
Match Results 11-02-2008
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Tremor shuts down Halos

Submitted by:  Wade Moore


On a beautiful day for paintball, GODS Warriors Halos were looking to notch their first win of the 2008 season against a powerful Southern Illinois Tremor team. Tremor was coming off a hard fought 2-1 win over Anna Urban Assault and The Halos were coming off a tough loss to the defending champion Harrisburg HITMEN.


The match started off with Tremor winning the first point. You could see that the Halos had some nervousness against the way more experienced Tremor team as they came out of the gate playing defensively. But that didn’t last too long into the match. After Tremor took a 2-0 lead, the Halos seem to find overdrive as they became way more aggressive. Tyler Johnson started ruling the snake battle as he bunkered his opponents two different times. And when Tyler was held down in the snake, JR Brown took care of a Tremor player trying to bunker Tyler. The Halos offense was stellar and only some sharp shooting by Tremor captain, Mat Cannon kept the Halos out of the endzone. Halos captain, Troy Graham and Tyler Johnson made a great duo as they worked together on several occasions. Halos big guy, "Ziggy' was on as well, as he made some great shots and great moves to the "x" bunker.


Tremor made some mental mistakes as well as they failed to cross the goal line for scores, not once, not twice, but on three different occasions.  (Maybe it was a mistake, maybe it was intentional, only Tremor knows for sure).  Tremor seemed surprised by the inspired play of this rookie team and after the match told the Halos how greatly improved they were.

The final score was 2-0 in favor of Southern Illinois Tremor. For Tremor, their season ends against the Harrisburg HITMEN on the last day of the season. A win for Tremor gives them sole possession of 2nd place for the season. The HITMEN will be trying to close out a disappointing season for the defending league champions at 3-2 and a share of 2nd place.

Tremor - (3 - 1)                                GW Halos (0 - 3)

Won: 2 - 0                                                       Lost: 0 - 2

Offensive Possessions - 6                                 Offensive Possessions - 6
Scores - 2                                                        Scores - 0
Defensive Chances - 6                                      Defensive Chances - 6
Defensive Stops - 6                                          Defensive Stops - 4


Flag Scores:                                                     Flag Scores:

Jeff French – 1                                                 None

Mat Cannon – 1

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