
Match Results 08-31-2008
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Urban Assault edges

out the Hitmen in O/T

Submitted by:  Wade Moore

The 2008 SIPA kicked off with the defending Champion Harrisburg HITMEN taking on Anna URBAN ASSAULT!

August 31st brought a warm day to the kick off match between the Harrisburg HITMEN and Anna URBAN ASSAULT. With a new season came some new teams and some new rules. This year the “stall” technique was removed so that the teams would have more chances for scoring. Also it was one of the things that the spectators thought was confusing, so the league did away with it. Another rule that the league scrapped was the end zone rule for starting a match. Player can now stand in the end zone and fire at their opponents. In 2007 the players had to be moving forward when the whistle blew and could not stay in the end zone. For 2008 the field has been lengthened and now the players can stay in the end zone if they wish.

The opening day match also had the added pressures of WSIL TV 3 being at the field for the sports segment of the news and Southern Illinois from Baldwin Media Group  was also their with their camera for a segment on the newly launched video website. With all of this the defending champion HITMEN and new SIPA team URBAN ASSAULT took to the field for the season two kick off match!

The teams were introduced to the crowd followed by a prayer and the National Anthem. With that in the books URBAN ASSAULT won the toss and took to the offense first and the HITMEN chose they top side to start their 2008 season. And at first the defenses were on their game as both teams could not push across a point. Both teams started out cautious and not making many moves. Unlike the HITMEN of 2007, they played super cautious and rarely tried taking more than one bunker in any move. You could tell URBAN ASSAULT was feeling the HITMEN out and they slowly started adding moves to their strategic shooting. After the defenses seemed to rule the first part of the first quarter, Anna Urban Assault scored the first points of the 2008 season. The first quarter ended with URBAN ASSAULT on top 1-0.

But in the second quarter the offenses got on track as both teams let loose a little more. At halftime the score was tied, 2-2.  The HITMEN opened the 3rd quarter looking to take their first lead but they were denied by URBAN ASSAULT. And in URBANS first crack at offense in the 3rd quarter the HITMEN denied them right back. But then The HITMEN seemed to come out and fired on all cylinders as they scored quick on their second possession of the 3rd quarter to take their first lead of the match, 3-2.


Now it was time to see if URBAN ASSAULT had it in them to come back from being behind for the first time in the match. And boy did they come right back. Just as quick as the HITMEN took the lead ASSAULT came back with a quick score of their own to tie the match once more at 3-3. The fourth quarter was more like the first quarter with the defenses holding the offenses. But late in the 4th quarter Anna URBAN ASSAULT broke across the HITMENS goal line for a score and a 4-3 lead. The HITMEN quickly called a timeout with only 38 seconds left in the match.

Nerves were all about in both huddles for the teams. Could the HITMEN do what had been impossible all day and score in 38 seconds? Or would URBAN ASSAULT continue their stingy ways on defense and stiffen for the win? As the teams headed onto the field Anna’s captain, Jason Acklin told his team, “You know they are coming with all they got so play your bunkers smart and hold them.” And as the whistle blew to start the last 38 seconds, that’s exactly what the HITMEN did, was charge URBAN ASSAULT. This time Carl Brasher moved over to the snake side of the field and he never took a bunker. He ran the entire length of the field unnoticed until after he traded out with ASSAULTS tape man and had shots on the center man. As the center man turned to take out Carl, the flag carrier was taken out on their right side but the Hitmens’  center David Morse broke through shooting all of the ASSUALTS remaining players. But then he had to find the flag to score the point.  With 11 seconds left he started back trying to remember where his flag carrier was eliminated. With 5 seconds left he found the flag and started for the end zone.  Just as the timer was about to call game, the flag broke the plane of the end zone securing the 38 second scoring march. The match ended in regulation tied, 4-4.

After a small break the team captains again had to call the coin toss to see who got the flag first. Overtime in the SIPA is sudden death but held with one on ones, not the full teams. One player is still the offense and one player is still the defense. The match and overtime will end when the offensive player scores. The chosen players for the first round of sudden death overtime was Baron Archey of Anna URBAN ASSAULT and the Captain of the Harrisburg HITMEN, David Morse.

This is the 4th overtime game for the HITMEN since the SIPA started in 2007. This would make one tend to think that they had the advantage of being here a lot, but that was not to be. As David moved up the center Baron moved over and caught Dave as he looked out to take a shot. Just that quick the match was over and the defending 2007 champion HITMEN were given their first loss, 5-4.

Congratulations to Anna URBAN ASSAULT on their first win in the SIPA! Now we will see if the defending champion HITMEN can do what they did last year and bounce back from defeat to take another title. Their journey doesn’t get much easier though as their next match is against Carbondale ONSLAUGHT. Last year the HITMEN pulled out a 4-3 overtime victory over ONSLAUGHT, so you know ONSLAUGHT is itching for some pay back! The next match for SIPA is Southern Illinois TREMOR taking on the Rookie team of Walnut Grove Baptist Church GODS WARRIORS WINGS on September 7th at 2 pm. Hope to see you there!!!!

Box Score

Harrisbug Hitmen (0 - 1)                      Urban Assault (1 - 0)

Lost: 4 - 5 (OT)                                                Won: 5 - 4 (OT)

Offensive Possessions - 8                                  Offensive Possessions - 7
Scores - 4                                                         Scores - 4
Defensive Chances - 7                                       Defensive Chances - 8
Defensive Stops - 3                                           Defensive Stops - 4


Flag Scores:                                                     Flag Scores:

Dustin Morse - 1                                              Jason Acklin - 3

David Morse - 2                                              JD McMahan - 1

Carl Brasher - 1                                               Baron Archey - 1 (OT)



All website content is owned entirely by the SIPA organization and it's members, including logos, pictures, game format, and other content and may not be used without permission of the SIPA league.  Copyright 2007.