Recent additions to the site:
November 15, 2009
Dear lord, all my manga image links are kaput. Let me fix that.
EDIT: I had to fix the OVA 4 screenshots page too. Damn. How long was it like that? I need a Bat-signal.
September 14, 2009
As you can see, I finally set up the Trailers and Clips page with embedded YouTube
videos (all except for the OVA 7 trailer, which the owner has set up with somewhat restricted permissions). I think it looks
quite a bit better.
I meant to set up embedded vids at least a year ago, but for once, there was more
than laziness in my way: the Verizon Web Builder utility either deletes, disables or just plain hoses up all attempts to place
embedded videos on your page. For awhile, I thought it was just error on my part, but then I found that no one else could
do it, either. I finally got around it by composing the page in Notepad and uploading it to Verizon via FTP.
When I first started this site, I knew NOTHING about HTML and I thought that the
Verizon Web Builder was nifty, if slow and a little bit Fisher-Price looking. Over the years, I've learned more HTML,
and the utility has changed from something I like using, to something I try to get away with using, to something I have a
sort of low-level loathing for, like going to the DMV.
Enough of my complaining. I'll cut this short by saying that I'm going to stop
using the Verizon Web Builder and start thinking about some redesigns. I'd like to build a sleeker Crossroad, with a less
scatty interface, and code that isn't a rat's nest of "font font font font font div div div div".
August 1, 2009
I apologize for the delay, my usual computer is a little bit
dead, and I'm doing this on a borrowed laptop running Windows Vista. Lord have mercy. I hate this operating system
May 25, 2009
Added an OVA 6 page, took care of some very-overdue edits and so on.
January 9, 2009
Sorry for the broken OVA 4 and 5 screenshot pages, folks. They're fixed now! Moral
of the story: .PNG files are pretty, but expensive.
December 28, 2008
There's a new trailer out for Hellsing OVA 6!
December 27, 2008
December 5, 2008
November 24, 2008
July 9, 2008
I have two fresh items up on the News Page. FUNimation has picked up the North American distribution rights for
the Hellsing OVA, and Hellsing OVA 5 has a release date of 916/08.
June 1, 2008
The Hellsing OVA series is still not licensed in North America. Good Grief, guys,
it's been eight months now. I wish I had exciting news, but the people who know more than I do are still saying
that they don't know anything yet. If you'd like to read the latest speculation, please check the News page!
February 22, 2008
Hellsing OVA 4 is out!
February 03, 2008
New Hellsing OVA 4 art!
The latest issue of Young King OURs includes fresh artwork from OVA 4! Go to the
Hellsing OVA 4 page for a look at Heinkel, The Major, and Rip Van Winkle!
January 20, 2008
Geneon USA Questions and Answers!
What's happened to Geneon USA? What does it mean for Hellsing fans? I've tried
to clear things up on this new page.
January 5, 2008
Updated summary for Hellsing Volume 9.
There's a lot of plot movement in that volume! My first draft was 2 1/2 pages,
and my edited version is still a bit long.
Oh, and has everyone recovered from Chapter 89?
December 12, 2007
New scans up for Volume 10!
I've added a new page for Volume 10 of the Hellsing manga, and posted samples
of the artwork. You can see them here!
October 6, 2007
Alarming news for American Hellsing fans.
August 23, 2007
May 1, 2007
Ah. Now the excitement has died down, and I'm back to doing site maintenance
and answering email. But at the height of the OVA 3 frenzy, Crossroad got 1,176 visitors in one day! Considering that
most of you are in the United States, that shows how many Hellsing fans keep tabs on release dates in Japan.
I've added new material to the Hellsing Manga section. I have finished the section for Volume Eight, adding a new summary and cleaner scans. I've also begun a section for Volume Nine, though these chapters haven't been collected into book form yet--in fact, there are more chapters
coming. If you haven't read volumes 8 or 9 yet, beware; these sections have spoilers.
(I had a hard time writing the summary for Volume Eight, and if you've read 8,
you probably know why. There's so much, and so much of it is so sad.)
