
Match Results 09-14-2008
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Onslaught debuts strong against the Hitmen

 submitted by: Wade Moore


This was a must win for match for the defending league champion Harrisburg HITMEN as they fell in their first match 5-4 in OT.  This was the opening match for Onslaught and they were already feeling the loss of their tape man John Clark, who severely sprained his ankle in practice.  Also Onslaught was without Kenny Hatton due to job confliction.  So Onslaught was lucky enough to have put Brock Jolliff on their roster as he was pressed into action.  This meant Onslaughts team of Brock Jolliff, Wade Moore, and Travis Brandon entered the match with no practice under their belts as a team. 


The Hitmen coming off a tough overtime loss was also feeling the pressure as they needed a win to keep their 2008 title hopes alive. They started out the day short a player as well as #21 Jason Morse did not make it due to illness.  The match was very competitve from the start as both teams scored on their first offensive possessions.  Both team also scored defensive stops as both teams were feeling out each other and the brand new field design.


Nearing the end of the half, the Hitmen just scored to get within 3-2, when Onslaught called a timeout. They used this time to set up a final push in the 2nd quarter. They wanted to score since the HITMEN would be on offense starting the 3rd quarter. And with timely moves and good shooting Onslaught pushed across the point as time expired to make the score 4-2 at halftime.


The 3rd quarter was more defensive than offense as Onslaught only scored once while holding the HITMEN out of the endzone.  The 4th quarter saw fierce action in the snake as the Hitmen pushed two into the snake to try to push in a score.  But it was not to be for the Hitmen on this day as Onslaught went on to post a 6-2 win.


Onslaught(1-0) will now face Southern Illinois TREMOR(1-0) September 21st at 2:30.  For the Hitmen they must regroup, win the rest of their matches and hope for some help to get back into the title hunt.  Sundays 2nd match Anna Urban Assault(1-0) will take on GODS WARRIORS HALOS(0-1) at 4pm.  Thanks to all of the refs and Out of this world Paintball for all of the support.  See you this Sunday!

Onslaught wins over Hitmen 6 - 2


Onslaught (1 - 0)                                 Hitmen - (0 - 2)

Won: 6 - 2                                                        Lost: 2 - 6

Offensive Possessions - 8                                  Offensive Possessions - 7
Scores - 6                                                         Scores - 2
Defensive Chances - 7                                       Defensive Chances - 8
Defensive Stops - 5                                           Defensive Stops - 2


Flag Scores:                                                     Flag Scores:

Brock Jolliff - 1                                                Dave Morse - 2

Wade Moore - 3                                             

Travis Brandon - 2


Battle of the church teams

submitted by:  Wade Moore
The matchup between the two Church teams pitted GODS WARRIORS HALOS (0-0) against GOD WARIORS WINGS (0-1).  The Wings team was coming off their first match of the season against the powerful Southern Illinois Tremor team.  The Halos team were here for their first match of the season.
The Wings team came out strong and it showed that they had already played a match as they were finding the angles better than the Halos.  #1 Jared Jackson of the Wings team was the spark plug for the Wings as he ran the snake and scored some timely eliminations.  His biggest contribution was that he rarely got eliminated.  Mike "action" Jackson put together the lineups for the Wings and did a nice job of balancing the team.

The Halos team captain, Troy "beast" Graham, played the house bunker really good and was always moving his tape man up.  Micah "Squirt" Graham, Tyler "tiny" Johnson and Garrick "rick" Ward were aggressive but the Wings teams always seem to find their hoppers as they were eliminated by gun hits most of the time.
Kristin and Ashley Hankins kept the pressure on the Halos as they held down the tape lines and Raeshawn Ward made some key eliminations for the Wings team.
Going into the 4th quarter it was all tied up at 3-3.  The Wings team then started getting key eliminations in the snake and scored the final 2 points for a 5-3 win.  The two teams looked good on the field and it could have gone either way, but on this day the GOD WARRIORS WINGS took the win.


Wings wins over the Halos


GW Wings (1 - 1)                              GW Halos (0 - 1)

Won: 5 - 3                                                       Lost: 3 - 5

Offensive Possessions - 7                                 Offensive Possessions - 7
Scores - 5                                                        Scores - 3
Defensive Chances - 7                                      Defensive Chances - 7
Defensive Stops - 4                                          Defensive Stops - 2


Flag Scores:                                                     Flag Scores:

Jared Jackson - 4                                             Troy Graham - 3

Raeshawn Ward - 1

More pictures from these matches:


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