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Special Thanks to KB8NDS the previous net manager for keeping the net running and all of his time tending to the net's business.  Thanks Nick and enjoy Texas...73 my friend.

EPTN Purpose

The purpose of the EPTN is to provide a means of routing formal message traffic (NTS format) into and out of the WV Eastern Panhandle.  The secondary purpose is to provide training in traffic handling as well as promote good will among area amateurs.

Frquency and times

The Eastern Panhandle Traffic Net meets weekdays (Mon. - Fri.) at 6:45 PM local time on the 147.255 WB8YZV repeater near Martinsburg, WV.  The repeater at times is PL'ed so if you can not get in, try setting your PL to 123.0 Hz.

Net Control Stations Needed!

Take a turn at being the Net Control Station.  It's not hard and you're even allowed to make mistakes.  The EPTN can not run without Net Control Stations, so if you like the net and want it to continue, volunteer for a day during the week.  We are all ham radio operators and hams like to talk.  Guess what?  The NCS gets to talk the most on the net, so volunteer and start talking on the EPTN.
If you can help out, contact Bob, WB8OIF.

Net Script

Good evening, this is _____ net control station for the Eastern Panhandle Taffic Net.  My name is _____ and I am located _____.  This is a directed, local level training net of the ARRL National Traffic System serving the Eastern Panhandle of WV.  We meet every week night at 6:45PM in order to coordinate local traffic with cycle 4 of the NTS.
When checking in, please use the "this is" protocol for checking into directed nets.  Checking in this way reduces the chances of goubling.
     (UNKEY and wait for coutesy beep from repeater)
The Eastern Panhandle Traffic net is now open for station with Emergency, Priority or Health and Welfare traffic. 
      (Handle any traffic in these categories first in order of priority)
      (Wait for courtesy tone plus 3 - 5 seconds before contuing)
Are there any section net liaison stations on frequency?
       (Wait for courtesy tone plus 3 - 5 seconds before contuing)
The net is now open for stations with formal message traffic.Stations with traffic, please call now.
        (Wait for courtesy tone plus 3 - 5 seconds)
All other stations wishing to check into the EPTN, please call now.
       (Wait for courtesy tone plaus 3-5 seconds)
      (Pass any traffic that is listed, then get comments from stations checked in.  if no traffic to pass go staight to comments)
      (Remember to ID at least every 10 minutes)
2.  Before we close, is there any further business, traffic or check ins for the EPTN?
      (If no other business proceed to next part.  If more business or check ins, handle them then return to this part)
3.  That completes this session of the Eastern Panhandle Traffic Net.  Thank you to everyone whochecked in as well as those whp stood by to give us a clear operating frequency.  Thanks also to WB8YZV for allowing us to use this repeater.For more information on the EPTN, please visit our website at:
mysite.verizon.net/wb8oif/emcomm and click on EPTN at the top of the page.
  (Mention any other local nets that will meet before the EPTN)
The net is now closed and the repeater returned to regular service.  The next meeting of this net will be _____ (Monday, tomorrow, or whatever is appropriate) at 6:45PM on this frequency.  This is _____ 73.

Remember to check in to your local ARES or RACES nets. Be a known participant before disaster strikes!