
Match Results 09-07-08
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SI Tremor  wins over God’s Warriors Wings

Submitted by:  David Morse

SI Tremor (1 - 0)                     God’s Warriors - Wings (0 - 1)

Won: 7 - 0                                          Lost: 0 - 7

Offensive Possessions - 8                    Offensive Possessions - 7
Scores - 7                                           Scores - 0
Defensive Chances - 7                         Defensive Chances - 8
Defensive Stops - 7                             Defensive Stops - 1


Flag Scores:                                        Flag Scores:

Mat Canon - 1                                    None

Bearett Edgarton - 3                                        

Joel Psioni - 2

Jeff French - 1


The second week of SIPA action saw two new teams jump in the SIPA arena for the first time.

While most of it’s players are new to the SIPA SI Tremor is a veteran team.  Consisting of  very veteran players Mat Canon, Jeff French, Jordan Jansco, Joel Psioni, and Division 2 Xball player Bearett Edgarton.  Paul Dunk is the new comer to the team as this is his rookie year.

The other team making it’s SIPA debut has nearly the opposite makeup.  God’s Warriors Wings (GWW) has all rookie players and one player captain Mike “Action” Jackson who has played woodsball several years ago but not at a competitive level.

It’s was obvious who was the favorite in this face off.  The only questions were how would GWW react to this new experience and could they learn from this match to help them in future matches?

Tremor won the coin toss and chose to be defense in the first game.  Once the action started it took Tremor less than one minute to eliminate GWW and prepare to take over as the offense. 

The rest of the first quarter it was all Tremor as they scored on every offensive possession and held back GWW on each defensive set.  Jordan Jansco really pressed up the snake side and got several eliminations.  Most of the games lasted less than 2 minutes.  At the end of the first quarter Tremor led 2 – 0.

During the break the SIPA staff tried to encourage GWW some of whom were a bit shell shocked and give them a few pointers.  Things did change a bit in the second quarter as GWW started working a bit more together and being a bit more aggressive.  And then something totally unexpected happened during Tremors second offensive possession.  Tremor made some aggressive moves and pushed up field however, some sharp shooting by GWW had them eliminate all of the Tremor players and make their first successful defensive stand.  The quarter ended with Tremor increasing their lead to 3 – 0.

Halftime had C.  Jackson a spectator play “shoot the ref” against Wes Bayne.  She managed to put one right on Wes’s hiney and she won an autographed photo of Wes.  Thanks to Wes for being such a good sport.

The third quarter saw Tremor turn it on a bit more including using rookie Paul Dunk who made some nice moves up the snake side to put pressure on GWW.  On the field Tremor looked good as the took their time before making open field moves and their communication was excellent as players were frequently shouting out positions of opposing players.  Particularly good at this were team captain Mat “Trigger” Canon and Bearett Edgarton.  It was clear that Tremor didn’t want to see any mistakes happen again like in the previous quarter.  Jeff French made excellent movement to the x-bunker several times and locked down that side.  However, off the field Tremor showed a bit of disorganization as two players were late getting to the field.  One was so late that he was not allowed to play one match.  The third quarter ended with Tremor up 5 – 0.

The final quarter was pretty much a mirror of the third.  However, during one game Mike “Action” Jackson took the snake side in one game and made a hard push up the snake side to try and eliminate Jordan Jansco.  This definitely surprised Jordan.  During the heated exchange of paint it was determined that no hits could be found on Jordan but Mike was eliminated.  Still it was an excellent move designed to change the tempo of the match.  A couple of other times GWW got some paintball contact on Tremor players but they bounced.  That’s paintball!  The final score had Tremor winning 7 – 0.

Overall I think both teams got what they were looking for.  Tremor wanted to use this match as a tuner for their communication skills and learn the field better.  GWW didn’t want to embarrass themselves and learn some basic paintball skills.  I say “Mission accomplished”.

Tremor faces Onslaught next on Sept 21st and GWW faces their sister team God’s Warriors Halos (GWH) on September 14th.

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