been praying also, as he was reluctant to give me too much credit, (which I don't want anyway). However, Chris never forgot that, and he eventually returned to the Lord, after being backslid for many years, and goes to church now.

Greg H.

I worked for Chris again at a job in Evansville, Indiana in July of 2005, where Chris introduced me to one of his fellow workers as he mentioned other miracles that I had forgotten about that happened on the same job site in 2003. One of those included Greg H., who had been having stomach pains for awhile. I was working on my scaffold painting the top ridge cap of the building and Greg was working on the roof. I had opportunity to talk and pray with this man who was instantly healed. Chris said there were other minor miracles on that site that I had forgotten about, such as headaches, etc. It makes me wonder how many other miracles I have forgotten about.

Rick's back healed:

I have a good friend and brother in the Lord named Dennis G., who is also a paint contractor and an excellent guitar player. Anyway, Dennis had a cousin named Rick that used to work with Dennis painting. A few years back (about 1999) when Dennis had no work, Rick worked with me for a few days. Rick had been on medication and was in much pain for his back, and the doctors had diagnosed it as a degenerating spine condition. He was unable to paint baseboards for very long, because of the pain. I prayed for Rick, but nothing happened. I prayed again a few days later, and nothing happened then either. It was a good two years later when I saw Rick and prayed the third time. In the meantime, I had switched churches to go back to brother Donnie Colson's. I had started going to Honduras with Common Ground ministries, and I had just got back from a trip where one of the miracles was a man crushed by a truck that God did a creative miracle on and raised from the dead. I was full of faith after being in Honduras for three weeks. My painting business was slow, so I went to work with my friend Dennis to help him on a large house and Rick was there. Rick was the assistant preacher at a Pentecostal church in a nearby town. I perceived that Rick had heard some bad doctrine such as Paul and the thorn in 2nd Corinthians 12, as well as some other bad doctrine on Job, etc (Go to the link 'Healing Teaching' for details). I then had the time to minister to Rick, explaining the scriptures more perfectly, explaining God's will for his healing, etc. I then prayed for Rick again, and speaking by the Holy Ghost according to my faith I told him that he would feel an immediate difference, and within a week or two, his healing would be 100% complete. I did not pray for a miracle, I prayed for a quick healing. However, he received a miracle right then. (God often goes beyond our expectations). He immediately was healed completely, thanking God. He immediately was carrying ladders, something he was not able to do before, and he unloaded and loaded them off of Dennis's pickup truck when necessary. He went off his medication. Dennis called me a couple weeks later to tell me how well Rick was doing. Apparently, Rick did great for 2 or 3 months, but I then heard that he hurt his back moving some heavy church pews. Dennis told me recently that he was back on his medication again. I don't know why people sometimes lose their healing, but it is usually the devil. I do know that Rick had been receiving some sort of government disability because of his back problems both before and after his healing. As far as I know, all the people herein kept their healing, unless otherwise noted.  As the anointing grew stronger on me and I learned how to pray, the percentage of people that kept their heaing greatly increased. 

Billy M.'s back healed:

One time in the summer of 2004 the transmission went out in my paint truck on the wrong side of St. Louis. A newly saved young man named "Little Rock' was working for me at the time. He phoned his dad, Rock J., in Herrin, who called his good friend Billy M., and they came up with Billy's trailer and loaded up my van and got us back home. Billy limped and was in a lot of pain. I had plenty of time to talk to him on the way home. I found out that 10 years prior he had flipped a car 3 times and landed on a police car, and ended up in a full body cast, with bunches of broken bones, some of which never healed right. I talked car mechanic talk with them on the drive back, but I also spoke about the things of the Lord, as I felt faith rise up. He had faith, even though he was not living right. We arrived in southern Illinois, and as he was starting to jack the trailer up off the pickup truck, I asked if I could pray for him. He said, "Sure." I said to him, "Show me where the pain hurts the worst." He pointed to a spot on his back, saying, "Right here." That's where I laid my hand as I prayed. I prayed a simple short prayer in the name of Jesus, that by the stripes on the back of Jesus, Billy's back is healed. He continued to work, as if nothing had happened. I found out a week later from Rock J. that he was zapped by the Holy Spirit when I prayed, and that the next morning he was able to get right out of bed, without having to carefully roll out taking 20 minutes to limber up first, and that he had gone off his medication. I talked to Rock J. in May of 2005, and he confirmed that Billy had received a healing and had kept it. Billy still walks with a limp, and there are still things wrong in his body, but his back, which is what I prayed for, was and still is healed. I saw Billy again about two years later in 2007, and he said he did not have a pain in his body, and if he gets a pain, he asks Jesus to take it away and He does. Billy had been going faithfully to a good Holy Ghost filled church, and I did not recognize when I first saw him, as he had gotten a shave and a haircut, and had really changed. 

Young man at Sandoval Huck's:

On a Sunday afternoon in April 2005, I was painting the outside of the Huck's store in Sandoval, IL.  A young man that worked there came out to talk to me. He had a bad headache over his left eye. I laughed w/faith as he described his pain. I told him the headache was going to go away now. He asked how. I told him through prayer in the name of Jesus the Christ. He again asked how, and did not have much faith, but the Lord healed him and he confessed Jesus as Lord and made up his mind to get back in church.

Pastor Donnie:

Toward the end of May, 2005, Donnie, who was my pastor at that time, said to me after church service, "Stick around, I want to talk to you." After almost everyone had left, he asked me to pray about a certain decision, that the Lord's will would be done in his life. He also asked me to pray for his health. He said that he had been having chills and had lost his appetite, and had been that way for more than several days. I prayed for him, speaking by the Holy Spirit that he would have his appetite back in the morning. I found out a week later after I got back from the Indy 500 with NGL that the morning after praying he had a huge appetite, and that he went and ate a huge steak dinner, being completely healed. I love this pastor very dearly, and he is probably the most anointed man I personally know for walking in healings and miracles on a continual basis. If you need a healing or need your faith stirred up concerning healing, you should talk to Donnie Colson.  The Lord moved me to a different church (CLC) in the spring of 2006, but I still feel like Donnie Colson is my pastor.

Ron T:

It was the 4th of July weekend in 2005 and I was with about 50 other Christians witnessing and ministering under the arch in St. Louis with Common Ground Ministries. We were using the Greater Glory Church as a base to work from. We sat in on a service on Sunday night at the Greater Glory after ministering that weekend. I was next to Ron T. during this excellent worship service. I had been crying out to the Lord for more of Him. As the youth team from the church came to do a skit and everybody stood up, I noticed Ron did not stand and I came to find out that his knees were in great pain. He had been in a motorcycle wreck decades ago, and had pain ever since.  He tried to stand once as the congregation stood, but it took about 20 seconds for him to stand. I prayed, and then waited a couple minutes and then asked how he felt. He said he felt much better, and was able to stand up quickly. After further inquiry I discovered he still had a little pain, and I was not satisfied. I asked to pray again. As I did so, I asked Jim Coleman to pray also. Jim was sitting on the other side of Ron.  Jim Coleman walks in the healing anointing on a continual basis. Jim layed a hand on one of his knees and prayed a quick prayer. I also saw Brad Shaul, a man who the Lord had rewarded with a tangible healing anointing in his hands, due to his faithfulness, constant giving, and humility. Brad prayed with me for about a minute or so, and Ron was completely healed. His body was still sore and tired from all the walking and ministering in St. Louis, but his knees were totally free from all pain. He went out with several of us to the Landing to do street ministry that night, walking just fine with no pain. Ron and I also partnered up the next day as we went under the arch on the afternoon of Monday the 4th, and the pain was still completely gone. However, when I saw him about a year later, he said the pain had come back again, but not as severe.  I prayed for him again at this time, and when i saw him in 2007, he said he was pain free, all glory to God.