April 5, 2007
April 4, 2007
I thought it was about time I put up a section for The Dawn, a manga prequel to
the Hellsing series. This new section has about 20 screenshots and a short overview of the series. If you'd like to know why Hellsing
fought with Millennium--or if you just want to see the rumored "Girlycard"--check it out!
March 28, 2007
Get it, watch it! It's beautiful!
March 22, 2007
Spardadt at Hellsing Livejournal found ten new OVA 3 screenshots. (5-1-2007 Note:
These screenshots have been removed; I have many new screenshots on the OVA 3 Screenshot page now!) Hellsing fans are excited to see that Geneon is going to animate the Volume 2 'museum scene',
and include the Harkonnen spirit from Seras' weird and amusing dream!
March 15, 2007
I have added pictures of the manga covers to every page dealing with the Hellsing
manga. This was a long time coming; I was unable to get them onto the page because of some peculiarity in the code. I had
to redo all the pages. I apologize to anyone who has bookmarked them--whatever URL you had, it isn't valid anymore. Please
take note of the new pages and new design, though!
March 7, 2007
In addition, the Japanese Hellsing Website has animation scenes from the
upcoming OVA 3. Some have noticed that the characters in these scenes are speaking through comic-style word balloons.
Those who read Japanese know the joke already--but if you don't, Xaphirest and his friend Aurian have provided a translation.
February 28, 2007
Okay, there's a release date for Hellsing OVA 3! It looks like the new date is April 4, 2007. I got the date from Demon Rin, who spotted the new dates at CD Japan and However, there is still no update or trailer at the official Hellsing OVA website.
Stay tuned!
February 25, 2007
I added the samples from Volume Eight. The summary will take a little while
longer--so much happens in this volume. But you can look at the artwork here. (If you haven't read Volume 8 yet--I caution you, there are spoilers!)
There is still no news about Hellsing OVA 3's release date, and the suspense is
killing me.
This site is now up to 450 visitors per day. Thank you all for stopping by! I
hope I have some OVA 3 news for you soon!
February 7, 2007
Geneon still hasn't given a new release date for Hellsing OVA 3. When they release
the new date, I'll report it here as soon as I can! I'd like to thank you all for the interesting letters you've written;
it's wonderful to hear from people who love this series as much as I do.
January 24, 2007
OVA 3 was suposed to come out on February 9 in Japan. Unfortunately, it has been
delayed. According to Geneon, the episode is finished, but the figurine that it ships with is not ready yet. The
figurine is a 'stand-up' of Alexander Anderson which has been under production for several months.
December 17, 2006
Some OVA 3 promotional art has been found. Seras Victoria may be the new cover girl!
December 10, 2006
Google Analytics provides me with hit counts and page views for this site, as
well as other interesting things. 
One of those little yellow dots--or slightly larger yellow dots--is you. (Hi there!)
There are lots of fans in Seattle, Tampa and Moscow, Reykjavik, Krasnoyarsk,
Ylipää, Taipei. This site is receiving almost 200 visitors a day now. Hello, hello, hello to you all!
December 5, 2006
OVA 1 is now available in North America!
And I have added art samples from Hellsing manga volume 6 to the site.
December 2, 2006
I've added two OVA 2 reviews to the OVA Reviews section. I've also reorganized the Trailers and Clips page so the newest material is at the top. The new OVA 1 English-language dub trailer is there--check
it out!
November 29, 2006
I've put up more art on the OVA 1 Info and OVA 2 Info pages. Please scroll down to the bottom of each page to see the new DVD art, Limited Edition relief figurine, and various
box insert sketches. They're really lovely.
November 24, 2006--I've added a lot of material to the Hellsing Manga section. I now have a page each for Hellsing Volumes 1 through 5, each page with a short, perhaps
spoilery summary, and somewhere between 10 and 14 art samples for each volume.
If you've read each manga at least a dozen times, this is just a refresher course.
If you have not read the Hellsing manga yet, take note! These scenes may occur in OVAs yet to come!
I will add Volumes 6 and up ASAP.