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Cascade Narrs - Aconcagua

The Narrs

You may be wondering, who are the Cascade Narrs and what is a Narr anyways. They are two outdoor enthusiasts who met playing rugby for the Oregon Rugby Sports Union (ORSU) in 1997. As the years went by and they climbed more and more together, they decided to start venturing away from the Cascade peaks and climbing other notable mountains. Their first bigger adventure was Denali, to be climbed in June 2009. The climbing permit required a climbing team name. After a few pints they settled on the Casdade Narrs. Cascade because those are the peaks they both lived near in the Pacific NW and Narrs because it is German for Jester, the ORSU team mascot. They thought Narrs sounded more serious than Jesters. I guess technically the plural should be Narren, but it is their climbing name so Cascade Narrs it is.

The Cascade Narrs were successful and, true to their German roots, right on schedule for their Denali summit in 2009. Shortly after their return, they started ordering books about Aconcagua. They figured they had just summited the tallest peak in North America; they might as well tackle the tallest peak in South America as well. In case you are wondering, their better halves are in agreement that the Cascade Narrs will not be tackling all 7 summits.  Erik has already done some international climbing in Europe, but this will be Aaron's first international climb.

click here to download Erik's climbing resume

click here to download Aaron's climbing resume

Aaron and Erik (along with Aaron's son) at the Seattle marathon

Climb Preparations

Since most of the climb conditioning had to be done in the fall and winter when local climbing isn't as accessible, they were not able to get a lot of actual climbs in before their departure. Erik kept fit by continuing to play rugby and hiking and climbing when he could. Aaron opted for the gym and hiking. They also completed the Portland half marathon on 10 Oct 2010 and their inaugural, and likely final based on how much they loathed it, full marathon in Seattle 28 Nov 2010. For two guys who don't consider running a fun sport, they sure ran a lot.

Unlike Denali, there are not a lot of books about Aconcagua but they read all they could find in print, online, and by talking to others who had climbed. That research led them to pick the Falso de los Polacos route, even though 75% of climbers choose the somewhat easier "Normal" route on the NW side of the mountain. It translates to False Polish and is a variation of the Polish Traverse route that cuts slightly diagonally up the north side of mountain instead of the Polish Traverse's route straight across then up. You can see more about their route on the home page.

Last updated 2/02/2011