On August 2, 2005, I was returning from St. Louis via Bart's Transportation and was riding in the back next to an elderly couple from Herrin, IL. They said they were Southern Baptists and were saved, so I asked if they had any pains in their body that I could pray for. The lady was sitting next to me and her name was June. She said that she had slipped on the ice about a year and a half ago in January, and had hurt her knee which still hurt to this day, and that she had never gone to the doctor. I perceived that she had heard bad doctrine on healing, (not because she was Southern Baptist), and I did not want to take a chance of her not receiving her healing, so I asked if I could talk to her for about 10 minutes before I prayed. We were just leaving the airport, so there was plenty of time to talk. I went through all the scriptures that some preachers use to show why God may not heal, may not heal now, or why he may allow sickness, etc., and showed her the word of God more perfectly. I took her from Isaiah 53 to Job, and through the New Testament scriptures pertaining to healing such as are discussed in the 'Healing Teaching' link at the top of the page, and I could tell faith was rising up in her as I taught the scriptures. I then asked where the pain was the worst and she laid my hand on her knee. I prayed for about 15 or 20 seconds and she then said, "It doesn't hurt near as bad now, it really is a lot better." She seemed a little surprised as she continued, "I'm not just saying that, it really is a lot better!" I then told her that if the pain was not completely gone within five minutes, that I would pray again. We talked for about five minutes, and she then said, "The pain is completely gone!" Again, she seemed a little surprised, and once again said, "I'm not just saying that for your sake, the pain really is completely gone, it is honestly completely gone!" I never bothered to get the couple's last name. We talked for a little while longer and then dozed off for the majority of the ride.


I was at the NGL Men's Retreat in September of 2005 and I was sharing the Word with my fellow Christian friends on Friday night after the fellowship had started. As I talked to Joe about healing, he mentioned to me that he had been getting colds that made his throat sore and cause lung congestion. He said that it only happens when he starts to preach. He said that he likes to preach on repentance and that he had been to Africa to preach as well as on the streets, and that is when the attacks come. He said he had been to the doctor about it, and the doctors could not find anything wrong. I started to laugh as I said, "That's funny! It only happens when you preach, and the doctors can't find anything wrong. Sounds like a demonic spirit to me." I laughed more intensely as I continued, "Let's pray and get rid of that thing right now." Joe was laughing with me, and I started to pray. As I prayed, Joe said, "I feel it moving. There it is right there," Joe said as he pointed to his left side. "Can you feel it? Put your hand right here." As I laid my hand right there I answered, "No, but it doesn't matter, it's gonna go." I continued to pray and I rebuked the foul spirit and commanded it to leave in the name of Jesus, and Joe said that he felt it go, and felt his healing manifest and he was able to breath clearly. He testified to this the next day during my time of teaching on "Healing the Sick'.


In October 2005, Kathy came to visit the girl that lives in the house next to ours, and she knew me from 30 years ago before I had been saved. She had injured the cornea in her eye and the doctor said it would continue to deteriorate until she went blind. She was wearing some kind of dark glasses, and her vision was not good at all. I talked to her about my conversion and about the miracles God had done and spoke the Word to her concerning healing. She listened to me intently. After sharing the Word I laughed as I went to pray, as my faith bubbled up, telling her that her eye would be healed now. Through the name of Jesus, she received her miracle, and starting laughing also as she was reading the fine print out of a phone book. She came to church the next day (Sunday) and rededicated her life after being backslid for over 25 years, and through her and her testimony there have been others that have also gotten saved and started going to church.

                     Part 2

It was around 2005 that I started making up my mind that I wanted more of God.  I didn't know how to get more of God, so I just started avoiding everything in my life that did not edify me.  (If I tell you to do what I did, it is legalism, but if you do it because you want more of God, then it is good).  I stopped watching TV.  Programs like Animal Planet are harmless and fun to watch, but they did not bring me closer to God, so I avoided them.  My spare time was turned back toward music, as I started to record Christian music at home on my computer, and I bought a few new musical toys to accomplish this.  Also, I got a good bible program on my computer, and started doing some studying.  I also put together some radio spots preaching on healing, but the two stations that I sent them to never played them, nor did I follow through.  However, I felt like the Lord met me on my computer, which I originally had used to pursue the stock market, and now was being used only for God's purposes.  I enjoyed praising the Lord in a new way with my music, feeling the anointing growing stronger on me through this last part of 2005.  I would feel the presence of the Lord come on me as I listened to my own songs, or while I was recording the vocol parts.  The start of 2006 was a new beginning for me, when I returned to Honduras.  

2006 Honduras trip

I want to let you know a few things that transpired when Timothy Bertsch and I went to Honduras.  First of all, I want to explain that this was my fifteenth trip outside of the country but it was only my first trip as leader of my own group, which was a group of two, me and my partner Timothy.  I had seen others jump into ministry to soon with a slight bit of rebellion or pride or whatever, and I had made up my mind that I did not want to make those mistakes.  I did this under the Lord's direction, and in His timing, leaving the group (Common Ground) with their blessing and approval, who had plowed the course for me already.  We left Jan 8 and came back Jan 23, 2006. On the first day there, Carmen Elisa (daughter of one of the former presidents) asked us to come and pray for her son that had injured his knee playing soccer. Timothy by the Spirit sort of 'read his mail' and then we felt led to pray for Carmen. While praying, the Lord revealed to Timothy by word of knowledge that she had back problems and tumors on her back which were healed, as well as stomach problems, and the Lord did some other neat stuff in her.

We had a little time to spend on the street in the afternoons, where Timothy also had words of knowledge for people we prayed for, and we saw some people get saved and receive a touch from the Lord and some miracles right there in the street, such as a young fellow with shoulder problems and another with back problems that were healed.  There was also a girl in sin that Timothy had a word for, and we ended up leading her whole family to the the Lord. 

We prayed carefully over the list of churches in order to only go to the ones the Lord was saying to go to. Some of them were a little farther from San Pedro, and were several hours one way into the mountains, but the reward was worth it in that we saw the Lord move in a mighty way. Many of these pastors were praying, 'Lord, please send somebody!' Most of these churches had been overlooked by other missionaries. We saw the Lord move in a mighty way as strongholds of witchcraft were broken in a couple of them and many people got zapped out in the Holy Spirit, such as El Plan, in San Manuel, one of the Jesus Es El Senor churches. There was a couple of churches where almost everybody got zapped and there was hardly anybody left standing, one of these being in Marcala La Paz with pastor Carlos, one of the La Cosecha churches, where there was about 15 youngsters in the front between the ages of 4 and 11, that, after standing back up from getting zapped, were weeping and worshipping with their little hands raised, precious tears running down their little faces. This was one of the most beautiful things I ever saw, which made me cry intensely with the love of God. Sometimes we would not have to even touch them, as the Holy Spirit was doing the work, and would take them out in the Spirit. Some of these people would get up healed. By the time the second week rolled around, the other churches heard that we were preaching on healing, and that God was moving with miracles, and there was no problem filling our already tight schedule. We preached in about 13 churches in 14 days, and Timothy helped me to discern what to preach on. For the most part, it was healing, which is what I know good, with a mixture of faith, word of faith, evangelism and giftings, and the love of God. About 70% of the time we were exactly where the Lord wanted us to be, and the Lord moved big time.

