
Match Results 9-28-2008

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Tremor  nips Urban Assault in a defensive battle!

Submitted by:  Wade Moore

This match was an important one for both teams as a win for Tremor would keep them in the race for the season championship and Urban Assault needed to win to stay unbeaten and at the top of the season standings.

The sun came out for this match and warmed the field and the players to the point of sickness for a couple of players.  This match was a defensive scrap from the get go and it looked like another overtime match might happen.


The teams used their timeouts to put pressure on the each others offense and it worked as each time the defenses rose to the occasion and stopped the offenses.


Urban Assault pushed two down the snake to put the pressure on Tremors defense and it worked scoring a point.  Tremor rebounded and scored its lone point of the first half.  At half time it was all tied up at 1 apiece.


The 3rd quarter and most of the 4th quarter was ruled by both defenses.  Tremor had one more opportunity on offense to score before the end of the game and they finally put together their teamwork and with some lucky shots took out Urban Assault for a 2-1 lead.


It wasn’t over yet as Urban Assault called a time out with 1 minute and 22 seconds left in the match.  They did their best as once again they pushed two down the snake and one up the middle.  But this time, time ran out as both teams had their markers firing as fast as they could.  The end result was a hard fought defensive battle that goes to Tremor 2-1.  This puts both of their season marks at 2 wins and 1 loss.


The season title is still up for grabs as Urban Assault needs to beat Carbondale Onslaught to put them in good position for the title.  Tremor needs Urban Assault to beat Onslaught and they need to beat the defending champions Harrisburg HITMEN for them to force a three way tie for the season title.  We will see if any of these teams look past their matches with the rookie squads of Walnut Grove GODS WARRIORS Halos and Wings and let their title hopes get upset.

Tremor - (2 - 1)                                Urban Assault (2 - 1)

Won: 2 - 1                                                       Lost: 1 - 2

Offensive Possessions - 9                                 Offensive Possessions - 9
Scores - 2                                                        Scores - 1
Defensive Chances - 9                                      Defensive Chances - 9
Defensive Stops - 8                                          Defensive Stops - 7


Flag Scores:                                                     Flag Scores:

Joel Psioni – 2                                                  Baron Archey - 1

More pictures from this match!


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