Hellsing is written and drawn by Kouta Hirano. The manga series began in 1997, and ended in September, 2008. The
series ran for 95 chapters, 10 completed volumes and a little over 10 years.
The manga, produced in black-and-white, has an interesting art style with strong lines and contrasting inked
areas. The story has a straightforward plotline, weighted towards action and horror scenes, but with a sprinkling of
humor in both the writing and art.
Kouta Hirano has created two companion series that are related to Hellsing. Crossfire is not Hellsing canon,
and is not set in the Hellsing universe, but it does feature an alternate version of Iscariot where Heinkel and
Yumie figure as main characters. The Dawn, on the other hand, is a canon prequel to Hellsing and does take place in
the Hellsing universe. It is set during World War II, where Integra Hellsing's father is alive and running things, Alucard
has apparently chosen to take on the form of a young girl, and Walter Dorneaz is a cocky teenager.
The English-language version of the manga is published in trade paperback format by Dark Horse Comics.