On the third day of our trip, in San Pedro Sula, Timothy was praying for pastors outside of the Pastor's Association meeting and reading their mail, (prophetically) and there was one man whom Timothy read his mail that invited us to be on channel 51 JBN, (Jesus Broadcast Network). Timothy eventually spoke at the station and preached according to the true biblical definition of the word 'preach', which means 'to ooze forth the word of God'. Timothy had direct revelation from God on what to say, and it was a very powerful time of prophesy, as he spoke what the Lord had given him before he went on the air, as well as new stuff the Lord gave him while he was prophesying. He had words of knowledge and wisdom for the nation as well as individuals. They call Timothy 'the prophet' now in Honduras.  Speaking of prophets, we met with one in Honduras.  This next paragraph explains how I got a huge increase in the anointing for healing.

It was sometime during the second week of our trip in Honduras, that a prophet had called Edguardo, the pastor whom we were staying with.  This prophet wanted to meet us at the restaurant at the Gran Sula Hotel.  He was a very tall man, unusual for a Hondurian.  He attended the church at San Jorge under pastor Manuel.  This prophet took us all to his house.  He had a very luxurious house in a very wealthy area of San Pedro Sula.  He was a high-ranking person in the Pepsi-Cola industry there in Honduras, however, he was considering going into ministry full-time.  He showed us his house and took us to an upper room where he prophesied over all of us.  He prophesied over me, and Timothy, and Edguardo, and our female interpretor and her girlfriend, and nailed it.  The prophesy over me was short, compared to the others, but it was good.  His english was not great, but he prophesied to me saying, "The Lord honors that you obey His word automatically without praying about it first.  The Lord says that He has heard you say this, 'Go into all the world and preach this gospel to all creation, and those that believe shall be baptized, and those that believe not shall be condemned, and these signs shall follow them that believe.'"  This ministered to me, in that I quoted this often, and this prophet did not know anything about me.  When Timothy used to call me on the phone and say, "Let's pray about going to the street to witness," I would say, "We don't need to pray about that, the Word says . . . . " (and I would quote this very scripture, the Great Commission)  Also, when Timothy told me, "I need to pray about wether I should go to Honduras, and I need my wife to be in agreement.", I replied, "You don't need to pray about that.  The Word of God says 'Go into all the world . . (the Great Commission)'"  So this prophet had my interest, and I listened as he continued.  "Also," he said, "the Lord says that because you have obeyed His Word and because you have remained in His Word, the Lord says that He has blessed your finances and has kept your family healthy, and that He is now giving you a healing anointing."  A quick thought passed thru my mind, "I already have a healing anointing."  It was only a quick thought, but the Lord immediately answered my thought thru the prophet and said, '"And I know that you already have a healing anointing, but I'm now giving you an increase," says the Lord.'  It was after this encounter with this prophet that I started noticing a huge increase in the anointing. 

It's too much to tell everything, but there was one church where Timothy told me that I was to preach on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and I did, fulfilling a literal vision that the pastor had 5 years prior, as the Lord moved and brought gifts to the church.  The way this vision was fulfilled is a little hard to believe for some nominal Christians, so I'm not going to tell it.  The Lord had ordered our steps from years before. 

On our last night out we went to La Ceiba to a huge church with a Brazilian pastor. This was not our plan or on our schedule, but it happened that the pastor saw the TV program and would not take 'no' for an answer. I told Timothy that the Lord would probably zap us on our last night there and he did. I was trying to get Timothy to preach more, because he had not preached much on the trip except for when we were on the air at the TV station and a couple of times as a tag team, but he was pretty much just unable to minister that night in that he felt the anointing on him too strong to do anything. I preached on the usual stuff and God moved with about 1 out of 6 or 7 people falling out behind me as I layed hands on a lot of people very quickly in order to try to get them all. At the end of the service there was some people that came up for prayer that never went down when I touched them the first time, but as I prayed according to their request, they then went out when I gave them a word, and this was a new thing for me to operate in, the giving of a word, and then having them go out, although Timothy always hears good from the Lord and operates in that gift. Before, I had been pretty much unaware of their individual needs, and my main prayer was, 'Lord, zap 'em'. This church was strong prophetically, and I was flowing in it, at least that night I was.  Then when all had left and the anointing was still very strong on me, the pastor's wife gave me some sort of Hondurian cookie, and I said in Spanish by the Spirit under the anointing, "I ask that you would receive the same reward as if you had given this straight to Jesus when he was hungry." I gobbled it down, and got my camera to take a picture of her and the pastor. I was crying with the love of God, just thankful to have a picture of this precious couple, and they got off the couch to hug me, and as soon as she touched me she was healed in her legs. I did not know that she was even in pain, nor did I feel the virtue go out of me when she was healed, being unaware of it til she told me, although thinking back, I remember she moved very slowly while getting off the couch. She later told me that she had wanted to prophesy over us, but that she was in too much pain, and was just going to try to make it to her car and go home. However, she said she was healed when she touched me, and being healed, she then prophesied over us, being very gifted prophetically, and she read all of our mail accurately. She would prophesy in Portuguese, and her husband the pastor would interpret in Spanish, and our interpreter would then translate to English. We never fell out completely, but we got zapped nonetheless, and all we could do was meditate on the Lord and praise him for the next few days, coming home and being unable to work until the third day after our return. After returning home, I realized that we had "cast our net on the other side of the boat", and "there was a great multitude of fish that could not be counted". All glory and praise to God, apart from whom we can do NOTHING. The fact that that lady was healed when she touched me, how I should have discerned she was in pain but didn't, and that I did not feel the virtue go out of me when she touched me and got healed, and neither did I know it till she told me about an hour later, this proves that it had nothing to do with me, but that it is Jesus, apart from whom we can do nothing. Those unbelievers that say 'The mind is a powerful thing,' they are proved wrong in that my mind knew nothing about it either before or after the healing.

Upon returning home from this trip, I had an increase in the anointing, and a much deeper compassion for Jesus, as well as others, and I try to guard this anointing the best I can, by avoiding anything that is not edifying.

Miracles in Fortville, IN: In July of 2006 I went there with Larry Colson, (Donnie Colson's nephew), who was working with me painting a Huck's store. The neighbor (Brad Wilson) who lived just west of the Huck's store was a very likeable Christian who I talked at length with about the things of God. As I talked about healing and the scriptures, he asked for prayer for his back, and after a short prayer, his back was totally healed. I had forgotten about this, till he reminded me when I went back to the store in September.

Also in July, as we were inside hanging wallpaper, there had been some sort of pizza tray that had caught fire in the pizza oven, and the store manager said that she had gotten a severe headache, probably from the smoke. She was in great pain and concerned that she had to stay at the store in that her help was scheduled to get off soon. I spoke to her, "Let's get rid of that headache right now." She knew I was talking about prayer being aware of my faith. As I commanded the headache and the root cause of the headache to leave in the name of Jesus, she felt it go out the top of her head, being completely healed, pain free, in an instant.

On September 12th, I went back to the store by myself, in that there was only a few pieces of wallpaper to lay that had not been there at the store the first time I went. It was about 5 hours one way, and not worth taking help for just a few pieces of wallpaper. There was a heavy-set woman there who had been there in July, and when I asked how she was doing, she said she had a terrible chest cold. I said, "Let's get rid of that right now." She was aware of my faith and after a short prayer she said that she was 90% better. She also said, "I wish you had been here 4 days ago."

Also, on September 12th, Brad Wilson had helped me lay two of the biggest pieces of wallpaper, being too big for one person to hold up and glue down. After completion of the job, I went to Brad's house, and his wife was there. As I started sharing about some of the miracles I had seen in Honduras, she said, "My shoulder has been killing me for weeks. Will you pray for me?" After commanding the shoulder to be healed in the name of Jesus the pain was completely gone. At this time Brad reminded me that his back was still healed after praying for him in July. This family had faith for miracles, in that Brad had prayed for his wife's mother who had cancer, and she was miraculously healed to the doctor's amazement. If anyone would like to check up on these miracles in Fortville or elsewhere, I can give you phone numbers. You may contact me, Karl, at (618) 985-2204.

