In 1997 we bought the 1975 MG Midget 1500, with original top and repaint in original Tundra color, but
it required a thorough engine overhaul, and a lot of cleaning up. Its a solid little car - too little for
regular highway give and take, but loads of fun alone. Bigger inside than outside, its been to Columbus several times, to
Cleveland, and deep into Kentucky and Indiana many times. Its also been to many car shows between here and there.
The 1963 MGB was complete when purchased in 1998, but had not been run in years. It had no rust, so I replaced
the appearance pieces with new, and overhauled the mechanicals. The Old English White paint color and white wall
tires were chosen to match advertizing literature of the day. In 2003 I built the trailer from a derelict body
tub. More about the '63 car and trailer can be found on the MG Car Club website.
The trailer came from a rear body section, com- plete with trunk lid, and a piece of front fender grafted on at
the wheel opening to mount the headlight on each side. The Car/Trailer photo was featured in the September 2004 issue of Classic
Motorsport magazine, inside the back cover, with a brief write-up in their "Absolutely Classic" column.
There is more restoration work to be done - a '72 Triumph GT-6, needing some sheet metal work, paint and assembly,
and a 1957 MGA Coupe, complete but needing paint and re-assembly,