- Elvaandor
- Lord Beldred
Shadowstar - Head of the High Council
- Lady
Layrillian Silverfox - High Council member
- Lord Prowlett
Blackleaf - High Council member
- Lady Trillian
Sunhawk - High Council member
- Lord Rezylana
Greycloak - High Council member
- Lady
Galadrian Moonglow - High Council member
- Lord
Aertheran Goldeagle - War Marshall of Elvaandor and High Council
- Lady
Sinaedria Ebonspire - High Council member
- Lord
Vanidor Silverbranch - High Council member
- Other Notable Persons
- Mylantrea Wavedancer - Governor of Cyranis
- Virant Seastar - Wave Marshall (Admiral) of Elvaandori
navy, auxiliary High Council member
- Danner Bramblethorn (Halfling) - Former adventurer,
most influential non-elven merchant on Elvaandor
- Kalan 'Spider' Darkmoon - Lord Blackleaf's top agent
- Muinnelim (Starshine) - Adult diamond dragon
- Zelastrian Railimaff - Taydarin ambassador to Elvaandor
- Phylassi Shadowstar - Nominal head of the Tower of
Magery, auxiliary High Council member
- Carcosan Archipelago (Kaardonese Empire)
- Dowager Empress Varinna Vanuraak
- Prince Royal Nadrak Vanuraak
- Princess Royal Narissa Vanuraak
- Priest-General Draakon Jurant
- General Molak Kang - Imperial Army Commander and
Grandmaster of the Imperial War College
- Admiral Galrik Rykurn - Imperial Navy Commander
- Ahzric Tryll - Imperial Grand Wizard and Royal Sage
- Other Notable Persons
- Kylveran Nightserpent (Naydarin Elf) - Prince Nadrak's
body guard and closest friend/confidant
- Chopek (Firbolg) - Princess Narissa's bodyguard
- Vistana Madrak - High Priestess of Droghaan
- Bograt Dharkosis - Imperial Exchequer - high ranking
priest of Nâzar
- Sartek Umbor - High Guildmaster of Tai-Than, wealthiest
non-noble in the empire
- Jhardel 'Cobra' Drakenburg (1/2 Nordheim-1/2 Maydarin
Elf) - Leader of the Golden Serpents thieves guild in Tai-Than
- Arvan 'Bishop' Urmanaz - Head of Imperial Internal
Security Bureau
- Lothar Irthanax - High Priest of Nâzar
- Khatovar
- The Overlord
- Katassah
- Colonel Pelazi
- Blackwolf
- Shadoan
Cloudreader - High Priestess of Nymdyl
- Khaldhar
Starmantle - High Priest of Tomival, Master of the Citadel of
- Other Notable Persons
- Grymaa - The wizard Blackwolf's chief aide and steward,
and an accomplished wizard in his own right. It is unknown why he
works for Blackwolf. He is a very short, pudgy (3'4" 130 lbs), bald
human with a pencil-this moustache. Typically dresses in robes of
deep blue and carries a non-descript walking cane.
- Lukas 'Blackjack' Raynaard - Head of the Ebon Flame,
leading and most powerful thief's guild in the Dark Market,
Katassah's top lieutenant.
- Admiral Otto Vaasa - A former pirate, Otto has embraced
the worship of Droghaan and is an accomplished priest. He is
commander of the Khatovarian navy and personally captains the
Overlord's private ship.
- Dalamar Baradaakus - A mysterious wizard who appeared
is Khatovar in approximately 2345 AG and took up residence in an
abandoned manor house in the 'Autumn' quarter of the city. He is
rumored to have met with the Overlord several times.
- Seynorean Empire
- Emperor Neltran Corryno III
- Empress Alyssa Albaren-Corryno
- Prince Imperial Montgomery "Monty' Corryno
- Prince Royal Garion Corryno
- Ragnar Danneskjôld - Grand Admiral
of the Imperial Navy
- Ulrich Rowe - Imperial High Battle Mage, Master of the Tower
- Sanveras Blacktower - Grand War Marshall of the Imperial
- Lady Beldrin Occuda - Imperial Minister of Intelligence
- Other Notable Persons
- General Tyson Ravensheart - Imperial Governor of Rovac - Vice
Marshall of the Imperial Legions
- Istvan DiVega - Imperial Governor of Karnak - Considered the
finest swordsman of the empire
- Juan-Carlos Ramirez - High Counselor of the Drokkarum -
Patriarch of House Ramyrez - Possibly the richest man in the
- Mandor Varota - Imperial Minister of Finance - Patriarch of
House Varota, chief rival of House Corryno
- Wenfield Seynor - Imperial Chamberlain - this position is held
by House Seynor in perpetuity
- Cochrane Marshfield (Halfling) - Deputy Minister of
- Telperion & Taramir
- King Dalamar Shiyalandriel
- Queen Sylvestria Rillithane (The Flower of Telperion)
- Princess Alystrana (Strana) Shiyalandriel
- Lord Gildor Damodred
- Lady Illeria Theralanis
- Celebrand Rillimath
(High Druid of Telperion)
- Lord Kelaryn Fylastadryn
- Lady Mylistran Llillandria
- Borric StormHammer (Clan Chief)
- Other Notable Persons
- Kabayo (Unicorn-Pegasus Hybrid) - Leader of the Pegasus
and unicorn herds on Telperion. Also war mount of the king.
- Allysyr "Wisp" Galyntheris - King Dalamar's chief agent
outside of Telperion
- Lord Pellanyr Ta'Quellan - Admiral of the Taydarin
navy. His flagship is the Raptor class ship Osprey
- Elvarin Lyllmathis - Grand master archer of Telperion,
said to wield an ancient magical bow of great power
- Milathyn Greenbranch (Zandrastinalys) - Actually a
steel dragon in disguise, serves as the Maydarin ambassador. The
King and Queen are aware of her true identity
- Urfangallyzad (Sunfire) - Ancient wyrm, currently bound
in a magical sleep. Nominal leader of the Llaseen Sevanyr (Wyrm
- Heroes & Villains
- Carnax "The Destroyer"
- The Obsidian Circle
- Skiraxxis - "Vertigo"
- Prednax - "The Eye"
- Zirak Steelheart - "Khelek-dûm
- Sylistra Ka'Renarde - "Black Queen"
- Iridivix - "The Faceless" or "Faceless One"
- Tarod Caldane - "Mindbender"
- Astinardavaz (Shadowfang) - "Deathwing"
- Tylac Kajal - "Soulreaver"
- Dilvish Reefraider - "Ankulla (the Shark)"
- Madilim Kasam (The Dark Brotherhood)
- Tarack Colinaas - "The Dark Hand of Vhokuun"
- Zoric Corhaven
- Kalan Darksun
- Danner Bramblethorn - "Ghost"
- The Shield
- Oberon Rowehl
- Hans Thorkle
- Erik Greyhaven
- Dyson Vryce