Integra is
head of the Hellsing Organization, one of two known groups who work to wipe out the undead. She inherited the position from
her father. She won the right to keep it - and
command Alucard - when
she was still a girl. She is skilled in fighting with firearms and swords, and a calm, calculating commander during battle.
She is a Knight of the Round Table. She is human.

Alucard is Hellsing's servant
and primary weapon. Years ago, this powerful vampire was captured and modified by Hellsing, and is now used to hunt his
own kind. His recklessness and lust for combat would be suicidal in a lesser vampire, but Alucard's regenerative powers
have yet to meet their limits. He has a catlike habit of toying with his opponents. He uses two huge handguns, the Casull
and the Jackal, both of which fire specialized silver bullets.

Walter has worked for the Hellsing Organization since he was quite young. He behaves
like a kind, elderly man, until Hellsing requires his special talents. Then he fights as the eye of a lethal
whirlwind. His weapons are special gloves equipped with extremely fine, sharp wires. He casts these filaments in
deadly aerial curves that slice through anything they contact. Walter serves as Integra's butler, advisor, and soldier.
He is human.

Seras was part of a police detail that took on an outbreak of ghouls.
Her cohorts were massacred. She herself was fatally shot, then made vampire - both at the hands of Alucard, who offered her another path as she lay
dying. Seras chose survival, and now works for the Hellsing Organization.
She is tough for someone so young, but endures personal confusion about her new work with Hellsing, her transformation
to an Undead, and the powers and conditions that have come with both.

Pip is Commander of the Wild Geese, a mercenary group hired by Hellsing to augment their
forces. At first, neither he nor his men believe in the monsters they've been hired to fight. Pip is skilled in the use
of firearms and other ordnance, and commands his men with humorous charisma. His flippant attitude can make him seem
insolent, but he acts with great loyalty when the chips are down. He is human.

The Wild Geese are mercenaries, a military force-for-hire. The Hellsing Organization engages
their services after a serious incident decimates Hellsing's ranks. They are human.

Enrico Maxwell is the head of Iscariot, also known as Section 13. Iscariot is the Catholic
competitor to the Hellsing Organization, likewise committed to eliminating the undead in Britain. However, Maxwell seems
to despise Hellsing even more than the monsters his soldiers destroy. Like Integra, he is rather young to hold such a
position of power; unlike her, he has a streak of immaturity which often shows itself with unwise actions. He is human.

Alexander Anderson is a Paladin who fights for Iscariot. Like
Alucard, he has superhuman healing abilities and paranormal powers. However, he is no vampire but the result
of technological research. Anderson works in an orphanage, and shows a kind and fatherly attitude to his charges.
When he fights the Undead, however, he becomes a crazed, fanatical destroyer. He should be considered an augmented

Father Ronaldo is Enrico Maxwell's assistant and advisor. He acts as a go-between for various
Iscariot members, and keeps them informed of current intelligence. He has a steely demeanor and common sense that distinguishes
him from the more easily agitated members of Iscariot. He is human.

Yumie is an Iscariot swordswoman with fearsome fighting abilities. She is
not only highly skilled, but possesses a 'berserker' streak - she fights with a rage and ferocity comparable to
Alexander Anderson. Yumie works for Iscariot as a fighter and assassin. She is partnered with the more level-headed Iscariot
member Heinkel, who can sometimes make the impulsive Yumie see reason. She is human.
FIRST APPEARANCE: OVA 5 Screenshot ________________________________________________________

Heinkel is a member of Iscariot's fighting force. She has a ruthless but rational personality
and follows orders to the letter. She may be a priest, or simply wears the costume of one. A cool fighter, skilled with
handguns, she is one of Iscariot's more level-headed members. She is human.

Section 13 is Iscariot's personal fighting force. Anderson, Heinkel and Yumie
are the most prominent members, but many more stand behind them; a multitude of soldiers who willingly deal death in the name
of their God. They are human.