NGL Men's Retreat of 2006

NGL (No Greater Love) is a ministry dedicated to winning the lost at events such as Mardi Gras and the Indy 500. They train Christians how to boldy witness to others. The leader of the team had gratiously allowed me to teach on healing again this year, and the Holy Spirit moved on me with much compassion as I was sharing the Word. We only have about 45 or 50 minutes to share, normally, but my slot was the last one before lunch, and we all stayed, enjoying the wonderful presence of the Lord. We were all praying for one another, and many got healed. There were not many of us, but I would venture to say that everyone there got healed of something, wether physical or otherwise. My precious brother Timothy Bertsch was there giving words of knowledge from the Lord, and everyone got ministered to. I know that there was a shoulder healed, and another man with back problems. I did not get names, but I found out later during the NGL Mardi Gras outreach that Gary Wood was there and was one of the ones ministered to.


The Lord had moved me to a church in Herrin, IL in March of 2006. In late October on a Sunday morning, I overheard Doug talking about his back pains to a couple of his friends while walking toward the church. I said, "You don't have to put up with that, let me pray. Doug had hurt his back working, but with a short prayer, Doug was pain free. However, the pain came back several days later. A week and a half later on a Wednesday night at church Doug asked me to go up to the alter with him and pray again. This time I prayed for the pain not to return, applying the blood by faith, and instructing Doug what to do if it came back again, but the pain never came back.

Girl at Captain D's:

I was working on another Huck's store in Maddisonville, KY around the first week of November, 2006. I went to Captain D's to buy lunch. While sitting on the couch waiting for my order, the girl behind the counter said that her stomach was hurting. There was nobody else in line, so I said, let me pray for you. I had been wondering wether or not she was a Christian, but she readily agreed to prayer. After a short prayer she said she felt better, but I was not satisfied with that. There was a young girl that I knew was a Christian, because I had spoken with her before on a previous trip to Maddisonville. I asked her to lay her hand on the other girl's stomach, and I layed my hand on top of hers & prayed again. She was then completely healed and very happy.


On November 26, after the Sunday morning church service at CLC, I asked Debbie how she was doing. I have great respect for Debbie, because she hears from God and sometimes she gives a prophetic word to the church. She had given me a word before and God moved in my life mightily that day as she had spoken. Anyway, this day she said she was not feeling well, and thought that she had some kind of bug, having suffered with it for several days. She said her stomach was hurting, and I told her about the girl in Maddisonville that I had prayed for. She put her hand on her stomach and I put my hand on her hand and prayed a quick prayer. My quick prayers usually amount to quoting, "by whose stripes we were healed", and commanding healing. This time I also spoke to the spirit of infirmity to leave her body, all in the name of Jesus, of course. She seemed somewhat suprised when I asked her, that the pain was completely gone. I then asked her if she had any other problems, and proceeded to pray for her back and for the dizziness problems she had been having. She was healed, all praise be to Jesus.

All glory and praise be to Jesus, apart from whom we can do NOTHING. But through Him we can do all things.

Chuck Harkings

I'll give you his name, but not the town he's from. Anyway, on December 5th of 2006 my wife ordered some firewood from Chuck, who had advertised on 'The Country Store' radio show. Chuck mentioned how his back had been hurting. I helped Chuck unload the firewood off his trailer, tossing logs off the side, while he rolled them off the back. I paid for the wood, and during some chit chat, he mentioned again about how sore his back was, and I told him the story about Carolyn M, (mentioned above), how her back was healed, and starting quoting scripture about how the devil was cast down, Jesus now at the Father's right hand, that we don't have to take it like Job did, etc. I said, "Let me preach to you for about 4 or 5 minutes and I'll pray for you." Chuck said, "I'll take anything I can get." So I preached on some of the points made on the 'Healing Teaching' link, & then prayed, laying my hand on the small of his back where he said the pain was the worst, and he was healed, being suprised that all the pain was gone.

The Coffeehouse

I was praising the Lord on Friday night December 15, 2006, and trying out my new, updated guitar synthesizer, looping, getting a full band sound, just praising God and doing a little testifying and preaching. A girl came up for prayer. She had a severe headache for 3 days. I gently laid my hands on her head & prayed and she got zapped. I asked her if the headache was completely gone. She said that the pain in the top of her head was gone, but she still had pain below her ears going into her jaws. I forget what she said the doctors called it, but I laid hands on her again where the pain was and prayed and all pain left completely.

This reminds me of a coffeshop I played in around February of 2006. There was a man there that was singing to tracks. After he got done, I sang and played and praised God and preached some on healing, inviting anyone that needed prayer to get healed. The man that was singing came up for prayer with back pain, and he was completely healed. I saw him about a year later and he reminded me of this, and said that the pain never came back.

Miracles at the Mardi Gras outreach of 2007:

I saw four good miracles on this trip in February. First I would like to explain that I had not worked but two days since mid November, and the Lord had me in a season of rest. I had not watched hardly any secular TV, being very fearful of falling back even one millimeter from the anointing that the Lord had given me. This was the first time in about a decade I had not gone out of the country in the winter months. I was resting in the Lord. I had not prayed much more than normal, but I had spent much time in deep worship. Knowing that without Jesus I'm nothing, I was fearful to do anything that might not be edifying, guarding the new anointing that I had received going into and coming out of the last Honduras trip in January of 2006. While working hard in the summer, I would have compassionate fits of praise even on the scaffold as I painted. The devil had attacked my thought processes in November, but I had overcome. They say 'For every new level there is a new devil'. Anyway, I was well rested in the Lord. This trip to Mardi Gras was the first time I'd been out of the house in months, except to church on Sunday and a few miscelleneous trips to the post office or the bank. I was with the NGL ministries at the Gospel Singers camp Sat. nite on Feb 17, 2007. Gary Wood (who was present at the men's retreat in my class on healing at the men's retreat of 2006) was looking for me, in that a member of his group needed prayer for asthma. I told him the story about the young man in Kennet, MO, and prayed a short prayer, and the Man, Joe, felt much better. I was not satisfied with this so I prayed again, and then Joe said he was completely healed. I then did a little preaching to the group, as the anointing on me was very strong, and my compassion for the Lord was pouring out. The next evening, Sunday, Gary Woods came to me again wanting prayer for himself. Gary was born with some kidney disease because his dad was in Vietnam. The name of the disease was long and began with an 'Sp'. (?) It doesn't matter, because the name of Jesus is above all names. Gary had pain in his kidneys, right side and head. I prayed with my hand on his head, and his headache left immediately, and then I prayed with my hands on either side of his kidneys, and those pains left. I then prayed for his side, but the pain did not leave immediately, so I laid my hand on his head again, and then tapped his feet rather firmly, rebuking the foul spirit of infirmity, commanding him to take his bags and leave. Gary then had a suprised look on his face. I said to Gary, "Did you feel it go out the top of your head?". Gary replied, "No, I felt it go out the bottom of my feet." This was a new one for me, going out the bottoms of the feet, but we were glad it was gone and rejoiced in the Lord and praised Him. Gary came to me again the next morning, Monday, during breakfast, saying that he had a sinus headache. I hurried very quickly to scarf down the last of my breakfast and took Gary away from the people and prayed, and he received his healing completely. The next day at breakfast, on Tuesday morning when our camp had moved from Pass Christian to the New Orleans area, Nathan from Washington came to me with arthritic pains, especially his left knee, sore from marching through the streets of New Orleans the previous nite, as the team would carry a huge cross and carry banners and signs, sometimes pausing to minister to the people one on one. Anyway, I commanded arthur to pack his bags and go, and Nathan was pain free.

