Shadoan Cloudreader - High Priestess of Nymdyl:
- Shdoan, the Mistress of Mysteries at the Shrine of the
Dreamer, is the highest ranking member of the Church of Nymdyl.
Shadoan is q quiet, contemplative woman who spends much of her time
in a dream-like trance exploring the mysteries of other planes of
existence and communing with her god. She leaves much of the
day-to-day operations of the church to her subordinates, who only
bring the most import decisions to her attention. On rare occasions
she has met with the Overlord, but the nature of these discussions
are unknown. The Church of Nymdyl has little interest in political
affairs, and though Shadoan is concerned with the growing influence
of Katassah and the dark market, she is thus far unwilling to take
any direct action against them.
Shadoan is a middle aged woman, though still quite beautiful, and
quite powerful for her small size (5'3" 110 lbs). Her hair is
platinum blonde, almost white, and here eyes are jet black. She has
a mysterious aura about her that many find unfathomable or even
unsettling. She dresses in the shimmering robes her order is famous
for, but fore go's the mirrored mask that many of them favor.
Shadoan is on good terms with most of the clergy in Khatovar,
rumor's have her romantically linked with Khaldar Starmantle, the
high priest of Tomival.
- Stat block: (Female Opakan L16 Prst [Nymdyl])
Magic Items
Robe of Scintillating Colors
2x Wands of Illusion
Bracers of Defense +8 Armor
Crystal Ball