The Major is small, plump and unprepossessing, but his pleasant smile is the mask
on a madman. A former soldier in Germany's Reich, he has recreated himself as leader of an Undead army. His goal? War
for the sake of war itself - a war that will last
a thousand years, filled with unending bloodshed. He commands with a good-natured attitude, which can change in a moment to
cruelty or grandiose elation. Apparently human, but does not seem to age.

"The Captain" is a silent Millenium soldier.
He wears a concealing cap and coat; his face is often in shadow. He never speaks. The Captain may not be a vampire, but
a different supernatural creature - he can change into to a werewolf. In this monstrous state he is wolf-headed,
furred and immensely powerful. In his human form, the Captain is strong enough, appears to ignore pain, and uses
a sidearm; but in his werewolf form he can rip his enemies limb from limb. He is not human.

Dok is tall and pale, wearing multilensed spectacles and
perpetually bloodstained clothing. He is Millenium's top scientist of physiology and technology, the genius behind many
of their projects. Perhaps unstable, certainly eccentric, but undeniably brilliant. Apparently human, but does not seem
to age.

A vampire gunwoman armed with a truly unusual
musket, Rip can be recognized by a vicious smile and the curl springing from her forehead. Her gun fires projectiles
that hit their target not only once, but several times - dealing
massive damage with each swooping pass. She may be well-armed, but still lives with the constant fear that something
is coming to destroy her. Her appearance shifts from girlish to monstrous depending on her mood.

Jan Valentine is one of two vampires who lead an attack on Hellsing Headquarters. With
his love of huge firearms, go-to-hell attitude and torrents of acid profanity, he is the perfect gangster punk. He commands
his personal squad of ghouls with an objective to destroy Hellsing completely.

Luke Valentine is the older of the Valentine Brothers; he also is a
vampire. In contrast to his partner Jan, he presents a more genteel appearance and attitude. His goal is different from Jan's,
as well; Luke has a personal desire to challenge and defeat Alucard. He may present a problem, considering his vampiric speed
and healing, and he certainly believes he will win.

The "Dandy Man" is a well-dressed vampire who fights using gravity-defying moves. His weapons
are objects that resemble playing cards. Alhambra can fling these cards singly or in swarms; they slice through objects and
explode violently enough to smash walls. When injured, Alhambra can regenerate, reforming from masses of these cards.
He is confident and boastful.

Warrant Officer Schrödinger is a cat-human
hybrid created by Dok. He has the power to teleport from one place to another, even after deadly injury. His youthful
appearance and behavior seem at odds with his status in the Millenium Group: he is treated like a pet by The Major,
yet belongs to the fighting force known as Werewolves. His personality shows a jaded, corrupt streak, chilling in one who
appears so innocent. Not human.

Zorin is a tall, muscular vampire inked with intricate tattoos on the entire right side of
her body. Her left eye is normal in appearance, but the right is unnaturally malformed. Blitz can overwhelm her opponent's minds,
casting persuasive, often horrific illusions that become their new reality. For physical combat, she fights with a massive
scythe. She is calm, cruel, and egotistical.

The Millenium
Group has created legions of low-level vampires using an unknown method. Their powers are comparatively weak, since they have
acquired them so recently, but they are more than a match for the average human. They can, and will, drink blood and create
ghouls. They serve willingly as soldiers in the Major's prospective thousand-year-war.

When a vampire bites a human, one of two beings can be created. If the victim
is a virgin, he or she becomes a vampire. If the victim was not a virgin when bitten, he or she will rise as a ghoul. The
ghoul will be under the vampire's control. Ghouls are shambling, decaying humanoid monsters, minds
and voices reduced to brutality. When under a vampire's command, they can use complex weapons and hunt in packs. Millenium-created vampires can create ghouls from any human, virgin or not.
All images © Kouta Hirano and Dark Horse Comics.