Dr. Ron Stollings

Wellness Trail
2008 Wrap-Up
2010 Wrap-Up
Primary Results
Dear Friend
I've Walked that difficult mile.
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No One Should Do Without.
Jobs and Our Future
Experience Counts!
A Plan for the Future
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Ron Stollings is fighting for jobs and our future!

Ron Stollings knows the future of these coalfields is found in jobs. Over the years, our children and grandchildren have left to find work out-of- state, and few have been able to return.

Coal liquefaction will turn our priceless resources into solid jobs while eliminating dependence on foreign oil.  And with this technology, new mines will open as the demand for coal to make fuel for vehicles increases.

West Virginia is known for the hardwood it ships around the world.  Ron Stollings wants to keep that hardwood here — build cabinets, doors, hardwood floors and furniture - then export those finished products.

Our part of West Virginia is a beautiful place to work and play. But that play can be made into jobs in tourism and spin-off businesses.

Ron knows that by diversifying our economy, we can bring lasting living-wage jobs to Logan, Lincoln, Boone and Wayne counties.
