
Match Results 10-26-2008
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Hitmen beat out GW Wings

Submitted by: Wade Moore



This match pitted two teams with 1-2 records going at each other.  After stumbling out of the gates with a tough 0-2 record, the Hitmen were playing much better as a team.  The Wings team is made up of rookies and had not practiced at all before this match and with the Hitmen playing better; this was not a good combination for the Wings.


The Wings did come out and started scoring single eliminations on the Hitmen rather quickly.  But the Hitmen used their experience to still attack the inexperienced Wings to either score on offense or hold on defense.  The Wings played more aggressive and had some really good forward moves by Darrel Osman and Mike Jackson.  Seeing her first action of the season was Cassidy Boulds who played some good ball and was not an easy target.  The same could also be said for Ashley Hankins as she played did a nice job of playing her bunkers and defended her side really well.

But in the end the experience of the defending champions took over and they took the win, 6-0. I want to thank the teams for their great sportsmanship and on a well played game.



Hitmen  (2-2)                                    GW Wings  (1-3)

Won: 6 - 0                                                       Lost:  0 - 6
Offensive Possessions - 6                                 Offensive possessions - 6
Scores - 6                                                        Scores - 0
Defensive Chances - 6                                      Defensive Chances - 6
Defensive Stops - 6                                          Defensive Stops - 0
Flag Scores:                                                     Flag Scores:

Dustin Morse - 3                                              None

Carl Brasher - 2

David Morse - 1



Onslaught remains unbeaten against Urban Assault


Onslaught wins by a score of 3 – 0 over Urban Assault.  The game ended after the first quarter.

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