Flora & Fauna:
Ghoraja Juun has many unique plants and creatures. Some are merely
offshoots of more well-known species, others are native only to this
- Flora
- Dragon's Teeth - This heavy vine-like plant is
covered in 2" long thorns, and is found primarily in the Jungle of
Thorns. The natives of the jungle use the thorns in their
blow-guns, the thorns are thin enough to penetrate all but the
finest made chain mail.
- Firethorn - A tree-like shrub that grows 4-6'
in height. It is covered with tiny, bright red thorns. The thorns
are coated with a mild toxin which causes sever rashes in most
humans, demi-humans and humanoids.
- Gilden - A tree related to the oak, its inner
wood is a deep gold in color and highly prized for furniture and
other items. It is native to the island of Telperion
- Malen - A rare offshoot of the maple tree
found only in the Goldenwood. It has a smooth, dark gold colored
bark and yellow-gold leaves that reflect sunlight to some extent.
The wood of the malen is highly sought after for the crafting of
bows and arrows.
- Paleorn - A variety of the cypress tree with
pale, white bark.
- Recoton - This tree can only be found in the
Selkwood Forest, growing around a small lake. The bark is a
golden-yellow in color and the leaves are a oval shaped,
translucent green. The sap from these trees can be distilled into
a potent, yet superb tasting drink known as Fire Nectar. Only the
reclusive Syndarin elves know the secret of distilling the sap. It
is believed that are rare combination of minerals in the soil
around and in the lake water enable the recoton to grow. Attempts
to grow the tree elsewhere have yet to meet with any success.
- Snowblossom - A relative of the birch tree,
the snow blossom is known for its intense white bark, and white,
puffy, flower shaped leaves. The leaves can be boiled down and the
resulting liquid made into a light, but pleasant smelling perfume.
- Fauna
- Dragons - Unlike many other worlds the
dragons of Ghoraja-Juun are not a group of similar species, they
are a single species. Through some as yet undetermined process a
dragons color/appearance is determined during the
incubation/gestation period and is not influenced by the
color/appearance of either parent. Thus a pair of red dragons
may give birth to a silver, steel or even black dragon.
Color/appearance also has no bearing on the dragons general
disposition/alignment. Metallic dragons are not generally good
and chromatic dragons generally evil, each dragon is unique.
- Neksuta - Desert dwelling humanoids,
distantly related to orcs. They usually dress in tan,
sand colored robes and where hideous masks to scare off
intruders. The defend their homes with a savagery that defies
their usually peaceful nature. They worship Rhadyn whom the call
Rhu-gak, the Flame King.
- Sea Giants -