I talked with Gary Wood, whom had received his healing a couple days earlier.  He was anointed prophetically, and was interested in healing.  I felt led to pray for him to receive the anointing for healing.  Without touching him, Gary felt the warm anointing consume his body as I prayed, releasing the gift into him through his hands by the Holy Spirit.  Gary went out that night and prayed for a man with severe knee problems who was instantly healed.  I had prayed for this same man twice before, but he was not healed when I prayed for him, but was instantly healed when Gary prayed.  The Lord started using Gary in a big way concerning healing, and Gary has even seen a woman whose short leg grew out about 5 inches as she lost about 15 pounds and her bad back was healed.  He also prayed for a friend that had his ankle broken in 4 places, documented by X-rays.  However, Gary prayed for his friend on the way to have his surgery, and when the doctor's took one more X-ray to locate the best place to cut/operate, they discovered there were no breaks, and the young man walked out of the hospital, pain free.   

After returning home from the 2007 Mardi Gras trip, I was exhausted spiritually. Although I got rested physically, it seemed like I was drained spitually for quite some time, and I fought hard to get back on top of the mountain. It is much harder to go up the mountain, than to slide down. Usually after ministering, I just get more charged, such as on the Honduras trips. I don't know for sure why I felt so drained. After about a week I felt good again spiritually. Another week went by and I was ministering in a homeless shelter on a Sunday morning.

Woman at homeless shelter:

I was there with Ronald D. from CLC church, and we were ministering to a woman after I had finished with the praise/worship/preaching. We were praying for this woman, and I asked her where the pain was. She said, "You name it." She informed me of Diabetes, and pains, and sugar levels, arthritic stuff, etc., but after a little prayer she said she was pain free, and felt like a warm liquid running thru her entire body. That was on March 11, 2007.

The next week:

The following Sunday I saw Ronald D. at church and he said that the woman and her family had gotten a house, and that she and her husband were both working now, and she was doing a lot of stuff that she was unable to do before. (We had also prayed for her family to find a house and jobs.)

Also, after church service on that same Sunday of March 18, 2007, my old friend John Potter came to me asking for prayer. I had prayed for him before for several old injuries during recent previous months, such as back pain, and weird tingling headaches caused by a partially severed artery in his throat that had scar tissue in it. When he asked for prayer, I said, "I thought you were all healed up!" He said that he had a new injury in his left calf muscle, which had a knot in it. We took care of that too, in Jesus name.   Also, on the way home from church, I ran into an old hippie friend named Mick P. Mick doesn't go to church, but his faith has grown stronger over the years, partly due to my talking to him. Mick was at the Mini Mart in Cambria, talking with another man who was a Christian. I stopped to get my wife a newspaper, and starting talking to them about the healing power of God, and preached for a minute or two. Then I asked Mick if he had any pains in his body. He said that he had injured his back lifting heavy stuff, and said it was in the small of his back. I prayed briefly and God healed, and Mick walked away rejoicing with arms raised.

Girl at Sherwin-Williams:

Also, a few days later, there was a girl named Holly at a Sherwin-Williams store. I asked if she had any pains in her body, and she said she had pains in her knees and back, and God healed. I came back about a week later and she said she had not had any more pain.

I was starting to pray for a lot more people a lot more often these days (2007) realizing that just about everybody I prayed for was healed.  The awareness of the anointing I had received from the Lord during the Honduras 2006 trip was sinking into me.  From 1992 through 2005, I only prayed when asked, or when I saw someone in pain where I knew I had the faith to pray with success.  During this time I was maybe seeing about 75% of the people I prayed for healed,  but this was because I was only praying for the simple stuff, like headaches, back pains and arthritus.   Also, it seems that about only 70% of the people kept their healing, in that I was not praying correctly, (however I learned to tell the spirit of infirmity to not return.  This is scriptural, and this brought the percentage up).  It was things like the common cold and sore throats and blood diseases, eye, tooth, ear and wheelchairs stuff that I had not been seeing manifest, and therefore, I did not pray for a lot of those types of things.  However, the anointing was on the increase, with complete dedication and thankfulness and dependency on my Lord, Jesus the Christ.  I was starting to pray for different diseases with success. 

The CIA Summit Meeting:

I was at the CIA (Christian Independant Artist) Summit Meeting in Franklin, TN, which was hosted by Keith Mohr, owner of the Indieheaven web site. Tim O'Connor, who I know to hear from the Lord, is the prayer minister for Indieheaven. On Friday morning, March 30, 2007, during his time of devotions in the meeting, he spoke that the Holy Spirit had told him that there would be instant healings through the course of the meeting. I did not know the people at this meeting, but after this word I was emboldened to go around and ask people if they had any pains in their body. If they did, then I would pray a short prayer, commanding healing, or casting out the spirit of infirmity or both, and then ask if the pain was gone. If it wasn't gone, I would pray again, sometimes a total of 3 times. There was about 300 that had attended the meeting. On that Friday, the list of people that got healed through the power in the name of Jesus are as follows: Bruce D. in the thumbs and voicebox. (The next day, Bruce said he still had a little pain in one of his thumbs, but I think he received a complete healing). Jon from TN received healing in his back, neck, and bottoms of his feet. Laurie from New Jersey was delivered from arthritus and Lupis. Jeff, one of the producers, said his headache was gone, and his cold and allergies were about 80% better. Rachael said the pains in the small of her back were gone. I think Wayne from MD received a healing in his foot, saying the pain was gone. Ashley's dad had pain on the left side of his face, from an old injury, and said he had arthritus in his left jaw, and pains in the left side of his stomach area, but God moved and he said he was pain free. The next day, when I asked him, he said he was still pain free, but there was still a little pain in the stomach area. I prayed again, and he said the pain was gone. Also, Ann from Virginia said that she had arthritus in her neck, and the pain immediately left her, but she said her muscles to the right side of her neck were still kinda achy and felt tense or tightened up. I prayed for the relaxing of those muscles, and she said she was fine. I asked Ann the following day, Saturday, and she said her neck was fine, although the muscles near her neck had tightened up again. At this point I asked her if she had ever had trouble with her thyroid gland. She said, yes, that she had a knot in it. We rejoiced, knowing the root of the problem. Now, let me explain: This seems like a 'word of knowledge', and normally would be, and I wish it was, but it wasn't. This was merely knowledge I had acquired from watching an extremely gifted healing evangelist in a church service. This evangelist, taught me back in 1994 what doctors did not know, that the thyroid gland secrets enzymes necessary for muscle function. Doctors are recently finding out about what this evangelist knew from experience, that the neck muscles can tighten without the thyroid secretions. Knowing this, I merely asked. It was not a word of knowledge. I'm still learning how to hear, however healing is my strong gift, rahter than hearing. Anyway, I then prayed for the thyroid, the root of the problem, and then the muscles, and then she was pain free. Friday night there was a couple of ladies behind the counter. One girl received healing in the upper back area, as I had the other lady lay a hand on her, putting my hand on top of hers. Then I prayed for the other lady that had a pain in her right knee. I laid hands on her knee, (without thinking), but she was not healed. I prayed again, laying on hands, and she felt a heat in her knee, & I believe the Lord finished that work. Thinking back, I think it would have been better had I just spoken to her knee, or had the first lady lay hands on her as I prayed. Also, on Saturday, there was a fellow named Jim from PA who was healed from pains in the stomach that he had previously for several days. On Sunday morning, I felt led to go to the Vineyard church in Nashville, with my original pastor, Jerry Bryant that had tricked me into getting saved. All I could do was weep and cry during the worship, because of my intense love for Jesus. There was a fellow there named Josh who received a healing in the chest area. There was also a fellow named Dave, who had suffered with a sore right shoulder for several weeks, and he was one that I prayed for without actually touching him, because it is not me doing the work anyway. He was immediately healed, and he then told me that he was reluctant to have me pray, because he had been prayed for so many times before. On the way home from the Nasville area, on Sunday night, I stopped in Paducah, KY, to visit an old good friend that plays bass guitar and sings very good. He had some pains in his body, and he said he felt better after prayer, but the healing was not completed, even after several quick prayers. I have noticed from experience that old friends that knew you before you were saved, as well as family members, seem to be the hardest nuts to crack, concerning healing. Nonetheless, I was encouraged by the extremely large percentage of people that had received their healings that weekend.

