Lady Sinaedria Ebonspire -
High Council Member:
- Sinaedria is a young (168 years) and brash, but
talented illusionist. She is the most impulsive of any council
members, and often the cause of the most heated debates. The
Ebonspire family is one of the oldest on Elvaandor and carries much
influence. So despite her young years and rash behavior, her words
carry great weight. She council's contact and interactions with
other races, but only if the elves have something to gain. She
vehemently hates Kaardon, Dagaat, and Dwarves, the remainder are
tolerated, except for Halflings. Sinaedria has many friends among
the Halfling population of Cyranis and spends much time with them.
- Stat block: (Fem Maydarin Elf - L15 Wiz(Ill))
Magic Items
Bracelets of Defense +8 Armor
Ring of Illusions (As Ring of Wizardry - doubles # of levels 1 & 2