
Match Results 10-12-2008
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Onslaught stays unbeaten vs. Wings

Submitted by:  David Morse


October 12th pitted this year’s powerhouse team against the up and coming God’s Warriors Wings.  The mood was relaxed in both teams’ pits and this spilled over to the fans on hand as well.


Wings had one new player added to the mix in Darryl Osman who was making his debut for Wings and in the SIPA.  In a show of sportsmanship Onslaught declined to use a coin flip and yielded both the flag and end choice to Wings.


For most of the match you could tell Onslaught held back a bit to allow the Wings to get in some bunker time.  In the first half however, as luck would have it, the veteran Slaught teams’ precision shooting was catching a lot of wings players at opportune times scoring many eliminations for Slaught with several matches going quickly with no players on Onslaught being eliminated.


This definitely rattled the cages of GWW as they were used to being a bit more competitive.  Add to this that fact that they also seemed to be having equipment malfunctions frequently in their games.  Some SIPA staff went to help Wings several times but could not seem to get down to the core issue.  Finally during the halftime break one of the staff traced the problem to their paint not their equipment.  Wings had some old misshaped paint mixed in with their fresh paint.  This was causing a lot of intermittent misfeeds.  Once the problem was properly identified the issue was resolved and the rest of the day things went much better for GWW.  At the half Onslaught led 3 to 0.


The second half went a bit better for Wings as they frequently would get shots in on several of the Onslaught players unfortunately most of them bounced.  Brock Jolliff was spotted eating mass amounts of jello during the match and it worked as he was frequently hit, but the paint was bouncing off of him for most of the match.  However, in the late part of the third quarter during one of Onslaughts offensive possessions both teams’ luck would change as Wings made a push on the top side of the field and scored one elimination after another making a successful stop against Slaught.


That was the only time Wings would be able to handle onslaught as the match would end with Onslaught closing out the match 5 to 0.  Wings showed they could be competitive when they played more like a team and Slaught showed they could have fun and still do what the were supposed to do.

Onslaught (3 - 0)                              GW Wings  (1 - 2)

Won:  5 – 0                                                      Lost:  0 – 5

Offensive Possessions - 6                                 Offensive possessions - 7
scores - 5                                                         Scores - 0
Defensive Chances - 7                                      Defensive Chances - 6
Defensive Stops - 7                                          Defensive Stops - 1
Flag Scores:                                                     Flag Scores:

Wade Moore - 5                                              None


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