I was listening to the book of Matthew on my CD player in my car as I thought about all God was doing. I had received persecution a few weeks earlier from a couple of people that were leaders over some large Christian evangelistic groups.  I was trying to encourage them concerning the gift of healing, but had received only persecution from them.   Then the scripure popped into my head, "Blessed is he that is persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." About 8 seconds later, I heard that scripture on the CD. For this and other reasons, I believe the Lord has cranked it up a notch, and not just in me, but in many believers. My advice to others is to soak in the word, stay unspotted from the world, guard every word and thought, and glorify Jesus with everything you say and do.

4th of July, 2007

This was a St. Louis area outreach with Common Ground ministries.  Many of the Christians who attended were healed, as well as some of the church members from the church that housed us in their old sancuary near Cahokia.  We also took teams that canvassed the neighborhood door to door.  I would ask the people if they had any physical needs that I could pray for, in addition to salvation, and many were healed.  We were in an area of many Afro-Americans, whom seem to receive a lot easier than white folks, and the ratio of people that received their healing was at least 9 out of 10.   

Summer of 2007

I've quit updating the miracles and healings now, because there are several a day, so I'm just summing up a few highlights.  

After the CIA Music Conference in Franklin, TN, I became more emboldened to ask strangers if they had any pain in their body.  I was also realizing that very high percentages of the people I prayed for were receiving their healings.  In years past I had mainly prayed for the simple stuff like arthritus and back pains and headaches.  For some reason, the common cold was something that I had never before seen instantly healed in past years.  Neither had I seen blood diseases, eye, or ear or wheelchair miracles, and I had only seen one tooth miracle with my friend Brenda.  But now, in 2007, I was starting to see blood diseases such as diabetes, and also very severe types of rumatoid arthritus, and also fibro myalgia, and other stuff I'd never heard of.  I would be working as a painter at different gas stations, and I would just ask people how they were doing.  I would press in a little, and ask if they were really doing good, or if they had any aches or pains in their body.  By doing this, I was able to start praying for several people a day.  I was now seeing blood diseases and common colds go with regularity.  However, I still was not seeing any deaf ears or blinded eyes opened, nor any wheelchair stuff.  I found that if a person had enough faith to let me pray, then he generally had enough faith to get healed.  I found that if a person believes that Jesus died and rose again, that is enough faith.  There are people that Jesus prayed for that did not get healed, but these people did not believe that Jesus was the Christ, the living son of God.  Christians know that Jesus is the Christ, so therefore all Christians were generally getting healed with a few exceptions.  Some of these exceptions are listed as follows.  For example, I would ask someone if they had pain.  They would say "Yes."  Then I would say something like, "Let's get rid of that pain right now in the name of Jesus, and it won't take long at all, and I won't even have to touch you.  Then they would say something like, "I have faith. I pray."   Or maybe they would say, "I go to church."  After someone said this, even though I could still talk them into letting me pray, their chances of getting a healing dropped from about 90% to about 10%.  When they said, "I have faith," after admitting they had pain, what they were really saying was that their own faith hadn't healed them, and they did not think that I had anything that they did not have, so in effect they were saying that they did not have any faith.  (Did you follow that?)  So I started changing my reply in about August of 2007, after which time when someone would say, "I have faith, I believe."  I would answer,  "I could be an angel for all you know, or there could be a big healing angel beside me, and you should receive prayer."  This seemed to work, and brought the percentage back up higher.  I also tried the phrase, "I know you do, but let me put my faith in agreement with yours."  This also seemed to work good.  Before that, I had been saying things like, "Oh please let me pray anyway," or "Yes, but I'm anointed for it, so please let me pray."  Wether it was my approach, or wether the anointing was just getting stronger, I don't know for sure, and I'm still new to this anointing and I'm still growing in it.  In the first 14 years after getting zapped good with the Holy Ghost, I had probably only seen about 100 miracles/instant healings.  Now, in 2007, I probably saw at least 400 in one year, and about 300 of these were on the streets or at gas stations or stores.  Before 2006, my faith seemed to be stronger if I could lay hands on them.  However, on my January 2006 trip to Honduras, I learned that some would go out in the Spirit without me touching them.  So after being criticized for laying my hand on a woman's knee one time, I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to not touch anybody any more.  So in the summer of 2007 I had pretty much completely quit laying hands on anyone.  However, I still would put my hands on either side of their body where the pain was, not touching them, but still thinking that maybe it was the power of the fire of the Holy Spirit that I knew that surrounded me.  I once read a book where Kenneth Hagin said that he would put a hand on either side of where the pain was, and little lightning type flashes would go through the persons body and heal them.  I started doing this, but I never myself saw anything, although a couple of prophetic people saw flashes of light.  I suspected the hand thing was not necessary, but I wanted to make sure they were healed.  Maybe they would feel more like I was doing something if I at least put my hands around the pain, or at least one hand near it.  It was not until my 2008 Honduras trip that my suspicions were confirmed.  It had nothing to do with me.  All I had to do was speak the word in the name of Jesus the Christ. 

A good day in September of 2007

I was painting the CFM Shell station in Carbondale, IL with my crew of two.  Upon arrival, I saw about 7 men hanging around at the car wash.  I went over and asked if they had any pains in their body.  One person reluctantly admitted to it and let me pray for his shoulder, and then he said, "Hey, this guy is for real, my pain is totally gone!"  Then, two others received their healing, and another two wanted prayer for intermittant pains.  Later that day I went to Sherwin-Williams for paint.  There were two young fellows in their 20's.  They looked to young to have pain, but I asked them anyway.  They both had sports injuries, one in the back and one in the knees, and one had had surgery before, but they were both healed.  A lady at Subway got healed where I got lunch for the crew.  The store manager lady had pain in her legs from some sort of circulation problem and was healed.  During the course of the day, several others at the pumps received a quick healing.  Altogether, there was about a dozen people healed that day.  There was one person that did not receive, and he was one of the ones that said the same ole line, "I have faith, I go to church."  This was a good day, but on a normal day, I would only find about 3 to 5 people that would let me pray for them. 

From my experience, I have not yet seen an atheist who has heard the truth and rejected it get healed.  Neither will someone that serves satan.  However I have seen a jewish woman healed that allowed me to pray.  I've also seen many sinners healed, that believed, but knew that they were not living right, many of which repented on the spot.  Sinners can generally receive just as easy or easier than church folk. 

In 2007 I saw 2 people healed instantly that were scheduled for knee surgery.  There was several cases such as this one, where I prayed for a man's injured back, and the arthritus left his knees also.  There were times when I would pray for someone to be healed, and they would feel the Holy Ghost come upon them.  Some neat things started happening in some churches also.

In a Country Church.  

When I walked into the church, the pastor made a joke about my oil level, wether I was anointed or not.  I replied, "You'll see my oil level when you see the miracles today."  He said nothing in reply.  Later during the service, the pastor said, "Lord, have your way here today."  I thought to myself, 'hey, it is the favorite thing of the Lord to heal.  Jesus healed wherever He went.'  Now, I was only here to help with the praise & worship that day, so I kept my peace when we did not have a healing service.  However, during the luncheon after the service, I prayed for a lady and then went and told the pastor that this lady was healed, returning his joke that my oil level must be OK, and asked that if he did not mind I would continue to pray for people, as he nodded in agreement.  I then continued to pray for others, feeling free to do so, because the pastor knew what I was up to.  (I had not realized that I had offended the pastor, who had prayed for these people many times to no avail).  After I had prayed for about a dozen people, most of which received complete manifestations, my wife then told me she wanted to go home.  I replied, "OK, hon, I just have a couple more people I haven't asked yet."  As I was walking up to one of the last two women, one of them happened to be walking toward me.  I asked her, "Do you have any pain in your body?"  She replied, "I did.  But right when you walked up to me it left."  I pressed her to explain in more detail, and she said,  "I have had a severe pain in my stomach for 2 years, but it just now left when you were walking toward me."  

That's the way it should be.  Miracles should sometimes happen by accident, like this lady at the church luncheon, or the Pastor's wife in Honduras.  Because of this and other miraculous things, I know that either the Holy Spirit or an angel or both are working to confirm the word that is spoken in the name of Jesus, all praise and thanks to Jesus.  Unfortunately, the pastor of the country church during the luncheon was offended, because he had been prayed for healing many times, and I came in and 'bang' they were healed.  He later expressed that he thought that I was trying to 'rub it in' when I returned his joke about the oil level.  He also said that he knew all these people and that they would not keep their healing because they had heart issues that had to be dealt with first.  When he told me this, Ecc. 5:6 came to mind.  I can appreciate a pastor's heart to want to heal all the heart issues.  However, Jesus seldom prayed like that.  I did not mean to offend that pastor in any way, and I always had love and respect for him.  I had known this pastor for a long time and had always felt at home in his church.  But I know that I must be very careful with the things I say, and to only speak as the oracles of God.  One slight slip of the tongue can be fulfilled in some way, coming to pass, or cause a rift in some way.  Let this situation be healed up in Jesus name. 

A Church in Grand Tower

I was here with Common Ground ministry team out of Tulsa area, helping out with the music.  The leader of Common Ground, Wayne Sanders, turned me loose praying for people.  He asked all that had pain come to the front and told them that I would pray for them.  They were all healed, I believe, or at least 8 or 9 out of 10.  There might have been one lady that was healed in one part of her body, but not in another, or maybe her pain returned in her knees.  Another lady had asked me to agree that her surgery would go well.    

A church in DuQuoin, IL

Also, around the same time of October of 2007, I was again helping with the music with Common Ground.  There was a tent set up at this church, and there was a biker revival.  Common Ground was only doing the praise & worship at this 3-day event, although they usually do the ministering where they go.  Happy Jack was preaching at this event.  I just did my normal thing of going around before and after the services, asking if anybody had any pain, and if so, if I could pray a quick prayer.  I started out where the pastor was standing and talking to a couple of people, and wanted him to know what I was up to, seeing how I was on his territory and ministering to his flock.  He gave me permission, and I had already gotten permissions from Common Ground, and so I did my thing.  I had learned to make sure I had full permission first after offending the other pastor by accident.  The pastor's wife got healed, although I can't remember if it was her foot or shoulder.  There was a woman with a shoulder cup problem, and her whole arm went numb for about 30 seconds.  She was concerned, but I told her, "Don't worry, the feeling will come back in about 30 seconds, and your shoulder will be healed."  The lady standing beside this lady also had some problems.  I prayed, and she felt some things twitching on her insides as her female problems were healed, and she said her back snapped and popped a little bit as her back was healed.  To make a long story short, there was about 20 or 25 people healed over the course of the 3-day event.  One young lady was about 36 years old.  She said she had injured her back when she was about 18 in a car wreck, and she never could afford the surgery that the doctors wanted to give her.  However, she was healed instantly, pain free, bending over freely.  Almost everybody received and instant healing.  The second lady that I found with a rotater cup problem, however, her healing was not complete till the 3rd day, when she told me she was able to sleep comfortably for the first time in many years, even sleeping on that shoulder.  There was one young man that felt a very warm heat from his back to his feet.  The feeling lasted for about 30 seconds, and then his back was completely healed.  Most of the other stuff I don't remember, nor do I try to keep track of it all any more.  The man that asked me to keep track of these miracles told me to stop in the spring of 2007.  I never did feel comfortable writing all of this.  It was kind of like I was trying to toot my own horn.  However, it kind of ministers to me a little bit, as I remember what all the Lord has done through me.  Anyway, there was a few people at this church that were offended at me because I would boldy go up to them and ask them if they had any pains and offer to pray for them.  There is always a few religious people that will be offended, but hey, at least I gave them a chance to get healed.                   

Let it be known that I have not written these testimonies to exalt myself, but rather to exalt Jesus, apart from whom we can do NOTHING, NADA, ZIP, ZERO, ZILCH! But through Him we can do ALL things.

Prophetic Word To Me:

In October of 2007 Tom Tiernan prophesied over me saying, "The Lord says to quit working for the rest of the year.  He says that you have made enough money this year, to quit and prepare for all the miracles that will happen next year in the spring."  I had already been thinking about quiting, and this confirmed it, especially when I started looking at what I had made.  Also, when I looked at what I had made, I was concerned about going into a higher tax bracket.  I stayed home, rarely going out of the house.  Of course, I was not in the public, so I did not have the opportunity to see miracles every day, but only on the days when I went to church or to the store.

Marty Beers' Miracle:

I gave you his name, so you can verify it.  Marty called me on the phone in late December.  I hadn't talked to him in about 8 years, and I felt the Holy Spirit confirm that I was to join the gospel band he was in, before he even asked me.  We talked further, and I was telling him about all the miracles that the Lord had been working through me.  Marty replied, "I feel led to have you pray for me right now.  My knee is killing me."  I asked him what caused his knee to hurt, and he said that he had done a big roofing job a few weeks back, and it got sore and was all swelled up and he could not even bend it.  He was on his way to get a knee brace.  I told Marty to put the phone down by his knee so I could speak to it.  Marty said, "OK, let me pull off to the side of the road first."  Anyway, I spoke to the spirit of infirmity to leave and commanded healing in the name of Jesus, quoting 'by whose stripes we were healed'."  Through the name of Jesus it was done.  Marty said that he could feel something like a syringe suck all the fluid out of the underside of his knee, but it did not hurt.  Marty was instantly healed, and the swelling was immediately gone, all praise to Jesus.

Marty Beers attended church at Dean Severin's church in Benton.  The gospel band did the worship there on New Year's Eve of 2007/2008.  I was playing with the band, and there was a tall man there named Bob who was prophetically gifted.  He prophesied over me that I was approved of the Lord, and that the Lord was giving me and increase in the healing anointing.  That night the church turned me loose, and I saw my first eye miracle that night.  One girl had one eye that focused slightly to the outside, and it was messing up her vision, as well as her job.  With a short prayer, she was seeing perfectly, rejoicing, saying, "I can see clearly, I can see clearly!!!"  There were others healed in the small congregation, including the assistant pastor.       

About my Partner in Ministry, Timothy Bertsch:

Timothy was my ministry partner through 2006.  Timothy is one of the most anointed men I personally know for having words of knowledge. The Lord has also used him mightily in the area of healing and miracles. There was a lady he ministered to with words of knowledge about the different areas in her body that needed to be healed, and she was healed. Some of the things wrong with her body include scoleosis, which affected her walking and pain in her leg, and a broken wrist, female problems, headaches, and eyesight, (she had been wearing very thick glasses and could not see very well either up close or far away, even with her glasses), Anyway, the Lord healed all these things, and it is an awesome testimony, best heard from Timothy. Timothy loves the Lord more than about anybody I know, and the Lord has gifted him and rewarded him for his faithfulness and constant seeking Him and dedication and prayer and giving. There are many more testimonies of people we have seen healed on the streets and in the churches. We are not trying to exalt ourselves, but Him. Apart from Him we can do nothing. ". . ,for without me ye can do nothing" (John 15:5), but with Him we can do all things. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Phil. 4:13) " . . but with God all things are possible." (Matt. 19:26

My New Ministry Partner

Unfortunately, The Lord moved Timothy back to his home state of Oregon.  When he told me he was leaving, I cried and cried.  Timothy was like a son.  I taught him how to paint and helped him be self-employed in his own business. 

It was the anointing that I loved most about Timothy Bertsch.  The Lord gave me an increase for healing to help heal the loss of my precious brother. 

I need a prophetic person in my life to fill in the gifts where I'm missing.  I never thought I would find another like Timothy.  He was the most prophetically gifted person I knew.  Then I found James Marty Rogers.  The Lord finally released me to go to Honduras again in the spring of 2008, and Marty went with me.  Marty sees visions and pictures, and hears the crystal clear voice of the Lord.  Marty was a Baptist preacher for 10 years, and a youth minister for 17 years.  Marty was saved at young age and filled with the Holy Ghost in his teens.  The prophetic gift came to him suddenly around age 33.  Marty is now 53 years old.  He has a pastor's heart, a strong prophetic anointing, and he has also received a strong anointing for healing after being with me down in Honduras.

The 2008 Honduras trip:

The Lord brough me & Marty together, the Lord confirming it to Marty with visions and prophetic words.  We left for Honduras on March 22, 2008, and returned April 5, 2008.  We were in about 13 services, 11 of which we preached.  To make a long story short, every person that needed healing where we preached received their healing, with an exception of less than about 4 or 5 people that I know of out of a total of about a dozen services.  Blinded eyes and deaf ears were opened fairly consistently, and most of the time instantly.  For example, on Tuesday, March 25 we were at the Honduras national prison in San Pedro Sula.  There was a large area that was sectioned off for the church service.  Another praise band had been playing, and they sounded good.  We only had one hour to minister.  I preached on the love and the power for about 15 minutes, and then Marty preached a little as I started to pray for the ones that needed healing.  I went to them when they raised their hand.  After a few more minutes, Marty called all of them forward that had physical problems, and we both prayed.  They were all healed with about 20 minutes to spare, and it was a big service.  The only person that might not have received a complete manifestation was a crippled man, that could barely walk with a walker.  After prayer, he said he felt the heat in his body, and the pain was gone, and he said he could walk better, but we did not see the complete manifestation, at least not while we were there.  However, everybody else had their healing completed within about a half hour, all glory to Jesus, including two blind men.  One blind man could see light immediately after prayer, and was seeing later on.  The other blind man had huge white cataracts covering his eyes.  I watched as the cataract on his left eye disappeared in about 3 seconds.  The one on his right eye was smaller, but was still there.  Later, Marty found him in the back, praising God that he could see out of the one eye.  Marty prayed  for him and the other cataract then just slid off of his eye.  Deaf ears were also opened, and tooth pain was gone, as well as all the normal everyday stuff, most of these miracles happening instantly.  We then praised God with joy for the last 15 minutes of the service.

The other services were church services, with an average of only about 25 to 35 people that came up for a healing.  Every person in every service was healed that I know of, with very few exceptions and/or partial manifestations.  About 90% were instant manifestations, and most others took about 3 minutes usually.    

For two nights we were at a huge outdoor event where 10 different churches were involved.  I was only helping out with the praise and worship.  They had an excellent preacher there who knew the scriptures.  He preached on salvation, and led the people through the sinner's prayer.  When the people came forward, Marty and I went out to look for people that needed healing.  There was one little girl whose legs were twisted and pigeon-toed real bad.  About an hour later she was on the platform, walking much better already, the crowd cheering.  There was also a deaf & dumb girl who heard and spoke for the first time, all praise to God.

There was a group of kids outside my door at the Maya Copan Hotel when we stayed there.  I did a few little tricks for them and asked if they wanted to see a real miracle.  I prayed for their pains.  They were all healed, including one young man that could see good up close but not far.  They all got saved and filled with the Holy Ghost as well.  There are many stories of things that happened on the streets as well.  The miracles listed on this page is in no way complete.  The bottom line:  Jesus healed all, and He is still the same.  In the Bible, the only ones that did not get healed were the ones that did not believe that Jesus was the Christ, AND, more importantly, they were offended at Jesus.  In the church, we all know that Jesus is the Christ, and we are not offended at Him, so everyone should, and does, get healed.  

To sum up 2008 after returning from Honduras, there were a couple of church services where I was allowed to minister where almost everbody received their healing.  As far as churches go, the doors are just barely starting to crack open.  However, I noticed some unusual miracles in 2008:  For example, I would be praying for one person to get healed, and the person standing next to them would get healed, or at least get partially healed, until I could pray again for completion.  A couple of examples include John Yow at the Good News church.  Another includes a fellow sitting next to me on the bus coming back from the NGL Indie 500 outreach.  This person lived near the Mt. Vernon area, where he got off of the bus.  (That's a good clue for the NGL members to find out who it was).  Anyway, I was just sitting next to him on his right side, and unbeknownst to me, the whole right side of his body was healed of arthritus.  After learning this, I then prayed for the completion, all glory to Jesus & the overshadowing glory presence.

In 2008 I've started to learn through experience that healings are hindered when there is a lack of respect for one another.  This seems to be a problem in the United States.  A lack of respect for the man of God can hinder the manifestations.  This can be backed up by scripture.  Remember the 2nd main commandment, (which is like the first one):  "Love your neighbor as yourself."  This is like the first commandment, in that we are created in God' image. 

2009:  More of the same.  Many miracles in the street, at stores, and in the church.  I took two trips to Honduras in this year, but I could not find a partner to go with me, and I wanted somebody that was prophetically anointed to accent the healing gift that I walk in, neither did I want to pay for somebody else's trip, so I just went by myself, teaming up with evangelist Jose Tulio Sanchez, who could speak a little English.  In the spring trip I felt led to work the Nueva Ocotepeque area, and I helped Tom Lingenfelter from Holy, Holy, Holy Ministries with a big crusade in San Pedro Sula on the latter end of the spring trip.  To read what happened on the December 09 trip, you can go to the link: "Recent Honduras Trip".                    

I would like to minister in your church.  Lord willing, I can do the worship, preaching and teaching, with signs following, all done of course in the mighty name of Jesus. My name is Karl Stein and I can be reached at (618) 985-2204.

References:  Call me and I can give you some pastor's names and phone numbers, such as Clyde Dillman who was healed of ringing in the ears, and his leading elder of heart problems. In some of the churches where I have taught, there has been a noticeable increase in the amount of miracles, all praise to Jesus.  Other pastor references include Dean Severin, Tom Tiernan, Brent Fitzgerald and Peggy Camp. 

Thanks for reading!

God Bless you with all blessings in Christ Jesus!

Please contact me if you copy any of this information.  Thanks, and God Bless You!!!   Karl Stein